The Canadian Champion, Friday. November 11, 2005 - Bi W lL E ' E ,' Creatures aplenty in Phoenix's latest offering Youîh theatre groitp readv to plit On/ Six-storvY production nexvt iveek By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion I li e ani unusua îsuwîmien of cl1dat'ders îakinig lu the sta e xCt \\ cek lt .tfie lati est utletiflu of, St. Pautl 's PhuoenïYouh Theatre. \\atch Ci. Niiîc anîd wuotie lîkels o seec hiaibbui. bulzairi. inuskîat and aî ieu (il htoe cîaiie iiitiitail stIL1 ko ie li est 'ln s Nir, aa irnit the lncih But these IrrItIi u as cir ~nclite Nit (,it\ are thcîý iiticabic ituisi til thiot aitI \% ai anid huiiI [uNiîi Ile aN sineg and1 danîce alnd houud \ttýll iiraiisandl chiidrci aiike "Si! the clîarartcis aie Lînîtc hiel.- aiWd direcioi Rois u'o/ci ho 's ai file Ïici o ii the production iiîiîic \%tii MIi kc ' it a rettred teachcr inuit NS IW I)iîk Puiblic Sehool. The pias. caiid F islroint tie StIirîteilet 's HOIiSc. Thei Stiirics ofi Thonîton ',V Brirîrcss,ý. n iii run frin Noetiobtr 17 tii 19 ail St. Paulis U'nitcd Cburchb 123 Maini Stý FI Doirs olpen ai 7 p iii. andi s1iîii IN 7:30 p tut. Tickets ciist $i!) tor arluits. 57 lor students andl scnioirs anud $«i toi kids under 12. The theatre gnîup has adapterl si\ sties for the stage xi th a cast of' 10i local y outbs ranging in age fromi 12 tii 2 1. -I tbînk it's uuing il be veauý fun." Mr. Croezen said. Children's authiîr Thîîraîîî Burgcss sroite more thait 1701 books and i5,(X X) stii tics throu,,hout hî: le. Hce died iii 1965 ai the agýe tif 91, but his piethitra ofl itisable characters -itucludinît Reddy Foîx, Jerry Muskrat. Sanim> Jay and Peter Rabbîî - "AIthough many of his stories are over 80 years old, they are timeless and beautifully written. He's weII known amongst rnany aduits, but virtually unknown to children tody" ROI CHEEEN \Sitiueii tiatiso i ti' îirie, am os er watN o'ts iiites are tititeirs' antd b-eauti- itili> \\i rttctt'" Mi. ('rieu said "lie's n cil kîtitis îîiittCs ttamt inuit'. but %ilt But Mi. ( ' ,n /eu itîe i.ast luipi' tii crwatc' that. n'e lii piti pires ail gi aîdpmrcuius 'iii brut tîteit r itlulrcu utd grantîcldreui t î eri.jii thescssiii rurlr and sti tsttî ttri i rdure tîtetti tiitesetîaa ni traitirs lue Stie Peuple inummtt kîiiii Mr. liuires,', sties frontt the iild TV' rartion 'jables iof tlie Gireetn itresi. Mauý il Mr.iugs' stîtries %rere pub- lîsîter daul> tn ne\s spapersN anrd reaul tii kîîs as bedrîttîe su ries. "1'lc (ftic storues) i ad a large audiner -peupile i mitut ar iicc, tofici iîhrary:' Mr. ('rie/cii satil Ailthiugh the sies isere \\irtteî lot kurîs. rast unetuiber Daînielle i>rîîîlx 1s. l see PHOENIX on page B10 Phoenlx's upcomlng produc- tion Includes (from lefi) Mallory Bryson, Danielle Prouix, Steve Bevers and Corey Gustafaon. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Stop b>' our Holiday Decor Shoppe Arriving soon - Swags, Garland, Wreaths, Christmo. Trees, Potted Trees & uJrs. wcwý u 1.tYflM [EARçK. wjm ÇAýENiTq 0 QN0 U ,l2f t< e sk tike eIîpAt we con de Most instails on new é~ homes for $150 (indludes up te "3 ouflets 'and Of&. VahUd ah ;ebr , 2005 pars; ale, srice tf. il f. mars n md /15 required) 'Sone Conditions Appl. Af0&tWTMENTI