Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Oct 2005, p. 8

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A8 - The Canadian Champion, Frîday, October 28, 2005 -Martin Hlouse to be tomn down By MELANIE HFNNFSSEv s ru i l ' l, ti lIIl tî it w.î ftîtîît. tr Mtinîî ttirwc il Aliciliiic' teolilCLn ir licu dciei( lîl itis c'otit \n r titI iliarru tcu At itr îîîcctîît'\\'ttcrta couii lirete taf trI c Pý I tenderc :,Ill to ii duci flic dcilio iti i (lit i nu IIiiiI tf it ttatili Street. "Il rs rail lto oie tc'ttc'e lto efi hiîitit conite tuu N' S it (unît iKtîtîti sdalt titiit cîîîîci il Nloitivte\ iciiu7 a i' tiil' titi rtit i n I î'i r it i ant d tîit Iii taid hltac. l[utr i iltotî %lîilc'i iîiîi ('îîîîîîîîîîîîtî 'eriîlevicc an a151 I-tiIri i îrte itîetatti u tir r ilic ic ' tiil l itc i i i ll hc liiiec'c't titi a ile o(e i\c I îîîîîîîîîîon îîc sefit. tu Acting/Modeling Opportunities I, iflit trit Ilît ti r tt tii 11 ig il 11 à 11 1 it, li N 'ttiti tri iti Ill, 'a This le our last visit to your area this year - Don lt miss this opportunity! GEORGETOWN - Wednesday, November 2nd North Halton Golf Club - 363 Maple Ave. MILTON - Thursday, November 3rd Ramada Inn - 161 Chisholm Drive Ask about the new "lStarQuest DOUBLE Guarantee" Registration fee $39 +GST. Refunded if you do flot qualify. For information visit 1 laiton 1 leaithcaat MAINTAJNING EFFECTIVE DIABETES MANAGEMENT A free public education seminar presented hy Halton Healthcare as part of their "Living Healthy" series Meminei oif the public arc inited iii attend t re ieinair eiiitei Mitinettec tie îirganîaed hi -Ialtoît Heilîthcare Sert ice (Miltoîn D)istrict Hositiat ite)i n paoliierrhip %ith lie Haltos Diaheter Prîigrai mnd the ('anadian )i,îhetes Airticiarittui 'l'ie eri s inate possible due lii an oUresririted edtcaiiiii grani trin \hhiiî AutiCii , Medica and GlanirSnîiihKlîiie, tri h Lipreiit Milton ii lriî. Hospçiit Vonain Sieniîenr H caring Instrumensr and l.niirîin Heairing Canada. Dr (tait Macpherson, M.Ltt'amiN Phyicîianî %lii Hallîin Healthcaîe Set-icRes, i\ il] prîli rie a coinîprchensîre (inîeîif dîîheierý Ieah Heinie. RcI'tered Dt)îîiîan. n i1I eîîîph.îrîe the impotance of' iiîund intritioin (Ii diaheier mna,gemient tîhîle Trai Hirrettetdt, lîtier Speciaîi.c %i ri diîr un the henerît Ili hyic îat civîi einceniig dîtheter, Noienîherirs l)iaheiers Miinth in (Canada. Mitre trn tîwt miion tu(anadiarir haie itaheer 13y the end ut'the dec ade. thi inîer rý erîtetted ito rire ii th ree iiotn' The theii uhnr yeai *s t)iaheter (Çit Serittur" Wiih rît rnaiîi pteotple rttecied hi i rchrînic. progressive di reare. il i imtrant ihai erenttre înîrks tigether Ioi diagnosre. mtanage aud prereni cîomplications. ITîday. moire ihari eier hetître. pteoplre rîth dialteter cari etpeci t li% ie active. itideperideni dnd rital tirer il the> miake a ciirnitirîent iii tare tut diahecter mtanagemient. IflteIt utrireated iir impriipertymiiaed diaheter can reruIl in arariey (if comprlticatioînr ruch ais kîiduer direare. eye dîreare, and net-se damage. Btiiud rugar cîtutrîtt r a key comîtipient il diaheter management. A recent rtudy in Canada har rhum n hat îînty tue in tu pteîople înîh type 2 diaheter have fiher htîrîd rugar uudereitntrîit Diaheter rs a compter direare. hut tl ctn hc îranaged hy educatîrîn and a tteatthy tîtertyte. Phyrîcat activity and ftteir. gîtid nutritiîon, nedicatrits and h'iiid htîîîd ptresrure arc instrumental in diaheter management. Indîvîduatr înîîth diahecter and their t-amitier. and anytnin îtererted in teamîing mitre ahîtut the dîrease are encîiuraged te attend thîr setutuar. The event rutît he hetd ai the Miltîn District Hospital Clasrrîîîî