SPAPR4 \ W bW f Ph IE.ÇRAHAM PAI NE Time to fait back Sparky the fire department mascat remninds Miltonians ta turn their dlocks back an hour before going ta bed tomnorrow night. The officiai fali back timne change will occur ait 2 a.m. Sunday. ln conjunction with the bille change, the Milton Fire Department is encouraging resi- dents ta change their smoke alarm battelries. Poppy campaign begins today The poppy is a symbol of the hope and freedomn foulh for so valiantly. Wearing one shows grat- itude and also provides support for local veterans. Today marks the kick-off of the local Royal Canadian Legion brancb's poppy campaign, which will continue up 10 Rememrbrance Day on November 1l. For the next two weeks, volun- teers from the legion will team up with local veterans -there are about 80 -to hand out poppies around bIwl -We appreciate donations but, more importantly, we want ail Miltonians to wear a poppy as our way of showing tour veterans the respect they have eamned. said poppy campaign chair Launie MalNa TMis year bas been declared the Year of the Veteran by the Department of Veteran Affairs in Ontawa, coinciding with the 60th annîversary of the end of the Second World War. "We are really kee Il make ibis year's campaign bigger and better than ever, Ms MacNab said. T1he poppy funds are very well spent 10 help many of them and they are so grateful for any lintle gesture . The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 28, 2005 A19 F 03SONTAC GRAND AM GTl 1998 MERCURY MYSTIQUE CS 4DR r r WITII 7.29% FIN¶ANCINIG P ie Rafte O OOWN No Payments SALE el L until PRICE ~ T FEBRUARY 06!! .us 't 2003 FORD I RANOBI BDGE V6auoair AM/FMCDalum PAUL HILL w wheei bedliier med blu ex Proud to servee 0nly45,7 3l Stk#2481 A Pamets inlcePST & GST, 7.291/.ver 60ml peflmests biwel OA.C. FORD LINCON 655 MAIN STREET EAST. MILTON A radttto 0f Vauu à Trust since 1967 i,-4).] q L~~ ~ ~ ~ SLS-LAIG-SRIE-PRS-CLIINCNR f FALL FACTORYV REBATE Factory Mail-In Ear Rebate EnIII L On selected u p tO 0a 4 0 products OFFER IEND OCT 30/Q 5 t! owalreadyL ît~~ ~ it :ENN-AIR® inigéi- ts.BULOUS FACTORY IEBATE OoFactory Mail-In tc: Rebate up to products f OFFIER ENDS h o NOV/o NN-AIR. HNH D, 1i. 205 l'e i f"" , f 1 f .. "' , l,fS Sf ,1 ,,1;:ý Septemer,24, 205threxqhOctober hu ii ?ý0 , f- l, am , , rq,,, 1 eob 5,2005 through Noember 30, 2005. Plesse ensSs yo05 5ýq1i (iJ3l ly5 ' tf ir 11 -. . -* - --- -- ------ -, 77 M7 7- Your t do,