Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Nov 2005, p. 3

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Accused in tree-cutting case îacks cteuïotïay, Saysuow By' STEPHANIE THIESSEN The -Champion The accused in a highly-pubti- cized tree-cuttîrîg case tacks credi- bîilty and his testîîniony cotitradicis those ut witniesses for both the Crown and the defence. a Milton court heard Friday. -You can*t rely on arryttiing Mr- (George) Vastis says:' said Crowsn attorney John (flah during subînis- sions ai Otntario Prov incial Offences Court. "He', likely lu say somethîng quite untruthtul. I 'Me Burlingtun residemt faces a sien% utcharges and up lu alniost $1 million tn fines for cutttng acîts îty on bts Fourth Ltne property - n ý.htch straddles lthe MitiunOaks ilie border ni Aprîl and JuIN 2(X)3. -Mr. Vastis' ex idence is sîtunplx unreliable, Mr. (lah toid the court bel ore iauinching int a dozen examples, ol hoýN bis, testiiion contradicted n bat others -or he himself said. In orie exaniple. Mr. (Iah remrinded the court ut Mr.\asî testîmons' that he didn't knon\ there n% as, a Mariaged Forest 'las Incentis e Progralîn (NilTII> on the land n hen he bouglit il ses eral years ago. Mr. Vastis hacl lestified he thoughlt cuttîng for miore tarni lad n ould lo\s er his taxes. Mr. Olab said. silice he \\a., unassaire ut' the MFTIP prograrn. But Mr. Otah suc'gested lu Justice ut flic Peace J. Woioschuk that Mr. Vastis kiies about the pro- granî. The reason Mr. Vastis cieared rifte land, he said, wasn't lu lower his taxes because he wvasn'l aware ut the MFTIP, but lu build a golf course. Mure thaît 201 acres of trees siere cieared iit long sîs alles on Mr. Vastis' prperty. Mir. Vastis antd tirs cipatty are f1icitig up lu $840(XX) in fles f'or 44 courtls against hit and hîs utuin- bered cunpauîy l'or cuttînge t rees in a îsiiidlot and iti air Ens ironiiîeittaIty Seiisilise Area (ESA). Vttîs is conitrary to the Region (if H-ltori's t ree-cuittting bylasi aund the Foiestr, Act. He pleasfed îlot guifty lii the charges last year. [)-eence lais Seî f)asid ('rocker argued Mr. \aisdid aIl iai n inid be reasoitabi expecied to f iid out1 il a pei-iiiî \ias reqîiired iii cul irec.s oii hîs property Mr. N astis lestîf ied fie \%ias, tl ai the Toii o f Mihoiîs planiniig departiiet fiat fie ufidit ineed a permîit if he cl s earinîg for coin- inercial tarni purposes. su he \n t abead mit îîhis plaiis. cuîîîîg diîs ri 253 acres, oftirees befîsie belii, siiipped bs C'iiisers atiiiii 1-taltii officials. This., coîurt fieard. n as fi ifeferice io f VficialiN iiîdiced errir. Il Mr. Vastis had receised flice coirrect informîationi. lie ssiiufdn*i have doncî tlue cîîîîîng. Mr. Crucker sai(l The ('rilîv deiiied Mr. Vastis ivas ever told he diduit îîeed a per- ittit. Mr. Vistis' actiîiîs alsu fell utîder atn exemîptionu li fic Regiîui's tre cuîîîîîg bylaîs. Mr. ('rocker tîîld flie cuurt. 'l'le bylan. fie said, suites trees cati be cul in a moodfiîi if tliey're f'or lthe luidows ier's mîssît use. And sînce Mr. Vastis tesîîlîed the trees nvere beiuîg cul ftor îîîuich as al soif coiîfitioiuer ftor use oît hîs land, he faIs uîîder thai exemtion, coîurt heard. Mr. Criîckei alsi> aigued Ifiat es, i- dence iibîaiîîed uot a coiuple ut Ppi il 20031 s sît(s tii the prîîperty by Ciiuseî s at ion I-altîit u oficiais sfiiiild fie ifirsýini îîut siice ihere n ere rio searchnaiiis h I a r uit nireas riabie 'earchi aînd seizure. colurt îeaud. arid a s iii uttoi tue flc aiiadiaîi ('fxuer if' Rîgfîîs andî ireedois -Flice ('ruin îî relîed onî tItis es iufeice iii pris the fiiresledl area iiin fhici flie c utîîîg ioîik plface si as, a uoondloii Mr Olati said fie nîîucf resîxiîd ai flie lie\( coîurt appearatice iii Mr. ('roîcker',s arguisîlilns tiai tfe cthar- ter w asý N iiîlated. [-he trial %N ill coîntinue I)eceniber 1 SIli Miltiii dîîîîîîlanjiic i ail it The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, November 1, 2005 - A3 PONTIAC le BUICK le CADILLAC et5QQ

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