Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Oct 2005, p. 28

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28 - The Canadian Champion, Il October 28, 2005 -Ikcillled & Skilled & M I Generai Help 8 Gainerai Help General Help elp 101 Ge M Holp MW neral Helu Te Office Help M W _ 0 Gentil Help_ Tnrhnical Help Tâchnical I R/RtpjiTr~ 0orTon. ,0/ ,,it ~ s - r r-t-o 77s- ", Produçt Manager - Mechanical Design te- quîred with 3 -S years wor/ning experience in o me- chunîcai design techaîicion or engineering raie. Recent CADKEY experience a must. War/nîng knowledge of Solîd Edge and SLA 3D Modelîng syotem an ussnt Design of new & maditied prod- ucta tram inception ru production. Excellent corn monîcution o/nila reqoîted. Iltd truneî wîthîn North Amerîca. Inside Sales f Customer Service Position Foot paced office enaîlrnment, must ba computer lîterute wîth 3 years ansîde sales eperience, Pro- matîng prodoctu to oewaund eeîstîng customners. quatîng pricea, tu/vag arders manitoring produc- on schedolîng and shipping ta customnets Generol Laborers Appltinrs /neing acceptea for Caneral Lu/naurers. Manufactoring fac ivy proocct ussvmnIy anc packaging. Fine mait skifls teqcirvd Fuil lime Duyor tAernoan Shifi Applcatins kept an filv for 6months ira cure s0hf prefaîvace Em I resumne ae / or srOmii no Burlagran Posit-5040 Mainwaf Dr. Burlingran ON L7L 7G5 Bas 2075 All candidates must spvae, roa and airiae English fluent/h Christian Horizons ons i)e,ir/nelnsciolnO rriii-.itr\ t/nul pro% idenrsuîgnrt, arnd ern ions hio sesn h \o ep/iiinul assoIs /5' ire nirrenoils uoeprg is/ /ia tint SUPPORT WOQER psn.itiin c)pnpirlnirnitis-- r iuîin 0 alo il/s, \titoin 5/n -uriinr g/nton lSeIlgtin aind oit/net loction in- nî.ýirrn c niiate- riiý a 1i-n in fui Scri: 5. oi ksi oqItti loln itI lt4tn ~ ~ ~ ~ uru noî/lî!î. /t0 tii il/o o i/ ai i l i 1', ti, ld l/ease suborit resusse and cvser et/ar s io inail to: os est jobsa n vrislian-hxriznrs.sirg Vis/t our oseb site at ristiaî EXPRESSFIT FOR WOMEN IN MILTON is /00/nag for friena/h ana energetîc women ta loin oat teum as Paarima TraînersSales Staff. Avaî/able shiffs inclodeý Weelnday atternoons and/or evenîngs. Preuîaus experrence in a tîtness-related enaîrosment is an asset but fl/ training wîll be pravîded. lnieresfed candidates please reply b/r fax: 416-352-1214, by email ti: HVAC Growînig & Expandîng HVAC Company in Oucuilie Milton, Botington & Mîsoînuga regoîres Taechai. crans wîth minimum 2 vears service experience wîth ai muar brando. If hou passeso o recognîoed commonoty collage HVAC Techaîcian certîfîcate, Gos Fîter Il certîtîcare and cao/a i/ne ta ma/ne a change and boîlO haut carver a th an eapanding. uaity Service Fîrst campanv. send haut tesume ta: H.V.A.C 200 North Service Road West, Unit#1 Suite 522, Oakvilîe, Ontario L6M2V1 or emaîl fa: OAKVILLE VOLKS WAGON AUTO DETAILER/LOT PERSON f he applîcunt must: " Be dependu/nie and ponctua Worn goîcni and efficient/h and aurn must te- * t mcl attention t0 detal Have a dlean, ou/id driver's lîcense Startîng oaiary $t2 $t4/hr. dependîng on tha indîvîdoal. Eacellent Benetîta Send resume te: or fax f0 (905) 844-2719, Attn. General Manager. Travel Agents: Tired of Commuting? Great Opparlunity for LEISURE SALES AGENT ai/h 2 yrs vapenience Knsw/edge sf Amadeus preferred bui ai// train. Please forward asuer letter and rasume 10 Karen Oliver, Unigl Gien Abbey Travel Oakeil/e Fax 905- 827- 7285 Entait: We are seening individuals, preierably îith experience in door-to-cdoor deliaery, w/to would r/ne ta join aur team of independent contractors delivering an important Milton publication Tuesdays and Frrdays eacb ween. These positions require adulis a/no are reliable