The Canadian Champion, Frrdav November 04, 2005 - 27 - -- ~ nîîe pporusîntpz- ppodites SUPERVISORITEAM LEADER r) , i , il,,r r il r,11 1 il I DIRECtIIONS City Parent a division 0f Metroland'a Holton Media Group, has an immediote opening in the P7arnt ~!!e k'I-J dIriLLlL-!~1 r~ :{~ ,1 IJ-~-IJ .1 loi I L'I~ Tire quai ted ýanricare viii ire a mrotivateO r ir'Oerr dnît vrlsaie, o' ver, Lu a.r eveme)t. Vo r. i/i p ,sesa xc e/len' airer anJ vC'rl mn s"rrLiI,,ao uer/s ard be ta/ar Crin ut r05 il Tjripier applicutior n mis roie you w;i ce vi innr tocused and sI ovîrO st' rg 'riwrncos' neis ard vxstsrîg cIenvs P ensring rirai ineir aiveri srg resus are Iret rYDv Wriir bc v Qoiorree and -apable ot mneeting legs ar rrnI1 budgetOO Iyo vol ire to soier' o, e ader in tire meda a rdvst'y nhs cjpDrtvrits ýas ire 'ne 'gi Dne for' y0u We otfer a compeitve compensaion arn ternfit ira.v age as sei as opporitis io 'uoure caer' g' sin A 'e,îapre .enicre -ý e vuired NAIIOrAL LAAS NG LEGGAT NATIONAL LEASING, part ut tire sever evpasdng Leggat Auto Croup roqurres Expenîenced Ysu are an ecpeîîenced prvtesvîvna siru preseni/y has a signiticat puittin o/ custumers ana wvund benetît from berng part ut a mutiî.tranchîse auto grosir A oeîp cumpettîve compensation and irereftr p/un ls avur/abie Pieuse torsard roui reuurre Ouimn îîîîour ecpe'iei e iv, Jvohn tdcNamura, Genera Manager Fan: 905-333-1930 or Email: We havir a/il pp/rcurris ton uyiîng but rn/y truse cunsruered siri ire uontaceO We are current/y acceptîsg nesumes for CHRISTMAS SEASONAL HELP If you are avaîlable dayo, nîghts & weekends, and enjoy a fast paced environment, please submit an application Io: Costco Wholesale, 1225 Brant St. FRASER DIRECT sas immedrate vpenîngs tot Stickerisg Staff days 8 00 iv 4:30 a/tomnate ire- tween CevîgetswntActsn. A/su immediate upenîngo tor Retuins Prucessors, affernmons 3 30 Io il ý30 ut 6 00 iv 11 30 Fît ob/e Iv stand toi 8 hours ond lift up vo 35 psunds, Famîtiar wilS cvm- puters/scanniets an asset, Ns students please. App/y so 100 Armstrong Avenue Georgetown Fax: 905-877-4418 Emati humonîesvuîcos@ftaoediect ca No pnone rauns pieuse RUSH PERSONNEL s cuiientiy seekîng General Labourers ALL SHIFTS AVAILABLE Fut information ca/I Tel: (416) 232-1941 Tel: (416) 232-2472 Wanted Order Picker/ Forkîift Operator For lumber yard in Campbellville, ai Guelph Lino and 401.- Pieuse cati Cecil ai 905-854-5550 "9:>",A PARTS DRIVER For grosing import dea/er Competisie wages anrd irerrefis Applîr.ant nust hive vaid, citas drivers liceirse Drop resunre off Io Gary 316 Guelphi Street Ge'orgetown DON'T MISS OUT! Great Qpportunity in Burlington! Profit of $600-$800 Crii[vi ieiod Marin iy Plus Gas Subsidy r/ly rrorriiîg cloor ic door Delivery ofl the Hamilton Spectator & Toronto Star 1.1 i r t lieIioi i 7i d ayb 3 we.r Cal Now 905-639-7700 Warehouse Help Required i Ciii e ss orkr'rs ireecte for a ieadirîg corrrsrity newspaper irardlirrg insertirrg t sers. Safety shoes are rrrar'Oatoîy. Gocod pay based on prece work, Eas Bsriîngior locatior Calt Ravi ait 905-637-8807 or fax resurme to 905-637-7815, or apply in per- son with resumne 10 4390 Paletta Crt. Unit 1, Burlinglon. ON. f- r R. rIv rJ F rF- To Fil] Fu/I-lime Parl-Time Positions, Oakerie Ptease fax resume to: Jeti MacArthur. VP Sales 905-901-9306 SHUTTLE DRIVER/CAR WASH Apirnarir must rave a vafid and clean drivers irCense Cai Val ai 905-873-1818 Latdias Iesouing for andK HOMEAKRS- RC Tvvou bGRETTA vmeiatl! 