The Canadian Champion, Friday, November il, 2005-A7 iArea farmers hît hard by F )R RT "Ilii' Caps.u/. suls'r gi'uis q/ is/uîutor uîîîo i'tiii't'd /sii sui oî The- Chaionîi alnd <ltici puiih/-atios ui <inde, to prii.iil5 au iido.s linso iluuss p. commentsiss.issîs'i 1, isiîsnetinies prs JuIy 1906 There was a beavy and destructive thun- der ad bail sisîrns iii ibis ueighbourhood] on Sunday afiernoon. As il ivas comniug un th ie sky took a peculiar yelloiî'isb metallic appearauce and il becamne sa dark tbat larmps were litins most bouses. There was not a breatb of îviud. but cloudi ivere ily- îng su different directions and iî looked as tbougb tbere miùgbi be a cyclone. There vain't but thene ivas a very stroug wiud. a great deai of lîgbtnîng aisd a fall of large bail stones whicb eut leaves off the trees and baîîened vegetables generally. Tbe lîgbîniug diri no damnage in tbe town but Ciarkson Joyce's finue ba n suhie Scostcb Block sias burni. Il vas struck jusi is Mn. Joyce aind is broîber ivere abosut lis enter is. Tbey sased soilse of' lise contsent bus a quantiy csflast year's ha>. a seed drill ansd oiben articles sîcre bîsnîîî. Mns. Josyce pluekily saiýed a pair osf issrscs sisal xx ere i tbe building-, Tise issusaice \sas $2,M() anid tbe issscnssdcîabis grer,n Jamses peddsesý barn. aiss ini L'ScjuscssIie. \xWas slruck ansd daiisaged sssdcib but (li(i sstii ake tire. Ili Nassaaea . MePisederail lîsi lise c six . xx his x ýesc stnsck b> lîglisîsîssi AXbout 4(K) peuple. cldieu andi. adIils> loosk su lise uniosn e\csrssisi rn lis Burlîngîssu Beacb osu Tuesday. b> the Meibod)isi aîsd Pnesbyîersaîî Suîsday Sebools. Many iii the excuîssînsîs siens by steamrne lis Tornto on Hamiltuos. TIse enjoymeuî osf ihose sîhis enesasued osu the Beach was greaîly marred by heavy nain. Thene was lîlîle sheller, and rnany people had their clîsthtng soaked. Asîde frorn ibis. the excursion was a succesi. The contractons are making fait progress in layiug cernent walks on Main St. frorn the Hotel McGibbon (Brown St.) t0 Broute St. The fact tbat the boulevard plan bas been dropped and tbat tbe walks follow the hunes of the old woodeu ones gives general satisfaction. So do the svalks tbernselves. They appear so be the hest laid in Milton so far. t There was another wreck on the GTR M ilto n 0 qt c m p o m s 1 Town Hall expansion shoudn'tcmrms limie ~(V architectural appeal of the neighbourhood ~UMj.L~<A dî~ Oçc."54 (CN) on Tuesday. A treight train going soutb becarne separated and the lasi baif of the train ran into the frout part jusi above Mansewood ai about 4 arn. Eleven cars were thrown offt he track. fosur of' which were so hadly darnaged thai they had to be burned. The lrack was blocked until about 6 p.rn. The people around Mansewood were wakened by tbe sound and thought an earthquake had arrived. J.E. Baie. contractor. bas begun work ou tbe Main St. bridge. whiclh is nsiw closed to traffic. The bridge will be a sol id structure oi massive stiie and cernn top. Il vili take six îi ceks or livo moitsih tsi complete JJ Wilsiiî, Fiist Lisse. Fraililgar, imsporter ;i(d breeder ofi large Liiglish Bkhis.shippcd i scry fine brisod ssii s esierdas lIs a hi cedes ai Wisidsii s.k. i \%hich lie eciciie S 100) Mi. Wilsisoii pl.iicei aiil offle il h ili d cosulaiissin hisse toii a bissliii briisss I l i aITossi and ha,, inýiuîcd flis aigciiit tierc ii