A16 -The Canadian Champion, Tuesdlay, November 15, 2005 Dateline booîk ailî .llîllilllcll Itî tlîe toîît cine îîcall (1)05) 87x I 68 I. The Haltîtîx hrancli îf ihe Canadian Mcental Hcaith Axssociation,î together xvith Chîxîces 4 l-eaih, hosîs its secontd workplacc heaith symposium. eîtiîlc 'Statndintg Suili ix Nîît ait Optiotn'. ai Ratîlesnakc Point Golîf Club, 54017 Rcgiînnai Rîtad 25. front 8:301 air. te iniln. lits dcsigiied for wvîrkplacc decisioît inrakers. huitat lcclixll.atîîl tcc is $00ît. lîti moreiî Informaîîtionîiît tt îcgîst cî. l tIllti fialiton Rcgiîti hcalih dcparimnn ai )) 1)25-6tX),t cxi. 2)4 tir vîxît xwvx.hailttn.regiîîtt.îtitcatîcalth. The"oxx tif lMilieu invitcs the public iii its Community Drop- In tii vicxs the preîpnscct design umor thc Towxn Hiall cxpansion,. ast quesionx anîd chait viîtî ttîc archîicct frott 6:30 tî 8:30 p.m. ai Towni Hall Victoria Park. 43 Browns Si. Itor niore informîationt, cal I (90)5) 878- 7252, exi. 2 187, oîr vlii wx.milttti.ca. The (vîtîvdîaiî Mettiat lceaiîh Assoiatîion ioluds 'SAMS: Soit Aitllisthcrcx Mitutît Suppiiri., a discu.ssion/sharing meeting l'or tlîîsc attecicci by a tînîtui oîr aiîxiciy dîsîîîdcr. Il takes pice frot 7 te 9) p tii. ut G racc Angircant lîurih. 3 17 Maîin St. iiir morc infirt Fridav Nov. 18 Hligti xchîîîîl xtîiiict itircxied tri playing a gaule ot pootil arc tus îîcd iii droip hy The Deck youth centre. 21X) Matît St. (rcal ctitrancc t, froti 7 tii Il p.îîî. Kiti (ilîiliillity (hîrctix Junioîr Yt'îh firiiîp. tîîî .îgcx luneî (î I3. hîildx ilx (razy Gaine Night truitt 0:.45 ii 8.45 lxiii ai I()) N lpissitlg Rd.. tunt -; For more infoirmtaiti. call I 90) 2991122291 lîr c tîxîtl icii iii ktîîcîî liîilitx cuin The Mit Seiors' Xcîîx tx (Centrc, 5(X)) ChlÈ r hîlxr.filîs ilx C'omputer Club Meeting Iii Icanii abouît comîîpusîîr shiare kilo\%x tcdgc Flic cîixi is $2 tir îciiieihcrx anîd sý4 lut i ni mitîcîters. ti liild-, uchre h I 130p Iiil.a aî îoîsî ot $2 for îiîbcrx. s4 tiii non- îciibcnrx andî il) cclnis tor prî/cx. (ontract bridge tiakcx plaice .îî 10I .n. 'l'li cxi is $2 foîr iieniihcrx and t4'oîr ilm -inîcrîn bel,, 'l'lc Fridai Night Miovie ix hcld fron 7 i t 1l put. fcaturitti Thc Taleîîicî Mr. Riîxlcs.T Flic uii sSC ý_.\nh ilx Campbelliville Evening Bid Euchre Party takcx pîlaxce .îî 73 Im ii.î itîc io, I-tl lit ('iîîiipthcll lIc. 'Flic cuixi ix ý5) Folli moeiiii îîlîîeî.îîî. Saturdai Nus. 19 'llie t îiitcl ',ix\ ofi Miltonî lîildx ixtý lîî ici)te Iown and (etuntrý (Christmuas flouse Tour lncIxs cii 1() aliii andîu 4 lii t cct lii5 echi andîî arc ais.ilahlc .îîîîîîîî tisuniiihx x.illiilc lthe United offxiiîce it (905) N)75-550. -l'cie lialtin iii uxcuit lîtuiatiiiî hîîlîtx ilx Ileartbxide I)inner .