The Canadian Champion, Friday, November 4, 2005 Bl Brooks to bring unique style to church concert Musician 's newv CD set to be lauincheci Nov. 18 By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion It takes an interestino set of' fle experiences to churn mnt a inusi- clan \vho teels just as coinîrti_ able perforrnigi a nîthtclub as he does in a church. Danuy Brooks is sucs a man. With is taie ot dri.irs. aicoi and prison. and hi,, ensuing con- version te Christiaitî tise M iitinian bas an ahili ity te relate te people trois ail ofik tlite. Des1site tbe dittereirces býeis cci is audiences. titis musiciair -s bose seutherit ruieis music is a blend et ssuil. gospel. blues. R&B and countiiry beiee lî at ait People iseed s, tbe saite. Hope. Enicouragement. Peace. And se. thsurzb bis methîîî ot detisery iras be ditterent, sNith oune sene iisre more .preucbrniess« iban tbe iriher. lts baîsic. iiessage itbe samne -wbeiber surrîsunded bu tigbtciub- goers or churcb ladies. -Words are sery pessert-ul. Tbe Giuud Book says tbe pussuer osf fle anrd deatb are ii tbe teugue... My music speaks in conilici and resu- lution. tt gives anssuers. It ofters bope.' be saîd. adding tbe message is never judgemental. The musical style doesîr't change urucb cither. whieb. be reudiy admits. doesn't get hîu nsr ited tbrcugb the dee)rs of es'ery churcb. "A lot of cburches are a bit too ciinservative for what 1 do," he said in bis raspy voîce. -Its flot sit-down-and-fait asleep. It's pretty coming at you. It's pretty strong.- One church that will be opening its doors te Mr. Brooks for an upcoiumng concert is the church he attends reguiarly. Miltoin Nevw Life Church. 824 Tbcmpson Rd. S. November 18, Mr. Brooks and bis baud. the Rockîn' Revelators. wiii perform at a CD release purty in celebratiuin cf bis seventb album. Souissille: Rock This House. Doors will open at 7 p.m.. witb showtime at 7:3(1 p.m. Tickets cosi $10tin udvunce and $15 at the dîner, Soulsville: Rock This House' is tbe second in bis Soulsvilie trilogy. and the thîrd album released on MIr. Brooks' owsn recourd label. BIS House Records. T'he 13 piece Reekîn' Revelutors band feutures uwurd winng singers John Mays. Hiram Danny Brooks la gearlng Up for hie uplcoming con- cert et Mliton New Lits Church. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE t.. '.5 ~ii~ s' à, Jouseph, Amouy L.esy and Stese Atubrunse, as weil a.s speciai guest Jîmnathorr Une. -I base te srng tor mny fle arnuund surie out these singers.' be quipped. Tbe musicruns usith shonr be torurs bruast iripressive resumeés. wirking wîr.b sonne ouf the best ru the industry. Richard Bell. ushe priiduced Sulsuisure and plays keyboards. wonked ss tb unine rîther thun Junis iriplîn. His drummer bas wsrrked witb numes running tire gaînut frurt Carole Pope te Mr. Dressup. Mr. Brooeks saîd be gresu up listening te the lîkes of Hunk Wiliams, Tuj Mabal. Soîrmen Burke. Jure Tex and Busbby 'Blue' Blund. al] actîsîs whusve iut3uenced bis music. One of the hrgblights of bis careen suas sbariug a stage wrtb blues great Bresunie McGee. Mr. Brooks suid belIl neyer ferget what the leg- endury musician turld bim as be suas wulking off the stage. -He sard, 'Son, fis a white boy. yruu sho' nuif girtru suritan lin the irirside." Mr. Brooks recalled. slîpping ruto a southern drassl. Awards are nutbîng nesv te Mr. Broo)ks. whose lîst includes nominationus for isue Jues and, ibis year. a nminatinii fort the best maie s ocaIist ut the Maple Blues Asuards. Net surprisiugly. the radio stations giving play tir bis music range svidely as sseli. froins conîem- jxurary Chrristiun statiuons tri tire CBC. tus erslege und uîrîversrty radie stations. he sard. His surngs are particularly big in tire seuthern United States suhere the 'beach music' -un oid clussrc lurrm of R&B and rock 'n' roll scene is big. But aIl busut aiwuys been sueli. lu the 1960ts, Mr. Brooks surd be wus swept up ri tbe drug scene. He eveîstuully became booked on an ubundaîrce et drugs including speed and hernsîn. -Wben I tbiuk buck n bw I used te be. I sbudder,' he suid. Thut dark periisd in bis lie iasted abosut 20 years. 1. -~ Atter Mr. Brooks was releu.sed from a stint in drug rehub, he began reading self belp bocks. and eventuully what be frequently refers te as "the Good Book." He suid he wunted te write encouruging music thut did for bis listeners whut self help bocks do for their readers. -When a person is encouraged, tbey're gîven strengtb and hope te carry on," he saîd. addrng. -This wcrld is a bard world.' Thut. however, docsn't mean eveîy one cf bis sogs is spiritual in nature. In fact, many cf bis concerts just give bînts here and there et bis tuitb. -I speak my mind as te wbere my heurt's at. but the way I do it isn't overtly preuchy,- be surd. Tickets te the upeomiùng CD releuse concert are uvaîlabie by caiiing New Life Cburch at (905) 878-3358 or by centucting HtS 1-tuse Records at (905) 319-8767 or on-line at www.dannybrc>oksmusic.corn. Step/îauie T/îiesseî ruer be reacJîed or .urhiessctig>miloii, 1.0ave Your Chriatmau Party Woz-rïè-o With Ual COMEDY DINNER THEATRE SAT. NOV. 26 All-U-Cun Laughi SAT. DEC. 10 All-u-can Dancel EAST MEETS WEST GRAND BUFFET DINNER dzd YOUR COUNTRY FAVOURITES + AUTHENTIC CHIMESE FOOD *Mj WIýjl;7 pe, P.... COMEDY SHOW & DJ DANCE 0 (plus tax«) ln A Beautifui Country Setting 9230 Guelph Lino, Weekly rates available. pbellvlile Cam Ouly $59. 00 per night (905) 854-2277 e.C .N e e/ ARX-W LA-MNK ...aCETV e.wool