rine C.anaotan Ch2ampion, t uesaay N-ovembe- 15, 2005tt - 23 Drves enra Hlptrp 1PGeilHalskid & Skid z +1ls M.MmmmmL - m Tecirh n ica!î Hei 1p Technical Heip MaeIt Bus D~ e . 510a" s *Are you a stay-at-homne parent? *Too young te really retire? *Need a part-time income? We offer free top notch training and competitive viages in a positive and supportive env ronment. Cal Stock Transportation 1.800522.3732 or 905.829.2040 oakvapps@stodc-transprtom wwstoctrn.prtation.cerm d-STOCK ýeI Help tWi eip Il k iHGnraelp Looking for a great opporturiity? Hitcss mosulilo is e to bc evsssred sith Ilrnai sfit. insu parl match RRSP. pession, ,afet , biesi and citshing aliesç-. eppe;rtunim fir gr(eeih ansii maniinc-ntise%? (tîardiai iFlsergia.%N is a is-ading manufacturer cf re.sidentiai fihe--gl uinslation ssiih position oes-ings foir: Supers isor/Téam Leader firr,rrrrlida ai forircar ndoci er1a11rat harri, marc ai arrth amrr l irhilii. i,' rrlaag pel \rcl 11rat h i il, ar our chedule, o\,-ra rilici >%cekari,Ï tr aeaaeka tioriin ihri rrrrrla rrr \1i SI tth'at p ivrr tapa r a a i prajr r r ,dc dirr r \.,L lira. rnaIal a , r ir r . rr Production %Norkers '1iI4.111I ir teari nrt en e~It.t r allier 6 mttîrii rit rr[<rrrra.rrr ra.rrr iLilýI -h l'O1IN\TI.11I 1<>0 li'R. 01 ÎIR S40,000eltil'ý 1l Il R. kIi, l ' - 1, 1, ii jolir 1(ir r l rrrr rer ir),! ar r r or aier ,ra Cr ,r ea rratar crm fr urirar a0n,.n arrrr< ,rr rrr r ,i Ile,, rl rue a aýr <errer a, rrir arrrr rerrur r, ir rarrr,rrrirre ,11, aiare- heIora o 'trrea-arin arrlr rarrpîrirrr ý [aIli),r , ;(rurain trri i.4aa 'I liharrir lii 1 1i0 tE trrri r ramX I;arrr rrr h_ in i I r r r .rral:Ir r O>rtrr Il%%\ 244 rrrrra 'l tr'i rrr rrrrrr, ea.r t rrre i<rirt rrrrc r ra riai ra moi rrrr rrriji 1 ,rri[rr " rar r mo ir, < ratrt (,uardian ti sheei'tesr, incs. r% axi gqurU Oppceîunxcsi I îxpisîee We are hiring permanent full time for the following position: Grocery Manager Assistant Deli Manager Dishwashers Cashiers Bread Bakers Pastry/Kitchen Hei Counter Staff Pteas emiiireiins to: oîksitfrapplntsersiiciiCcdsncri id et/ua t 9i0u-81t.ui94 ndu fiea or stop tir ouf Custcmet seice whctif<'adiiutii t.Ccm RETAIL Furnîture Outiet requîtes full-lime (Oalvi Morriston & ful-lime 'Iï Please fax resame 905-842-5226 WANTED: Cushion filler and/or Uphoister for leather furniture manufacturer. Cai Vito @ 905-864-6245 JU .O CLECT** td frtairarrita. i t rr grarmeng tearo, lttr postron as hase en par Banitronc Head Offrce. The erare durres of tho rote rocli managemenr cf oco accoants, cocracr rg casrcmers for moores owireg rercoocrirarron of accoacis and fotiow op on prohiero accoants, The ideai caed diare vril haae r-2 years Accorants Recervaoe experreece, be proicorn n the ase of Excel aod Word and Crowli eoqe of JD Eowards woraid oe ae asset rererested candrdates soad emar resarore 10 hr@gerrie.com Plvase ecarare thc aboce tie ot r,' o'r Cottector is placen rr thec! a[[trer or tax lu 905-681-1774, or hp mai to GERRIE ELECTRIC WHOLESALE LtMITED 4104 South Service Rd., Burtington Ontario L7L 4X5 efl !lise ae.W 'vo [r r"ite'r vew c,1 ce 'err' r 'vo SCAN-ROSS