îi Kclsoiî, k tcvîtuî ngui- th chic luncs ofh Nomei kictc anid frîends. Foir moîrc information, vs it www.rcgion.haltoin.iin.ca/museum/ncwsevents. Tickets coxt $45 cach and include dînncr. Foîr ticktsx cul! (91)5) 8)75-22f))), cxi. 2 1. Euchre takcs placc ai 7:30 p.m. ut Homby Co-operatîve Nursery Schîîol. Evcryiînc's wclcomc te attend. The Wimcn's Centtre, suitc 210) in Hopedale Mail] ut Rcbccca Strect and Thîrd Line. iii takville hîîlds ius free Peer Counselling by velunteers in persie tir îîvcr thc phoîne froxnt 10) arn. te nîncn teir xvimeiî tacing abuse, gricf/less and relaîîîînxhip issues. Ih alxît lîîldx a xcminar cnîiilcd 'Discover Your Inner Healer' frîîm I1) arn. ii 3 p.mn. ai Hcariiiiîci by thc Lake iii Burlîngeîîn. The coxi ix $21 lior mitre inlinatiiîi orv ii rcgisîcr caîl (905) 8)47-5520). Saturday Nov. 19 - 20 Coîuntry Hcritagc Park. 8)560 Trcnxaînc Rd., prescoîs ils fieritAge Parade of Lights xsith gaies uîpenîug ai 6:30 p.m. and flic parade xiarting ai 7 pin. xsîîh vînîagc tractors and machincry dcîiatcd xx îh fcstivc lipixt. Plus. mcci the Claus family and their clxcx andi cîîjîy rclrcxhnixnt atcr the paradc it thc hcaîed (kînbrel Barîn. Acdmixsioîn ix bv caxh doniatîion. Feir more informua- tutu.ý caîl i(905) 8)78-815I1, or vîsît xwwwx.cunryheriagepark.com. Monday Nov. 21 The Miltonî aîîd Dixtrict Hîîvniuultirl Sîciety huolds itx Awards Night and Pot Luck Supper .îî 7:301 p.m. ai the Roiyal Canadian 1-coiiiu _'1 C'harlex St. WIllxprîng Haltton-PeeI. a xuppoirt grîîup foir cancer paitients and îhcîr timilicx. hîîlds ils LAe Afier Cancer support group irexm 7 iii 8.3)) p.ni. a 2545 Sîxîh Liune iii Oiakx ilIc. Foir mitre infuormaion. cili 9X)5 i 257-1988.) lThe Wiimeix ('enre. xa-tt 21) in Flixpediale Maill ai Rebccv Strect ,iuc(Third t ice. iii ()vîkxiI l iilcx ilx free Peer Counxeliing hx s Iîiitecrx uni perxiii or lix i the phoîne trtu 10) v.m. ii 3 p.m. toii xx îîîîcîî h.îcîîîc abhusc e, anx ,d relaîîîînxtîp ixsuex. Foi- moreîî inforvmatvionîî or iii ieixtel. Cai 19105) 8)47-552)) llie Miltii Seiorx, Act1ixý kCntie c. 5iX) khildx Dr.. hîîldx ilx (' herC'ale Inuit I ii 4 p.ii T he coiixi ix $2 foîr ixcubers aiid $4 liv Iîîîiicibcx hîîldx bid euchre atI. 13) p.iii ai the xsanie cîîxt Icîr hme itriîiaiiîi caîl (90) 875-168 1. Oýr2mlinCndas ohaulm adcide r igoe ihdabtsTp n ye2aesros iessadcnla otesil -opiatos -an pepl are -nwr -hï - -yee aetedsaeTi sepcal agrusbcue ihu rprtetet ibtscnl -o - - - - - -n - eekdesnregmsadteh tcr lo as er dsaeI acpol wt ibts r oetar vjea Oikl as mill i ou udîunsboruls od er clde o un diugoe ihdaee.yeiudTp r eia iessai a edb1exti You can heip raise diabletes awarenoss by familiarizing yourself with these warning signs: Extreme persistent thirst .Frequent urination Uneupluineit weight ioss tlurry eyesîght S)nwly heuling sures Dry, itchy skin Luss ut feeling or tingling in feet If yuu experience une ur mure ut