90-725 1 ori S.Euie1905-87789 SaRS COEARERS *Relîable ndvîdaiseededtv j dvur iv dovr catl/ogue de/ivery in MiltonlActon/Georgetown areas Cl:905-873-0103 jj emessagae t aphone and addres Emaîl eciro@î TEMPORARY LIGHT DELIVERY TICKETS AND POSTERS Live, n stage, "Mai & The Magie Cuai' ru couiiv iv Miilnî avd Oakvîiie in a speorai per irrnrs irosted by Fureurs iirvut Pariners. MuI bave vincr and gvva knowledge vi ai Excellent pay plus gois, cash. CALL 1-800-419-7383, EXT 222 MR. ALBERT j'rnductioni a. k iii the MILTON aiea A/i surfs Tuai/air/e HCR Fan: 905-876-4090 vi Tel: 905-876-4h661 310 Main St. E. Ste. 205, Milton Eîementary Teacher Rorirergivo rciroo inguites an esperi- enced viemeritair rearirer. Osaitied BRFgviMontessri t i ase tax v, rirûe to 905-849-1354 No phone calis please HEma Fa e gsumeiro h H a & to 69 elph Lne B.erurlngdhtonc TV/FILM CACTORS A sîgmentu Ns Courses LOERSN Fousese1 90l ( 7816)221382 [i-561 Io Furniture Visual Merchandiser hunisciate Interîvîs ut Oakvi/e, Ontario, a /eadîng tetar/er ut fie tunnîture iras anr immedrate spenîvg vir an eeperîenced ursa merciranvîser Pîîmar/y tesyvon sîbie vir su/ev tfluor turnîture dîsp/uys, ana tire pîssentatun ut tornîtore and ac- -ssurres in vut 36,000 Sq, fi siorvsîvm. tis psition sîil ire ut intetesi Iv ruose mît/r Intetror design ski//s uno a f/air fut dîsp/ay Successfu candidates sii pus- sess an unaerstandng ut tins fturue and Outrent tasimn trends in the înclus-y and sii irave a positive, protessîona atitude Suat sii Si/ns thei Iv /00/ a part ot vur aynamic teum This is a tui tîme position, seektays ttsm 9am-Opm Pieuse torwurd yocr resume with a cocering INter by lac ta the attention of Bill Sirk, Manager. Ennîsclore Interiors ut 905-825-2468 or bF mail to Mr. Bill B/rk, Ennisclore Interînrs, 1075 North Service Rood West, Unit 22, Oak- ville, Ontario L6M 2G2 0018 those candidates selected for interview wll be cnntucted. SpapoHelp LI 1Spao oell OO.u c iurs NO IRN For Our New MILTON locations Preur Guananteed havi/V puy conrorir onuses Arrrîaî Puy Increase Uîrbeaiaie bune/ris Eqvryrrreii prooîOeo No ciientele Pieuse contact Jenn @905-220-0613 1-877-700-0062 or tax resame: 905-875-3897 Ski & iene Silled lm Techercul Htein Techaical Help BI!TLEFIELD Oeia Experience "G" Class Driver Cvirreni reguires an ecyerience F/T "G Ciasu Driver tir Oui Burrîngion locatror This position re gaires you Io trase tire surrurnding areas deliver mng egaipmeni arro meeting oui custumrrs deadO iines Vos mcvi lpossess a vlan drivers abstract excil/eri rhritten & oral ski/ls and rire abi/ny ru Orve standar tiransmission venicles We otter ex- veient compensation, irenetîts & pension pIrn Fax eu resume wiuh antactred drivers abstract iv Hvman Resuces, BattietielO Egurpment Reniais (A Division ut Tonumunit Industries [-dci 4401 Humvecter Rd., Borlinglon, ON L7L 4X1 Fus: 905-333-1145 Emaîl: BuCtletî No Phvne Ca/o Pieuse Vie ihank evenyvue wnu appies, candidates seiecte for interviews su//ibe cuntacted BIot Convtrucion LîmîteO. a Gerrerai Cnînacror in Roa and Bridge Construction iras un ýmnredrare openîng te, a: Wurelsouse Co-ordinutor of Smal Tooil Parts Buyer mn Oakville. Respvnsirn/îtîes inc/ude the poîctruse ut copena- ale cunstruction matenrais, uupplies, repaîr puits for cumpany egoîpiren and smai tourts Admînîs- ter service uontracis Hano/îng the retîrn Vftrentai egaryment reparo utrouis Excellent cu-rimunicu- lion and orgunroatiun ski/is are a must a/ong crin uerng computer fiterute and a reant piayer P/euse turard resumes iv Cars/ine Browning But Constructiun Lîmîted i1224 Speers RuaVi, Oukurie, ~ ON LhL 2Xt Fao. (905) 827-0408 Email psitiun@ We tirunk a/il candidates tan therin terest, huweeer ouiy thoue ue/ected tur interview wr// be cuutucted CNC AMADA PEGA 367 TURRET PUNCH PRESS and CNC LATHE PROGRAMMERS and OPERATORS for 240MB with lise tooling. You must be a programmer and operotor, ofhenrise do not apply, Fax resume lot: 905-336-0272 a-r w INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE r-1a Y. Knviw/edge ot injection mu/ding and undustrua da I. hd maintenance unc/udung electtucai and hydîauuc Ie tise ru truble sirvvtîng an asset. Cumpettuse cage and Benetits iresett package Gogtw * 905-873-1146 Ask fr tutObts Spa Help u sltre Hisyis Vaýl elp Muvliave main: reeperîene Pnd te/rab/e una se/t- mutîvatea. Siartîng rates $20/jirr & up p/us irenefits. Lots ot Work Cali 905-545-4493 PUNCH PRESS Set-up Operator required for AIDA & Brown Boggs Punch Presses. 1st shit. Fax resume: 905-336-0272 r ' Cl siid Thpoyen hecon and tn your onec tir rat