Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Nov 2005, p. 15

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Champion Country Tuesday November 29, 2005 -AI5 Event attendees learn a lot about Internet safety Special to The Champion Naissagassteya résidents recels cd somne staggeriiug- statistics cega[dittg Internet safety froin the Hahton Régional Police Serv ice ai the Salé Living Sertes éent held in Campbellviîle last Tuesday. The second évent co-ordtuiated by the Nassagaweya Commtnity Conisultation Commtittee (NCCC) Nvas beld ai the Campbells ille Lions Hall and %vas attended by about 50 residents siho leamned their cbjîdren could be in danger Nvhilc on the computer. "On average, 65 per cent of kids have had sexual conversations in chaîrooms (on the Internet)," said Halion police Consi. Wettdy Moraghan. -Sexual predators lurk in chaitrooKms and kîds are their biggesî tac- gels." Const. Moragbau oltered mnany tips to parents on hosv to manage the lIemnet use in thetr homes tucluding putîng the com- puter in a higb-traffic area. bas îng an Internet contract %viîb children and encour- agîng open dialogue about vi bai kicîs sec Ont the Net. Shie also brought to lîglît a Ic\s tîtitis tes- idetits rnay ti(t lias e thought il pres iously. -Do tut sel ain tili ciipuier uttl Liusetke il tou a priîlessiontal iii lias ai persitual infoirmtion ciitripped Ini-t lich liaid druýe: she said. -As iscîll il y iaiae a Webcaiii. coi er tl up ss hen y îu'ire nit usîng iî trn im tocýard the vall. Webcatiis can be tumned on (roui ait outide source and people caui spy on you.- lu addition 10 the Internet safety presen- taton. other guesi speakers încluded Doin Thorne from Miltcîn Hydro discussîng the energy crnsis in Ontario and future plants ici belp balance supply and demand: Bill Gallow«ay oif Duffertu Aggregates dis- cusstng the réhabilitaîtion oif the Miltcon Quarty and that -through proper rebabilita- tion planning, we can have a natural ber- itage system wîth boîh wildlife and recre- Lighthouse Program needs volunteers Foîr seven years nuis, a cunique priigratn has been servtng Halttt chltdren aîîd teens sî,ho have lost scîmetîtte cloîse to them. Through suppot grîîups ai the Lîghthouse Prîîgram for Grieving Children, youths are able te, relax and be amongst people who know wbaî ihey're going ihrougb. The Oakville-based program ix currenily looking for volunteers - group facilitators and support companions -tii ensure none of ils programming suffers. Volunteers must be able to attend every group for the sehool year. lI's also inviîing kids and teens who would benefit from the programto1 check it oîut. Any cbild or teen wbo has lost a parent, sîbling, relative or close frîend is welcome tii loin free oif charge. The suppot grcîups mun trîîm Septenîber tii Jutue, mîeeting every cuber sveek tir abîout tîvît hîturs. The jîrtgratin s liicated ai 82 Wilsont St., near Kerr Street and Lakesliirc Botulevard. Fotr imite infoîrmationî, raIl li905) 337- 2333. eligiticci îîî loii thie lîtvî 01 Miltont (lis cussiîîg the sauditîg, saltting. atnc clearttng oh Haltitt ritacs ibis itter. There ivere îîîaîy bîîuîhs set up ariicind the perîmeter oif tîte rcîîîî (ti lcocal bctsi- nesses andl crgantaitiitis sncb as Haltitt EMS, the Coi cperattirs, Halicin Regicon Health Departiietit. Water Depot. CrirneSîiippers. andc buîîh the Canadiati Chamupicon an c uHaLlitn Citupass nevs- papet s. Alîbuîugh attendauce ivas less titan the prevîctus event held iu March cil thîs year. ibis Sale Livinîg Series présentatiot was very infocrîmative aîd s ucces stul. saici NCCC Chair Stu Juihustotu "The attendatîce (îvas) a lîttle dîsapputitt ing as ive isere expecting cîînsiderably mitre people but I believe t ivas a success tioueîbeless.- hc stated. LOSE WEIGHT TH-E RIGH{ WAY EW haudIsr midheuegi &ME nmoe coles - & Wrg V 11111111111 kcdre yw s.oi Pdi111111111 - cail 310.TRUE and bue the ULTIMATE YOU wvww. truesta r. com Clirk cv Testimortînls O NcUTiiuos 1 c EX vIS VUAMIuS AIA UD 1tui lSLEP- Truestûr for Womfen'- Nutrition & Fitness Centers Totl lHealt Progranis based ont the worlds ieadmg heM walti- www. truestarthealth .com o R Fie moî CoadiIng Most clubs clwg.l $504S100 for petional U*atln. Coacing It aR 5 key ocs f health, lncludlng oeClse, lb fiee ai usw Centei C06achesf fSiimnbMi to dsvellop total health progsnat ua"Me. Miucceti welght lons on lte road to opiicau healtit o cSltowS ftxesels ProiMfa Trueta Centmr ham optIon for eVet"ne. Custoized exocIse prag'ans arm deslsud for a fl is d lewirs of muteos (beglnne4 Intenndase, adauXto. The. pro9w ki.hsde càttitopdoçulc4astlo workotîts and fee-wiet gttons. Gi Giaaramîeed weiglf Loss. t The Truestar Welght I-ass Program bas been so effective that weight loss is guaranteed or your money (s refunded. Gi Top-Rateet. Dcrrcîo-Foysutate Suppiements Taking the right vitamins and 4upplements everyday is essentiat for vitality Immunity and wetlness. Tniestar Centers offer à professional series of vitamins and suppiements foe 500l medical condtIons Gi AWIde pogma. Wlh the pioper mottvatIont and goal plan, You can improve ai areas of your tfl. Truester wl show you how to set goals and how 10 reach ihem successfutfr. O 9erep nid RtbIma Sleep ls ofien the overlooced key area of heati. The Trîtestar Steep Program and naturat steet, alds will assîst with your total weighî moss and overai sense of wett-being. Milton - 575 Ontario Street (at Derry & Ontaria) H a 1 t on Regional Police Const. Laurel Barnett talke wlth Jan Chaffay of a Burllngton C om m un 1t y Consultation Comm Ittee (CCC) during the Safe Living Srles heid In Campbeiiviile st flJesday. It was the second such event hoet- ed bythe Naa- agawaya CCC.

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