these symptumo, consult pour ituctur for iabetles tenting. Bp detectîng und cuntrullieg iuetleu eur)y, you can reduce yuur risof et elupîng heurt diseuse and uther harmfa) oite ettects ut dîuheteu. Robert (Pie) Lee Life Inm ncei Agenrcy etnw 31 peau dé eowda.re &maua" Bob Lee bob@robertleelnsuranoe.com Kim Mitchell CSNADAkim@robedlieeinsurance.com 245 Commercial St. MILTON LgT 2à3 a Office 878-5786 a Fax 878-3692 Niaa.mcf eîatmu cùi n f ic Heritage Satety Produets Mt. R.M. <BOB) Harrison 617 Main St. E. Milton, ON 905-876-1111 1-888-829-9922 Fax: 905-876-2023 heritagesafety@on.aibn.com Lagin and regtdi~'at www.miItonrotarycltib 'ar!n vlew Items ani bld anytime! lYjWEUAMoon UVE on Cage, 14... SAT. NOV. 26TIH 5:3Opm to 12 midnight 905-693-8261 or bld on the WEB Help the Mlitton Rotary' Club tu extend ils ranch of contributions to worthy causas loto our communi>' and hoandi Wath fr he hamio I s onNvm r2 Iih COPlt L S OfAlIe DIABETES AND VOUR FEET \ppro xinattîx 201) of kn idiauxs oe the agt et 40i haix s yic 2 diahctcx. aîn cxcii -rCater nîînxb11Cr ,îre unaware thex ha\e dî,îhctcx Dî.îbctcx is a dtxcvîxc thai dcx elops froet the bedîxs înit, tiioipri dîxý c iic i txit u te precex the food \x c eli liiio circx, tht thc hidi eqircx ler noîrmali fuîtctîîîtî W~hat cao happen to îiiur Iret? A highi pertcentate et ttîe diahetic pepulatitn xxii dcxeep teet prebteixs Thexecontditions rcxutt front peor circulation antdî dccrcaxed sensation iii the feet. Poor circulation I Periphceral vaxcular îtixcaxc) leadx te a decreaxe in htood xuppIý, xxhidi nermnatti pros dcx nutrition and oxygen te the xkin. As a rexuli the fcet can seit. becorne dry, and head toxstly xvhcn tnjurcd. Dccreased scnsatioîn (Neuropathy) mnai atliîw ohinor in.juries te the foot te go unnoticed and if lefi untreaird, infecîed wounds can develop and in severe cases amputations rcquired. What can you do? People with diabetes cari easily develop foot problems. IL ix important for anyone with diahetes te take good care of hix or her feci. Prevention is the best treatmenî. Inspect your feet daily look for blixters, ruts, scrapes. comns/callus and pressure areas. L ix a good idea te have your feet examined by a foot specialixi ai least every six montihs. They wili monitor the cir- culation and nerve status of your feet and recommend uny treaiment if necessary. Diabetic Foot Care Do's and Do Not's DO DO NOT Inspeci teet daily Wvîsh unit dry carefaiiy Lookt insîde yonr shoex ior lîbiecîx Uixe creamn le inîxsunize the (cet Wear shiiex/xocks thai fit properly Cal hie mails xiraighi ac nîss Soak you fret Walk barefoo Use medîcateit cern pads Treai your fret wih sharp ubjecîs Weare shoes/socks ihat hart t se Heaîîng pads Elisabeth Hibbert BSc, DCIi Chiropodist Foot Specialist 3006 Derry Rd., Suite 105, Milton 905-876-1132