Environmentai Services Lid. =a s 2270 South Service Rd. W. Oakeitie, Ontaaio L6L 5M9 We are a Progressrve Entrepreneeral Company trial specrairves in Eir'oornerai tndesrra Prodants We reguire Genera Lahourers for oar Producrtion area. Ptease Fax 905-847-7175 or mail f address above) yu resume Attenion Mit-ko Tidi. Te.tee yrer tor rcoponoreg. buti oty guatrt ri r'oaatc Car Oc'ontea ' ac ac mowS'dgcd Ptease no phone catis [Consaltrans a drason of Livregsoro tetereatrona to1ýlc 5s curreniiy acceptrrog applicaions for inOkle Mus beable to het p to5o os and SayShoes are reg cd Cure opeo ng ince PandPoas daft aheooo Apl n witin g indicating shit preterence tou 405 The West Mail, Suite 400 Toronti, ON M90 5K7 caree-s@i c ngstunintl.com AiAir Conditionin & Heatin Comprettensive bentellt package, txdustry experience an aeset. [ hon: 95-8-249a x:905 8449722 richardmiron@al aîrcondttioning.ca DON'T MISS OUT! Great Opportunity in Burlington! Prof it of $600 -$800 Guaramreed Moerhiy Pies Gas Subsrdy Eariy morereg door to door Delivery of the Hamilton Spectator & Toronto Star Mrshi aae Reirabie Vehrcte. 7 dapo a week Cail Now 905-639-7700 FREE TRAINING -Laîdlaw is lookrng for R ETIR EE S and HOMEMAKERS ou ,0er ou' GREAT TEAM ai School Bus Drivers 905-877-2251 or 905-877-4448 ia ru rîra tcrr c a bi tarrr t t'rrrt d i rrrîrrr de trri an bit I o r a r ('as: fax- 47-221 9-702 da457 4 Announce your Christmas Crafi or Ilake Sale in the Ctoday! 1 1 113S C ilFD )N Plaefxrsm o905-877-9111 orm Cali 905-877-5004 Atteton Con nie or Grace SASCARRIERS * Reable ndivduai eedea O r *do ocr oo aaloge deelve I Cal 905-873-0103 lae message with came phone and aoa es Emal echoo@oannet FULL TIME position availabie on Thorough- *bred Horse Farm near Acion Tire rgir perI on wil ecce the c tdcoo ire conc rabe *with phyial wc k and iCe wc Ceng ihi wlig Iotanpove cpero ha want e Cati 519-853-4992 afler 4:OOpm FulTm oiinatCRVES in Acton Wol' ceres fles og nztn s lookig for eu~ ~ ~ ~ ~~g eav mooloigprsnl and loe Io work ing o te wokloce Fx rsu c Iomen905-7028790 j~pp~nîie~ Retai e .FFI FCTRONIC Acz;FMP5 JLan Il Cc sclig arna stripprng cire. rmprng aod soiderrog certaco, readreg orawrego aed ochemaros. Mrn. 3+ yeaos hands-on experrence, Etecirono Tecorrcrae dîpioma reqerred. Famrirarip wrih lSO serrreg an asset. Hoerp Pare $r0 ra hour e henefris, 40 tour work week. Srartieg saierp hased on combrearron of oCils, edecatroo aod cex perreoce. Picase Qeore AD #049 Senid cucer ietter & renume to: BHC Cabie Assembiies mnc. Emal: amanda@bhccabie.com Fax: 905-634-4814 Deadise: Nue. 25/05 DOty candidates 'hooco tor an inererw crrtt bc conracicd Aosoltey no phonie cete. PARTS MANAGER A long, es[aoiasned Import ileaiershp seeko proa cen persoo wrto et ieasr 3 years seccesfrat parro management eeperrece Experrence crrh ADT systemo an asse Top saary c Bonus. Excellent Benefris. We encourage fou to contac os by seodreg pour reseme 1u0 WBC Cxrpoate Set-vices 1750 The Oxeensway, Sute 1209 Toronto, ON. M9C 5H5 ASSISTANT BUVER/PRODUCT MANAGER îegerrna Appircacr shoeid have a background re commercial prciect irghrrrg Sales ceperreece