and conscientîous and are hast suîted Ita /nse who enîae the ouidoors and an incarne based an the amaunit af aarn t/ey pentarm. To explore, please contact Bob ait 416-720-1666 or 905-637-8795. The Oakville Beaver ATTENTION STUDENTS PERFECT PART-TIME WORK hign Schonl siodent needed Prf hvungs ana Saturoua lor custnmer service and dont Io dont canvassng. h ease forwamd renLries aîttr availas lily ta or fax: 905-337-5557 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE -'- ack ./ione whose "u Warenue Fcvrsron " Faxreoue ta 955849135 Naofe coP/t e aes&orlm Great at O oprt nîB ring to G A tteMnt/n/y Ps Gos o îd Doteley Sothe ml to pcao Fa Toroneto Star9134ý > o he elaise e ays awe Caofi No 960-3-00 Warehouse HeIp Required Fol/-lime wonkers needed for a leadrng csmmanî/y newspapet, hand/îngf înser/ing t/yers. Gatety shoes are rnandatory. Gsod pay /nased on prece ast/n. Est Bor/raglon location. Ca/I Rav/ at 905-637-8807 or fax resume /0 905-637-7815, or opp/y in per- son w/t/t resume /0 4390 Paletta Crf. Unit 1, Bur/inglon, ON. Quizunos .Sun mmm.M.. TOÂSTVI NOW HIRING FULL/PART TIME Ail posorions, dlays, nîgnt & aeenends Please fowr eume ta fax 905.864.4456 or ot 0f location ai 420 Main Sftreet easf at Ontario. Prfrapiantitn a va/id DZ licence but ai/i a/sa accept G licence. Priar construction experi- encewouId e a asetTheposition aould ha base ou ofour iltn sop ad wuldcaner t/ne GiA. Renumes con be faoed fa 519-539-7946 or mailed ton 935 Keyes Dr. Woodstock, ON N4V t C3 Affin: Gloria Morgan, H.R. Adminlstrafor. FRE5H FACE5 NEEPEI9 Aqe5 infanrt to 75 year-5 for cataIoýuc work, T, fa5hiooi evemtco. $15 $90!hour PLEA5E GALL 905-33b-5455 Laidlaw ta Iaa/nîng fot RETIREES and HOMEMAKERS Ta jain aur GREAT TEAM of School Bas Drivers 905-877-2251 or 905-877-4448 FULL TIME FACTORY WORKERS Required, ful lrne wiih benetits. Esiablîshed in 946n. Industriai Ceramics is a Milton based manufacturer ai techaîcal cerarnics arth wor/d aide sales, Pleaxe drap off your resxme ai: 851 P/ipixaing Rd. Mon-Fi 8:30 - 4:30 INSTLERS/HVAC TECHNICIANS SAs/nuit CtimureCare is a wel vstanisned cnmpuny cia/intaler ustposessa minimum Gos Fittai If Lcens. OD car anda vffîîd drivers lîcense. Service truck provîded and bonefit package Pleane tuax reoumne attention Art: 905-877-8025 -FORKUFTI - OFFICE ADMIN. I~~,y7AiShfts availableI eOW Loal tenp ao perm positions ao begin immediately' Terra Gien Animal Hospbtl regarres PART T/ME KENNEL ASSISTANT Inuaivea aiternate weekends, holrdays and t weenîght. Wou/d ho suitable for o responsîbie hîga schoot student, Fax reoume taý 905-873-7422 a Io SaHep Dotc t/e/p EUROPEAN tami ntit APPRENTICE ru-ii' cteing &STYLISTS n~srelia/ni aHa 905- Required 74r 7881 iEnyerience prelerred) Kvs Oua/ny Ciean/ng for bush doantown Service aven ru yers Oorlîngtsn Salon experience anr rasidan- For Interview nual & i ght commerciut Please Cai Discount for senians, Vvigsville a/sa estare dlean ours. - Ca/i Kim @905-299- 905-634-9022 1321. SSki/led & Mehia e/p MMTéhia e/p Technicians (2) Lot Attendants (2) F/T GM Licensed Technician (1) Requîred fot bush GM Deaersnîp Forad Resome ta Sera/ce Manager Leggat Pontiac Buick Cadillac il 2207 Fairview St. (Box 369) Burlington ON. L7R 3Y3 Fax 905-333-0170 Burseri Coatromatic, a Leudîng Prucens & Instru- mentatian Campany tacatea tn Gakurie is groaîng uguini We have an immediate openîng for a tuit i me position: ReceptionistOff ice Support The soccessfut candidate aill lave a minimum af 3 heurs auperience in thîn tîeid FEperience in Word and Excel a must. Bîtîngual applîcants preterred, but nat necessarv. We affer an excellent beneftît package arth good growth oppartunties. Send ysor resume, in confidence, fa: Human Resources (905) 847-7152 or Are You a TEAM Player? n-JM Insurance and Fînancîi Seroîces is a generai insurance ana fli îancîi servicas bra/nerage Personal Lines - Account Manager 1130 icne &O i- Oer re005 latea i-opa-totoefc Mstit hnve --otiit phone stil a ne b detii ur~nniente CA r I oia >t on ut ai te ctit nrdidate o r riîî ,, le o n e ici,- te wr vtt niinimnnii tjerv unoi nu0 icnq vir If eau ara pratessana. suigorng and enîov aealing artn t/te pub/rn, send vaut resame ta HJM Insurance & Fînancrai Satonnes Afia: Aaron MacFor/axe t A - 775 Main St. East, Milton Ont. L9T 3Z3. Fax 905-676-1457 or emari aaron.macfprlgneun/ Seekîag enthusîasîc self-statters VT & P/T hsors 8am -1Cpm, M-F requnting -Strsng keyboard skills & affentison / de/ail Wsrkîng knswledge of medîcal /ermînslsgy an asset. Bîlling/Accsonting evperîence requîred Please torwiard experience and interest in P/T or F/T & desired hours, to qurskit( ArNaionlîr e euead orbuh aet rhp Casibuhaa expoan assetýorf Tal eanrgn uleral atrdh in o addtsfortae ositont i l set ofplasn e l fax odp ts reorme w/b t ond wessr nittenmp oter la er to mfra tenton L. avilmete, Fscax: 05-335-3639 Onyuc eau caidatesuw/e o tce foranntPTe) Sevc -eetins *T &e Sae e eins PT egt Receptionisfs required for busy car dealership. Must have spbeat, friendly & professiona phone manners and fhe abilify to multi-task. Email resumne to: ri 'Dudjds' "$À Saturo Saab Clsife Ph M24,Fa W6 clasifie@mltncadincamponce Ou/aît/le mim se/s foul time person ta support accoonting /eam utilizing Accpac. Entry texe position Idea Candidate atîl bave t-2 yeots Ac- counitrng experience or recent gradoate of accredi/ed ca//ega. Pratîcient in Excel & Word. Fax rasuma 905-847-6255 or emoi/ jlomb@mo/y mo/ Accountinq g Assistant requîredFT Must have exp. /nnoa Excel and Word, be vety arganrzed, de- tailorrantad and a moli-tasnet arlh ex- caltent communica- tran and custamar service o/nil/s. Business vision and French are assets. Fax to Ren's Pets Depot 905-257-4611 RECEPTIONIST Fieqoired Eu/l-imre at Legendary Motorcar Company Hafivn His -Snne /noa/n/eepîng and Computer S/ni//s nequîreaý Pleasa fax resume ta: 905-878-4613 REFRESH l A fitriai aiiling ara woiioapeiing. vraies snai1 wvnmtmanshp depandahie, iasnrred Ornai home repairs. Steve Harnagle 519- 85s202 aa ell 519 000/tat4. 4- But/d o new career at Mottamy Homes We csrrenth have an openrng in aur Architecture Department tor t/nase înterested in joînîng a dh- namîc, progressive Irumenuilder tf hou have t/ne qualfitcatians and oxperîxace thiat matches t/ne toi- iaaîng opparianith ana fi/ne ta near tram you. Architectural Technician - 6 Month Contract This position provîdes architectural services ta tha Divisin, hrraugh the creation aI lat specfîc draw inus ivuardînu Design CeaIre aîitîated changes, maintenance oI draaîng tibrarh, maintenance of site reports and assisrance wîth draaîngs or sketches far homeoaners, Quaifications: Archiîtec- tural Techaaiagy Dîpioma -Excellent /nnoatedga of draaîng application, in parricutar AutaCAO - A/nilith ta read architectura blueprînts - Fut under- standing af Patt 9, Ontario Building Dada Knowat edge of building shstems. Fat mare detaîled loh descriptions pieuse vîsît Saiarh arli be commensurate wîth experrence. To opp/v please contact Humon Resources and an- dîcute t/ne position tîtle t/nul hoO are opplhing for By tas: (905) 829-6160 By Email: By Mai: 2360 Bristol Circ/e, Oakviîle, On- tario Il 6M5 PRECISION TOOL MAKER (NOTTMOL& DIE) Lathe & Mîllîng Operalor - enlry leviel position Grade 12, mechanical aptitude, minimum machine shop experience requîred - wiI train Emal resume to:

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