bsn> oniiI tic besi (hai cati bc iisiiiid lic cspecis ilîcîsi Ioi asrisc tic ]aller partiii AuguI2.I Oni Mistday a tiais. xio isi. be iiailcd insus fîsrssîîî anid gae c is naisse as, Robert Moisiier>. appies iii Mis. Osssriie. iii Marin Street, isîr boarud ansd a rmsnti Hu appeared iii be abouti 35 years iii age. was cicaîs sbaven and bis lisse iias, ,...b-l, criioked. as be bînsseli' prosed iii bc later. On Tuesday rnorning be lef. as bie said. iii take a look ai tbe town. lie did fui returu ai noon and Mrs. Osborne supposed ibat bie bad gone ta tbe brick wonks. lu tbe evening a lady boarder wbule dlreising, msssed a gold ring anld somne coppers ibat bad been lefi in a drawer. Mns. Oshoue tben took stock of ber belongings and found that a gold waîcb was gone valued ai $404. Mns. Osbome laid an informaiosn and a warrant was placed in Chiet Costsable Bradley's bands, but so, far Montgomrery bas siot been found. T'his mcuserial 1, isi'nih/i'l on behaf of the Milton, Hj.îrorjcýalSosiu's v JusIit LSd/i. w<us cuis be neached atu ,dillC,idireil.î suis. Dear Editor: Once again. I tbiuk iîîwî csunicîl bas shown a ciirplete lack ofi regard l'or ils eus/euns and buildings oîf sud Milton. Toswn Hall is wîîhîsuî argunts the nost beautiful building iii Milton. Ils architecture, sunnîiund- ingi and ebaracter detine the its- îîîrîc nature of the tîswn and the craftsrnansbip ibat was conîron in days gîne by. Howeven. Use Town bas decided to expand the exîuting Town Hall offices in an effort ta deal wiîb the need for increased staff, wbsch bas arîsen. Representasîves ofi couicil, anttcipatsug the coîscernis of luocal cîiizens, have vsssced assuranlces ibat au> plans tsor expansion w'suid fi ii i ith lise cunneut arciiecture iii he buildsing. Really! Are llsey planinig soi îîsîîg 1 51< > ar-ski rcclaiiid slIillc Nutl iskly. (',i lise cyssicai. bus luis s lise sili luuisis sisal. xx heu cissniiisld x lis resi- dclIii' cissiccrils aîbosî u is ilsndî csilssi.ciised sus taxssc xx ssldit 'inscrs s. ihat develisp mentis xx isld sicesr ai a5 pace ibat \x isuidîs'i srins lise issu i's nesîlunces anid tisas sîliss isisid bu la.ce( od su ti îîîîîi the lien- laci-e ofi Miltoni. l il ais> surprise ihai lise resi- dlents of sud Milstn arc a jute xi an> More business could be done on-fine at home - f rom TOWN on page A6 ausd studued insun home. Imîagine havsug ais <su lune eclucatusînal campus wbere ssew (anadians cîuuld lests Eisglish as a second language ou lune ai auy turne sf day lin nigbt using interactive software. A mature studeut could ges a degree withsîut baviug tsi quis bis on ber joub tsi attend sebusuu fuil-titue during tbe day. lnstead of bavuîsg thîsusandisu ostudenîs in class, an on-uine campus cssuld belp tens ofi thîsusauds of' stu- dents ges au educaîson and tise skills ueeded tsi keep Canada glssbally cssmpesitive. lu's noîv likely ibas wsîrkers will bave tsi change careens sevenai turnes during ibeun lifetirne. Does it nos unake sense ta design services ta fi11 Use future needs of the citizens su Halion and ta make educaîsan accessi- bIe ta ail levels <if incarne5 As Gardon Brown, Bntain's chancellar of the exebequen, necently wraîe in the Wall Street Journal, "lu thus uew global ena. noue of us can affard ta stand stili." In short. ubene are many athen ways uhas $127 million could directly benefit the cutuzens of Haltan. Sophie Cheney