an asset Excel a musr Piease remit yoxe eesxme tai R.AM. Lightixg 300 Oronte Street S., Milton, ON L91' 2X6 or tax lu: 905-978-3642. Oxty coxsds-ed applicaxts witt be contacted. Auionsales SUPERC T1 FULLTIMEAND ART-IMEGreat Estabohcd faml ou cuies os igfor selfPe .hul a r.taIe pepl P4P C a c li I o, decoralg an ar compensal1n +crm isnoi a Pce Por 8oou Rtai eprn c urd id icmmrhrn ePcre1ý crise Bergm me Pain and Weipa- and beneilS Saper ococfis honuas Gtipr, ~ Mie, ýc 71ai C package ava!able Tn fTann 1 Fee pair of" chere i.,81 ceb or ca5ge ce Z + 17 416.274.4098 Cai95531 CWATHAI REl OfiHep OffceHei j Hirsty it 1M naem n jOpenng SoonIn MILTONj IPrecm Guaranccod noarp pay e comm, honues jAnosai Pap tecreace Unhearabe benits Eupm n rie No endede ji Piease contact Jeon @905-220-061 3, 1-877-700-0062 ut-fax t-esame' 905-875-3897 Jr. Accountinqi Manager regraired by Bertingtonb ased compaop 2-3 pear OMA or CGA stedent with 2-3 pears accoentng ecperronce, good computer knowledge, benofît management knowtodge, eecellent corsa, written commenicaton skifls and the ability ta thoice te a fst-Daced mlr faceted enairomeni e offer a chaltengrn g & rew Please send Burlingtan Post, 5040 Burlington, L7L BERîCAR oa aed <r Burlbxgton is a major surpplier of i7 Pqci r Mn cldd Cioatr es tir thr heacrage arrd food ar We uffer excellentt wilages and beneis. Maintenance Technician hro wiii e respotishtetaorti th e tosiori gand iepairo injctior r o cgr iprocr r < hgrr sper f parkagirrg spstems, ar i relter pli nt sysreers as weii as for peoformrng prcacrrtacv mtena cec, oprrorr spsrerr efc rerrores, arrr carrtirrtrr docrrrenairr n. Worrrg 8 or 12 herrr day shrfts <reder mrîrtmarrr ssperson, eotr orrst «ave gond commnicatron siris, a reiared trades ceortifrcaic or a minirrmtrf 05 yprs' relevanr epeorece in arr rndrrsrra matrirfacîarrg se0îrng, acd srrpctor iroahiesftrrg skiffs. A compercîri background enompaorrtg Huskp, Nelsiai, aird Arbarg ttrjecticc trîcig spuremi, plastric trocessng, hydraulics, poeentcs, ciectîrcai, PFC, and PC hardware and software ru preterred. Thrs postier effers a pay range ci $25.44 te $28.47 pet iroun and nray incide ooertrne For a chance no work rn a dlean oneiroormee wrrh an rrdusîry leader, pleaoe appfy to tIl Deparient BEIIICAP 535 Syscon Court. Butiogion ON Lit 6C5 Fax: 905-lÏM-58126 e-mail: hc.na@bericap.com r 'i Nrrr.av , rQo, Irr,rae, TJ/BERICAP S7erca.co -* ardîng work eneircerment.j resumne ta: Mainway Dr., Unit #1l 7G5, Bau #2077. RECEPTIONISI Data Entry Persan reqerred for an Dat. vile mfg facilityp Fiee- oe P T position, Knowleoge of ACC- PAC Plus and Micro- ooft Office would 0e an aoset. Fae pour resame aOcn Jim. 905-827-1600 ar e-mail to jim@ haaperwelding como iAtqe Cars 1959 Trrcmph TR3 A, Cempiete body oit res- <erairor 3 pears agc. Piebciti ecatre ara overdrree trarsmrssron. Rack and prerer dccir rex corversron. alrerna- tcr ana eiectirc tac Paittc an British raerrg green wrih tan rnterror. New chrome Dayier wire wheets ara new wtdle irack radral rrres. Tan inarhcrioeeh con terihe tnp. Prrce cegc trahie. Phone Bob rrr Georgetowne 905 702- 1745 a