Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Oct 2005, p. 24

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A24 - The Canadian Champ/on, Friday, October 28, 2005 I (J~~ ~~ J )8f ~ If not for G racel where would I be? Ilise yiti ns tiîtted ai Iietîndi o tti itternîher? Fhue ,oui cete ýcaItttd til [Flic ciel- oî/ oit -lits 1s ittitc'cil'.t n \\ctri cttt plas l'ite ett 11/ 's ti tntc st- in trti t/rc tttitt n\e c iiiitttietic. Doî Noit oceci I)s i i rtcst lIiine nu etel coulte lace tir face ns ittI(I(ý ùri. tns ec) >01/1t sut. lIttId tin t-ked Ili i tint reiease? If' nil/ inc tilt t)tecid dotnc -ci. doil' i îgn te s s ur cieepesti ieeti antdi (oii's Iitciest ticintes erîett tOnce ira c-pet tetce (iiîd'. l'îtren ee, nioilI he bettet cqitttipe( Ir lîtîrsîe tties. C S i ens is lias satd, -"fi bcet ( ta Ch ist it icae iicc i ltl'î l 1t 2 îîîîrrî n/illirrrt tl s ur chiticer Bat tin cuiorcitt stîninettt fiiiafi lt /fi'gi i-c the inexc'Uuable', be-cause n (rî )/ i/l( 1/i(iii I li 0, tr//r i.,uî etse t heitr i reedîtn w ne caotn be sel t ee (ànd lias.fdkrgZi'î titi inecusîiable in Y011.~ - ~ 1 lorie i mu Kkl /iîtîî -ltisl i irtesi iIetttinnisa irîsci tir\\tite aboutt Il/c corîttîtt - Nî ofrlî sIin, 11li's Iiili t 'iltS, il//r SC(i/ni/i/ îi /t I r W(ici Ille pit/ci \ri tnt [ ola 1 ticai titi/ci aind Ilî t.i' m acii hoîi iîic stirppecitlkt' tiroi on îîîîîtiîî' t ,o tts5 o i muid itît 11ici c/ft thonte iti aî l it rîtle ,\/et sseîîi N'calt" tule ltatiet îttc'i î tîtetîc tite re ioîtsit atncd sîlite iîîîkeci e\serv\ nsiere t- lits stoti. VVteti tie cartne tîl lie catpitaciict ii iaci ite (lcitîeci to il Ci mhe tin oitjc t îi ce atnd tctke oult i ici ïdItl tue tiens sp.tpet tir tts io cct hîs sîît's attettont. 'Flie test ît i ici teaics liCe titis: N/\/n iOcir ns-t- a c /rtitnil nainttt lit Spai hcrs c îîîîrîîrt ncIor ilti k tiri 8//Si rîeit s ouit-' andi îîiî ilike. tcnc'tte Ptaci standcintg iii frontt /ric ite\en biling! i suspect ttnît nse aii kîtîns o /r 'c i n~t ttec iîor oiîîpsctess sîîtteîîîte s'in/ is trei orf' lis irns wttî aI hitîttît postý 5e tttcy hîîiî Ile kcy s su that inersîlît s ettiîttitnai liteedînt. Are nie ptepreci tIo iecîase tîeînti rîîttt titeir plcace ofi -jilt? CHURCH 0F CHRIST 1412 Britannia Rd. West, Milton, On L9T 2X8i 905-875-2939 zl ['>) Î,, , [ Sunday Sohool Classes L,),i PS/f (ht. Io Y/it/q ftei)t(. 1000 arn 200 Main Street Worship & Communion Worship Service - Sunday at 9:00 arn and il1:00 arn 11:00 arn Coffee and Conversation - 10:30 arn Thursday Bible Study 905-876-3586 7:00 pm Serior Pastor - Jirn DeMarsh -Youth Pastor - Mark Strickland Minister Steve Corbett MILTON S:ý MifnBafs Chuc LI#-1 -SiI I ,,l1i) 900 Nipissing Rd. A(lud!,,1 ;- Ai NI S7 (905) 875-1626SUD Iui ntrtiI lriw5. Sunday 11:00 arnbmOa Sunday School 9:45am ,I , i Everyne Wecome!thesanctuary.calmilton (15. < ~ Milton Sports Centre j ij 505 Santa Mania Bled. (Oerry Rd. west of Hwy. 25) GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH KNOX PRESBYTIfRIAN CHU!RCH MILTON GOSPEL HALL Clergy: 317 Main St. E WVEL OINIES YOUI Rev. Dr. Mlark the Chccrch on the Hi/I 170 Main S. M îîilon 905-87N-600 306 Ontario St. N. a 878-3873 McDermott 905-878-2411100ar.