Campbelville E-mail your letters to the editor ta miltoned@& MceanSC1ii Cosrnetic Surgery Mississauga's Centre For: - Facemlift couu* ~ ~ lXuny- bimy Tuck *Breast Enhancement *Liposuction Alternative Therapies & Skin Care 0Coliage a Reatylan *Jsvederm Spider Veina * IPL Photo-rejuvenation -Spider Vein *ai Rensoval - Skia Ti * Biophora Skiiî Ceutial * Botox ACNE THERA4PY: AVONd Antiblotîca and Accutane! eEffective topical tireatenents e Blu-U light therapy -Zeno portable clearing device Sussex Centre, Suite 343 Dr. Hugh A. McLean, FRICS(C) 50 Burnhamthorpe Road West PLASTIC SURGEON Mississauga, L5B 3C2 Cosmetic Surgery: Face, Breast & Body (905) 273-4888 0 1-866-393-9433 www.mcleanclinic.comî Look inside for your copy of nowv delivered in the M\ilton Canadian Champion. For Great Savings, Visit Our Store! 362 Durlidase St. E. Durda.s i& Trrafalgair WEEU<END "OURS Saturday 9am -9pm Sunday 9am -6pm Selected Homes only. 1 THF 39 J sýà * à %W of the prornises rnade by counicîl? Anoiber problernatie issue us the ueed for sncreased parking spaces. One sucb solution wbich bas beeu presenîed us lis tesr down three exising century sud haines ta sîake way l'or uew parking lois. Tbese bornes bave been pars of the cornrnisy forn close ta 100 years. As sîsch, ta tear tbern down would be criminal. TMis would also be a buge detri- rnt ta the visual appeal of Use ueigbbounbood. One sîuly needs ta look ai the ernpsy lot bebind the post office tsi get an idea of wbat the nesîdents oîf the area wsll get tsi loosk ai eveny day -ube backside of' Maits Sîneet's buildinsgs and stornes, isu tus muentiosn sheun darnîs siens aîsd classer A usore iuigicai soulutiosn wîsuid be tus cossssrucî undergrund parkinsg uts tise presessi parkinsg liii. Yes thus iiusuid pusse a get espeuuse tsi the luuis s. but uves lise mîsilions isi dli isns, sic iî,ss rcouuped Irnu tise Ms Isss k sissis lins scesuus lukea suiail piice lus pa us.liîni lisr t 515.ustinu lise esIliet. s\alie su i(tie silsic pari ss oii. AussýiIL ue ie tisuc esig hlussses iii bc llsisscd sos uestnisyed s isu1d sel a dsticcs isus lîrecedlett. W5'iil sîlien luiises bc sisis auss tism dissit foi parkinsg? l îîîsuid ,îlsî seiid tise mlessage iis,î the 'Fuis doesn't value these old buildingi. Penhaps shey should find a way ta usilize these bornes as part of the Town Hall expansion, much like the Univesitsy of Toront3 and tbe University of Guelph bave uncor- porated olden bornes and buildings insus Useir caspuses. Better yes. wby not leave Use bornes wbere they are andi danate tberni ta the Milton Histarical Society? Irn sure ibey wouid be able ta utilize thern in sonne capac- ity, perbaps as a place ta display works and artifacts that reflect Use heritage of the tawn. If this doesnit seemn feasible, per- haps the Toîwn sbould look ai relo- catsng the entine Town Hall ia asîsshen pat osf tusw wltere'parking asud architecture wissldn't be an issue. It's tlime thas counicîl began s lis- tesi tus the resudenus su this neigh- hssurhîsîd. usst juil presesi the sot îhetsiicacy by holing mseetinsgs andc askusg l'nrsinput insus its cîsenss juit sus isîsix abead and (Iii xxhatever tisey phrase jus the end. Ticy sseei Is dus tise rîgt tbsng assi issue ihese issues ithout chanisaetg sur clestyin suihe lustisnic looîk ofi Milo luisi suheun quesu tus lices tise cheusands of' cîssîssuuec enisi il B. Cross Robert Street