in Miltotn on Tuesday. Nîîveruher 8< ivith dirptayr and refirertruenîs roîm b6:311 prîti and the remînar cîîmmeneîng ai 71101 p.ti Tte Hîorpital rs toated al 311 Derry Road Eart. mhich rs wesrioff' Bronme Road. Tii rererve a reat tir thîr free evett tîeare cotînact 9059 338-4379 tir Il' yîu are unahte iii attend the event anîd woiutd lire nitre infoîrmatioîn on titr tîltie, rpeak tir you ph yrîcîan and cîtntact lte Canadian Diabeter Assti atiîon aIt 1860 429 3681t (21 l o r tirsw.diahe-ter tca ASt, interpretier rervice rs avaitahte and nîit he pre-hoîîked hy tan ai 905-1<78-0499< or emnaît aI cpvtppprnhalttînheatlthcare.un ca Ktt u itti iîtioiiit flic t'tc"îîtî Ji didîtî t t)Iel cic icrîtti trie- Main l tlîrîe îsîîîld he a staff liase cholte cicyt tit!hey cL'ait l iStiicillic tte o tir.~ raid Mr t t baiîrki. huitri 111s C'tiîicîilit ('lartk. soicert ilt tîitoi lie iitiir, Illîîe hic'd Illeti iccr i t hc1.llo'I I fi Mar titi I itorc' hiir tucci r i iric t.iiiii onecî otr Icrle c'îîtr iit Ici l l£ ctelI cite t iciitic'rrî I tiki lIc Siie heu,1 aboutttt (tt10.ittt fiiel cte L he'eî ii 'tiliet fI titite Ihuiliili Mltith ic iiiîcr flic citrt iflteticiti, Ille ritc li) recite t., ot îîr 2 ni ecuil t anie cîscîîî iitîtly IttititieCr )cttitlititît r espec cl lto ct atitt $t14 miîlliîonî iset Irle part reieri Ycarr. tîtîce consurlttat.s Irase trecoi îIllttel e detttîtltrliitiir, Marini Ihute rîtîcetîte cîr lto lelrabtîttate' ilu1 svîtce qoitte ri-ti. Mr t.'tbaîtrkî raid rtaIf s% III brin- bacs a trepît lt flitc coii îttee andc citc il ie St peat o itite tîttali iii tIre Sletîdale rite atic titil îîîîurht he usev1 ottce Mat-ttin Iloîtte r uni chu ti,( ii 1 LA ,,Thompson Rd. o~ern iîweekend Locl rsidnt wil sonsec Thîîmpsîîn Road South rît flic ralodtraeks close for coînstructiotn ver flic course osever- aliveekeirds. meis ietingë Mondrty tîight. Milton counecil pauied a blwtIr auîhîîric îempvîrarily cloîing the sectioîn dîrectly arttiuc the tracki foîr approiistaely fise îîckertdi hctsvenr titi atd I)ecenber 31, 2(X16. 'l'le clitruter, are trecesrary lii tacîlitate cvonstructtion vif a riîc otîdeiptîsi aI tire raiisay crossitg. Whiie exact dates [tave yet 10 be set, advatîce notice will ho given tet local tesidents via stgtîrge and newipaper udr. Itis espeeted thercli1 bc one ciosure thi fnîli t permit grad- îng in prepatatîtîn for a tempeîîary track diveriotn. Then there'l bc mvii more elosures in the spriîîg and two nent foi! lin traîtufer the ratil service t0 aînd front the diversion tracks. "The dlorures wili impact through traffic iniy," a report from Dtrector of Engineering Services Paul Cripps explained. "Property access froru Nipinuing Road and Thompion Road nitrth of the CPR crossing sviil be maintuined during the clo- sures." Mr. Cripps told counicil Ontario Street will probably be des- ignated as the detour route during the closurci. Construction of the underpass is anticipated 1o start in the spring. It should be complete by fnt fali. There are over 300,000 small enterprises doing business in Ontario today. Together, they employ more than half the province's workforce and generate over $120 billion annually. Supporting them are 44 Small Business Enterprise Centres, tocated in every region of the province. These centres are a valuable resource, giving entrepreneurs vital information on how to start and manage a successful business. After all, what's good for small business is good for ail of us. Salute to Smait Business 2005 o contact the Smali Bsinesa Enterprise Centre neareat yot, ca/i 1-800-567-2345 orge te (DOntario Paît tot by tie Gvrunnent of Otntario ML

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