-TeLdsSpr Res. C'aroie l.angloîz tîiterimi \ticîiali - Re\ flair KlI,, cii10 0 . - h LodsS p e Father Mark C'urtis Dic"Iol \tiOcMiîisîîics- S/li ciiid turct 11:45 arn. - Sunday Sehool Sunda SericesDit/X i/r f t)--. pleshîp & tc \tIiiýIe- fini 1alailec 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service 8:00 amrn Holy Communion Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Wednesday 7:30 p.m. 10:0)arn- Sung Eucharist, follomed hý Youth SrnaII G;roup Pae n il td coffée hour. Service indludes (Girades 7 i12) 9:15 arniPae n il td "Kids'Spirit" ('hildren's WorshipJ<fE edIa ntcaî Cali the ct/arch office (Aue 3 - Grade 6t) 1i:30( arni t.i or visit www.gracechurchmi/ton..,om N ursery, Io etili te rigiuieoiis, Whe/cai Aces nrognPakig otfo#4i g ipg, -tr ini flic gcrace î' iri bii .sinneurs Io rep)entance. Wheechai Acess hrouh Prkin Lo Wheccc ir icccs, and i shncciiin prsnd c/W illi ol niai coiiiic iiid iIiq lii Acceorcoff Mir\ Street. Luke 5.32 ÇRACEWAY 'BAPTJST CHURCH 103 Martin Street 905-878-5664 CI! 905-878-1629 thi de LctdonDryR_ ewe heSot enr n hHsia Pastor Walter H. Isaak 0 JAYUI LcidnDryl bewe Patort c nr N nd tireHni/ 10:00 arn. - Sunday Schoolnifif rchPntrJk/lnbe il1:00 arn. Morning Worship Connections P'2fe (in 4te foyer) 10:00flam 6:00 p.rn. - Evening Service RILn U ~ LI .UUI ThurdaySundav Celebration 10:30 arn 7:00 p.rn. Bible Study & Prayer Captain's Crew for Children 4-12 "You'Il always find atriend at Graceway" Saai(rd6-)Te.@63pm*Ec(Gde91)Wd@700m www. gracewaybaptist.orgSaai(rd6-)Te.@63 meEi(Gae91)W .@7:0p Gise tlic itt iii litret etes-ý. Stop lisin tîtt t/te vettitt i otittittstc spirit ettarsiir tilttîigislt-I or veitis 1)iitt1t let yiînt gînctees sýtrttict yiîit îîctlîîîk tit File. Ccncei citstý tiîday Restirc friettîsiiips. Bec at gace-giset. Yîîî uisl tregret il 'locit e n iole ahbout Divxine i îrg f setess atnd yîîaibilt t iliiryrive tther.. 5 ttt a litoial ehîtrit titis sseek. Setisvtee timnes antd locaotioîn- are pnb! t-lied in the Relcigis Dtreetiiry betitî 10l help yiî/! Subniîved by Rer. Dan Rogge, Pastor of' Milîîn i New Lîfe Churcli Senior Pastor Rev. Dan Rogge Chi/dren Natalie Rog ge Assista rt/Wnrsh tri Esther Kossie r Youth Clinton Kruger 9 a.rm. - Early Worship Service 9:30 arn. - Ail Ages Sunday School 10:45 a.rn. - Second Worship Service Service Captioned /or Deaf/Hard o/ Heariog ANS WERS FOR SCEPTICS: WHE TRUST THE BIBLE? 6:30 pin - Sunday Nighl LIVE K/c/o Pro/se Choir Proctice durisp service C/îoreh Social Eve/it te fe//ew Supecvised Nursery & Dynamic Childcen s Prograrns ava/laide ail services! HARVESTPARTY A Halloween Alternative forAU! WILD, WILD WEST Westerntlihemecl indoor & o//tdoor gamen & coiipetit/0/i5 p/i/s o lîve. lete//nîig of "Thte Predigal Son)" NEW & IMPROVIED' Tickets: Kids $2. Aduits Free Octobor$l - 8:30 .m. ta 8:30 pi. WYebstez_ ww .wttte.-Mtttontnrn Sun. October 30, 10:30 a.m. ST. PAUL'S 153rd ANNIVERSARY Gues) Speaker: Rev. Thom Davies of Wesley Urban Ministries in Hamilton One Service of Worship in the Sancturay supported by music from the St Pauls Choir and the Worship Sand Supervised Nusery Care from 10:15 ar. Church School a) 10:45 arn Theme: "Out of Egypt" Gospel Unit for grades 6-8 Cotfee & Conversation alter the services Seekers Course for New Members Tuesdays Nov. 1 & 8, 7 - 9 pm Please cal)f to register. "Fair In Angel Square' Craft & Gift Show Sat. November 5, 8:30 arn - 2:30 pm Came Worshîp Wîth Us! e 4(9/11?

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