The Canadian Champion, Friday, Oclober 28, 2005 - 1 (-r~) ~ ----a-- -< ~ - ..- - '-a- - %w 1ý ý i Musical duo keeping pizza patrons entertained Catarina Cardeal and Mike Siracusa have been blending their musical talents over the past few years and have a CD in the works. Celtic Tenors to sing for charity They were discovered in London Oive years agîî. and since then hase performed inîemaîîonally. Wednesday. Raton resîdetîs svîll bave a chance iii. bear for ibemselves the Celtic Tenurs pertorming tbeir enchanuîng brand of music. The concert will take place ai 8 p.m. at tbe Oakville Centre for tbe Performing Arts, 1301 Navy Si.. îvith a champagne recepiioti ai 7.:15 p.m. This fundraisîng concert is being held in support oîf Wellspning Halion-Peel. a cancer support centre. The trio from lreland ssas dîscovered in an impromptu audition in 20001 and immedîaîely sîgned te, an international recoîrd deal. Tbey've jusi released a nesv CD, and pertorm classicat and contemporary music. The classîcaîll irained îeîîîrs NialI Morris, Jantes Nelsoni and Maîtbesv (ilsenan s ill be juîned by special guesi soîpranoi Deidre Shîannoîn and musical director David Munrîî. Wellspning Hialion-Peel provides a svîde range oîf cancer support prugranis and services iii sersve tbe einotional. social and tatormaiunal needs <il nien, ssomen and children living svîîb cancer. and ituose whbi care foîr thbem. Tickets cusi $118) cacb and are asaîlable by callîag Wellspring ai <90)5> 257-1988. Or. send an e-mail îî lialiiinpeel(a Th Re0ional Miipae.te of Hlon Lets ~~i~the F1u Protect yourself Protect your famnily The Hallon Region Health Department is offering free flu immunization to ail Ontarians 6 montha of age and older. No appointments are necessary. Please wear a short-sleeved shirt. If you have a fever, or do not feel well, postpone your visit to a later date. Wednesday, November 2, 3:30 - 8 p.m. Milton District High Sohool 369 Williams Ave. Tuesday, November 8, 4 - 8 p.m. Halton Regionat Centre, Auditorium 1151 Bronte Road, Oakville (North Driveway) Wednesday, November 23, 3:30 - 8 p.m. Bishop Reding Secondary Sohool 1120 Main Street East Saturday, November 26, 10 arn. - 3 p.m. Halton Regional Centre, Auditorium 1151 Bronte Rd., Oakville (North Driveway) For more information on influenza and clinio schedules catI the Hatton Region Health Department 905-825-6000 Toil free: i -866-4HALTON (1-866-442-5866) TTY: 905-827-9833 www. reg ion. 115 *,,nt Rod Oavie ON e6 3 e ..1 Pair now regulars at Portabello's By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion She's Portuguese and he's Italian, but what Catarina Cardeal and Mike Siracusa have in common are family backgrounds rieh in music. Thcy both kniis what il's like te gather around tbe dinner table with the wbole l'amily and sing togetber. And both know irie iimpotance of delving intu iheir usvn beritages hy exploring ihe music of their ancesturs. She began siiigin- f ado. iraditional Purtuguese music, s> hile he and his guliar graviiated iiiward riick *n' roll Buti %vhen Ms Cardeal and Mr. Siracusa ended Up per- tiinning iiigether it was no surprise ihai their différentî suunds blended beautifually fused by their sirnilar grusvîng up experi- Coces. Whlat they ended up s> tf svas cuîîîng edge - ido s>iti a ciintempurary, bluesy twSist. lits a really guiid feeling tii knov sve can be ourselves up there and people are gia iaiii ut.- Mr. Siracusa saîd. Tîîgetber. Ms Cardeal and Mr. Sîracusa make up the grîîup 15, svhîch can be heard evcry Thursday nighî staiîng ai 8:301 p.rn. ait Pîriabellîîs restaurant on Derry Rîîad, îîear Trudeau Drive. They began playing there tour mîîîîhs ag> ai the Italiari eatery's grand upening, The miusicians. svhu lîve in Brampiîîn and Etubicuke. spuke excitedly aboîut hosv "I1t's a reaily good feeling to know we eau be ourseîves up there and people are gravitatlng toit.V" tbey're gradually gaining a fullowing of regulars ai Poriabellu's. People seem tu be enjuoying their music, which includes a varîety ut styles. They performi top 40 bits. classic rock. blues and jazz. And. when patroîns arc lucky ihey gel a tasie of ibis new type oif faîdo ibaî's gained tbe pair sucb nuiiirieiy. see PORTABELLO'S on page B2 GEORGETOWN _r CINEMAS 235 GUELPH STREET 873-1999 O THE LEGEN O0F ZORRO LPG] Oaily6:4Sp.m. &9:00 p.m. Sai. & Sun. 2:00 p.m. * THE CORPSE BRIDE p D aîly 6:45 p.m.. Sai. & Sun. 2:00 p.m. oTWO FOR THEMONEY ia aly 9.00 p.m, SDaily 7:00 p.m. & 9:00 p.m. Sai. & Sun. 2:00 p.m. S Daloi:0 pm I '-- - -- .111