The Canadian Champion, Friday, Ociober 28, 2005 - A31 P/rase loin Us This Saturday -. Barry Bai-ne 40%/OFF A// ln-Stock Fa// Si/ Arranginen/s \' 222 Main St. E., 905-878-9501 Gary Carr, M.P. Halton Please fie/fiee to contact me about anyfeifiralgovernment issue. I believe that it is important that I am aware of issues that are Of concern to my constituents. 14 Martin St., Milton Tel: 905-693-0166 Fax: 905-693-0704 Email: OFFICE HOURS: M,,-Fi: 8:3-4:3pm Sat 10-3pm w %Nw g ar yc ar r . à Scr-,-O4 ký. '~ l e f a c t h a t lt p u its o u r s t o r g for fhose who wers flot the ÏMyname s SarahMoore and / arn the owner fot Scrapbook Paradise here in town. We are p/eased to be a part of the downtown core in Mil/ton We co-exist with Recycied Reading the GTAs best used book store. Twvo shops in one, what more cou/d you ask for? We are iocated at /50 Mi// St, one street North of Main Street. Scrapbooking is a whoie new worid... scrap- books don't have to be p/ain or expensive. Scrapbooking bas evolved trous those oid scrap- books with the black pages and using photo corners to mount your o/d photos ... to some- thîng quite wonderful. Now you have the cre- ative freedom to do what you want. There are a few rules with scrapbooking. One is to a/ways use acid & lignin free products. That way your photos last for a lifetime. The second is, have fun! Which 1 challenge you 10 not have fun while scrapbooking. ils impossib/e! Your imagination is your on/y limitation i enjoy the privi- lege oft helping others acrapbook their memoris. Itls amazing bow. together i-e0 întîmate a scrapbook can be. They are gi-est gifts for those parents who have everything, for the bride la be, the new parents, the graduate etc. We have created lots of custom memory books for our customers and we have taught lots of customers 10 make Iheir own through the classes that we provide. The classes range from novice to expert and incorporate new tech- niques. People wiul always have photos, what is nice about scrapbooking is the fact thal it puts your story together for t hôse who were not Ihere. So when you pass il aiong 10, your sons and daugh- lers, they wiul kno4 their famiiy history and ail the good limes th4t they had. Scrapbooks heip you 10 remembet the good limes because nobody takes piclures of the bad limes. Whal a differenoe in finding a scrapbook that tells you the story-in comparison 100a box of old photos of people. who you don't know, or evenîs u~you don imember. Scrapbooking is a wsy tb pi-es re your memonies for a lîfe- lime. Whal gi-est gift 10 give 10 your fam- i/y. Whal a rieat way t0 preserve your her- '~itage. if yoti need heip with your scrap- book please feed tree to pop in wie seill be giad 10 he/p you out. Ask for our clace scheduli CaU us anj.Uae for lnforlual(lx 905-691-2265 or ensuil us ocrapbé t ossociotms huis Mmue fa sW Isu! 162e -p elE, Festeeon 878-2030sll UyUI~rQ TI AiTeiéL 4e7 -4 ~STRIKINC TECHNIQUES ofKARATE TROWS aned GRAPPLINGof JUDO J. U-iJ r JOINT DCKINC TECHNIQUES ci AIKiDO CLASSES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Adults-Child-en-Maie Female Plus f/Tr Tro f/cONT 4(R01/C N/CI UV/N CUSS.ES 310 MAIN STREET MILTON -905-878-1074 - 905-632-3100 ATLANTIS crystal I As tîme/ess as yesterday. and $29 ea ead crystal, hand b/own and hand cst by At/antis, Portugal. Fine Tabieware * Giftware * Table Linen * Bridai Registry 227 Main St. E., Milton, MomE, & 5*,Phone 905-878-0050 To//-free 1-888-400-8664 Fac 905-876-1658 Ema,/ delacourts( STOREHOURS: M-W//O T-F 10-8 SAT9S5 On eatpercusomne Vad onlyon Monlay, October 31 2005. Whitesuppesalst Earngvç pDtal 1 dM ýý