The Canadian Champion, Friday, November i1, 2005 - A9 a, 7N jy Region hosts health symposium The Hlaiton Region Health Depaitrent xxiii hosi its second vx orkpiace health symposium Thursday. Entitied 'Standing Stiti is flit ant Option'. the exenti s designed tor xvorkpiace decision inakers. brimitr resource proiessionais anrd rccutpa- tionai heaiib practitioners. B utlding Haitoni* economnY tu, rixes more thati mîachines. buildings and prirduri.'* said Haiton Regitnai ('hatinnan Jiryte Sax oline. "Emptryex are the heart tri every business. anrd xx rrkpiace healib is anirmnprtant part tri ibis equation. Thle inxesttxrett ellrpioy- ers irrake rn xxtrkpiace heaitb pror grains, tînt -14nl berefits iiier irrgant/atini but ix air irisestîrerri tir their etrpiiryees anrd the coirrniii- Iirty. The keyinîre preseniaîti xxiii t eatître Dr. Lîtîda Duxbury frot Carletorn ltisersity 's Spirrtî Sciirtr tri Business. Dr. i)uxbuiy xxiii etîxer miajr i ssues eirncertiitg ettipitîsce steit beîrg. irciuding, xx rkiîrads anid offiîce technntritr , and tlie li k beteen etupliryee xxei beting anrd recrutitineni. lier research ix brsed lin ixx naitinal surs ey s tirai haxve itrdicaied a rixe ti xxir.lIite cr.iiiici rîxer a 1( 0year pentud. -This symporsinum xxiii prîrside tirîse ir aitteirdatîce xxt îthe irppir tuîîity tir gatin piarticai sorluion,ti- ct'eaiig a suppiroixe xvîrrk enxit roillteti anrd ietîx îrk xx iti orrir lrcal prirtessirriais îvîrix eu ir xx trrkplice treailti." said LDr. Borb Nirsat. Hait(iris itredicat tirer rot heaith. 'Fic sessîtrî xxiii be tretît ai Railexý,iake pit Grilf'('tub tit Regititai Rirad 25 irit 8:30) tirltronî lier ïstrattion tee is $N). Fotr moire infirmrain rt tr is- ter. cati the heaitîr deparietrit by the enid rîtoruay ai (9085 I 825- 61t). ext. 290)4, tir x ii xx xxi ý\haltiiti.regiirii.t.îa'ieaith. eŽAirTrave C. Go places... for- lessl1 *NOVEMBER BOOKING BONANZA! GREAT PRICES ...GREAT SERVICE ..AND A GREAT CHANCE.XO WIN! DaIly! For more details visit belirtr veli cm IlTE SPECeIA Manzanillo içube) 1 wk - Ail Inclusive N. 17.24 Mare. Del Pordiilo Varadero SUNG 5G 1 9 wk - Ail Inclusive Ny. i, Cayo Largo soi Peiicanos Holguin i wk - Ainclusive N-~ 2R D- $532 9 zxx 1wk -Ail InclusiveN.192 . Sunbeaich Varadero $ 49 9.ýuý 9U Cameieon Amiga $539 . Ai 99 Say "Ola"' to the best deals to Merida Mexico! El Cascellano, Reef Yucatans 11daI ed.5 A 1 FisaAei rrtH. 1029 1 .k -AirH.. I 117 Méhe(O YUCA TAN Sunque,« (e]L FRE l8 8 EI R Local: 416-695-0838 Mississauga, 6200 Dlxi. Ro"d Suite #107 Be. - Fewer grey hairs for you. i trigr thc hes solustirnitt hep yiur chitdtirestxaixcho icarihe rrîxîta Thrskxii s ticresý Oxfrd Leaci g, For more riras 20 yearx. te iirpo prurit' rein otr oi irtrt tr urkrrts'edtuirriil and cldrren tixfidiîtrrrritt,' 1itiriir.ttiiî A5xs'iîrrtin iirsrrr ho\%i xoii chîid IcaIin' ou irrtrrirtditt.taliir urorarii rinrirx irritr chiid titi tir ieuilrNwi hrid nii rixeîr anid fc %irir g-riis hirigt'i Liv rî tîti tou Fu Pteîiiî,îrî up the mess Arborist Eugene Stevens works ta remave sections of this fallen 60-year- aid Manitaba Maple that was toppled by Sunday's hlgh wlnds. Fortunately the tree missed the Pearl Street home, thugh the backyard fence and garage weren't sa lucky. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE VOI BOtE OIRs st GR Di Frtit MPOWER MG ACR OVE GOAlS FIMANCIAi. DEC SO OS FREEOOM L've a Su zs/hIWLi/efExperîen Fi;aoiàleFreeim>! B Happy Aa.. bswverLf -Bu/du9 6 e~ fhAn1ci;îwntiai1s  flie Buhle! NOVEMBER 1 1TH TO 20TH 7:00 PM NIGHTLY MILTON SPORTS CENTER'S BANQUET HALL (605 Santa Maria Boulevard) Cost: Only $15. for the workbook. For more information or to register please cali (519) 822-7676 DRYR T MILTON Ths emna i MILON Z SpORTS Thissemnar s 0 si \ \ lt CNTR sponsored by: ý0gADVENISI CNR Corrections Setitit prop-i ur icin îecîiy retereci tir Ille Wiltixx I-'tindatitit as tile Wiiitrxxdate tl'le Wiitrixx I'tuiidaitiii ix heipiirg dis- irihitie sotre roi tire glis tri senirsîr ai tac il ires ir xvtictr il xx'rkx. -Art cîtîr appeared tir a xîîrry pubiished Nîrverîrbet i abotitihe Wiirid's Bîggext Fuîtie Party. Veirrs xviii be asked to give a percetitage oft tireir proits to L.iwvitie United ('tuici in rder ti r tex.jve ibeir tables. The ('tanipitit regrets the errors as xxeii as itiy tinCtrrveniefce they iray have caiseci.