A4 - The Canadian Champion, Fniday, November 11, 2005ý ,Studentscaptivated by veteran 's memorable tale WW2 veteran Jim Moffat holds up a parachute, simni- lar tai the one he used to lump out of his aircraft over Europe. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Qoe~O .~ÈgWORLD S [ARGEST HrWe Grow Again! o l lin Opei ng Su"1e'ac Aiou Mei, sores ANDERSON W E>,! Plui $374AfterSavgs /NO Vj0Àoe $790 -Regular Price Plus 1499i GRAND OPENING SPECIAL S iBONUS Mail-ir Rebat. SuAt Card iiFiO $424 After Savings ~ 5 Gift Card*, C. r, rg l st rr unr SOPHIE MODESTO L[AinEr PINNACLE pu LEATHER FINESSE' RECLINA ROCEER* RECLINER r, m . RECLINA $930 -Regtarice FUL S E $799 GRAND OPENING SPECIAL *8 C fi1001 - BONUS MatIIJWu Rebate Gfft Card*i~prs ~6 9 Aftor Savings- eiey $699i $1440 Regnar Prc $999 GRAND OPENINiS SPECIaL $100) BONS Mali RraeGiftCard $899 Alter Savings Il16W - Roguiju Puice $1099 - GRAND OPENING SPECIL s$i 25) -BNUS Mail-Su Robai G Card $974 Aller Savinus IIALTO WAr* LINING SOFA 510"9 - RNDOENING SPECIAI. ($100 - BONUS Mail-lu Rebat. 0561 Card $999 Aller Savings, ko- r 1111 r nr1tl 4k 1 sSn nn n~5 ,~5 7 BSRLINGTSNISAMILTON BRAMPTON 1 j MiSSISSAUG11ý(ANORTH ir1W s~ 'GSILEMISSA Inil C.Bsri, RrC rorw trbrH.-D'P.1 N scrro, 90rr1W irsiiS rerrrr www.iazboytoronto.com Monday - Friday 10 a mý - 9 p.m Salurday 9 a.m, Sp.m Sunday 10 arn 5 pm z, By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion Not even the thunder clapping Ioudly over- head can sidetrack war veteran fini IIE)Iat boin his har- ri-ovinE( tale of' sEir-vivng the Nuremihurg Raid of' 1944. <rack. "Il miiIids like lie Aiieicaris li the dis- lance thle. the ire alrimait says with- outî îîîissilig a heai. -We rsiiild hieai lient li Nuicirihere, Besides (lié liisîliig aveaiher irutside, the leciturie hli ait Bishiip Redirrg Carhiilic Secouidary Sclîool is silenr as the 84-year- iild's slriing. clear viiice ings oul Aller ail, il's rot every day yîu ineel a mri whoii parachuîed oîuîti oa llainm war- plaire jin Gerriainicc uîped lerniliiy dur- in îhe [ariiecl Nuremiburg raid. Mr Mîfa. a Bramptoni résident. sels up the climax iii hi' siiiry rs 1h the suspense anrd éloiquence 0lI a riarural sliiryreller. lit ladc Ilies suo aliiraîed il 's aI irrst liard to helier e es ciy iiii lie's descrihing acrually liapîieiied. AppaîterIll> 55e le iiîîrh (Iliîrly liSesý I c iîr escIIls su tiiIi-ial.' ,Mr Tholir nil hIlîhiiceli 11ilie haizn (À) i seai s ue %l \lai pea.k, like il 55.. sce- d lii ie lis the s k ilI a IIIdIsLIi \il d it li n i 1 111 u i Iai i vý ý la lla\ îrîr' Xi(l '1110 Cr iLirc ui r. leel Iri hirri lie .JoLrid lie s iii rie (il alIniîii 1I0 "Nurermburg was in bright moonlight and 1 neyer thought we'd reach our target." JIM MOFIAT hirhers headi iii foihe Jernian cîiy îîl Nuirernhuigý, its as lihit ais day ahirve ilie ihick clîîud ciiveriiig fronm tlie revealing searchlighîs helîîw anrd a rouLnd mutin. The planes are exposed arnd vulînerable lii Germnan fighier squadruns. -Nurernhurg avas ni bright moiinîîghî and 1 never Ehiaughi we'd reach ur largel." he says. Mr. Miiflar is keeping cîsunt. Around him, 22 planes have gone down in just a coruple of' mrinutes. The only lime he sees airirher aircrall is ssher il's poing down in flaînes. -We nacre lîke flic'. crasvling acress thécenliiip'«' lie recalls. They droip iheir hoiurh on the larper and liead hack. But i*s ss nid> \ery s ndy Anîd as lIse planiis bLicS> eiiîrrirh, Ioi s Ill he Ilyrng liead ha, ko (ilie miaini hri anh. cer!>ne tis osi ci rse, liai s us lien it liaîslseiis XiiR \l raIlsasIci Irirr ir Ilie I ai.s sîeirr i 11 M oleri I lrn l i l (li e rI-, rt le Ssee MOFFAT on page Al16 Coqmnmunity Drop-n for the Trown HallExaso Thursday, Novmber 17,2005 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Town ff Victosia Put <Lbby) _____43 Brown Se Vbmew the Proposed design a Chat wdt fthe ardIîtect a Ask questions *Poste board display POSte boards showirng #*~ proposed design wIII aiso be on display at: Tolwn Hall Vkmia Park (LoIbby) 43 BrownStreet 1oebr8, 21 (8:30am -4:30 pm.) Towni Hall Annex 555 (Lobby) 555 Indusia DMiv Noventer22Z23 (8:30 am -4:30 p.m) *Webslt The Proposed design twill be available for viewing on Novemrber 17 at www.mdjln.ca (Expansion wi b. to thse oast of thse extsbng Town Hall.) to Moem0 - -- w.inmî