~ The Canadiani Champion, Friday, October 28, 2005 - Al15 nîly.eom. linprove communication and leadership skills wiih the Milton Toastmasters. Everyone is wclcome bo attend the meeting at the Royal Canadian Legion, 21 Charles St. (upper level), ai 7:30 p.m. For infornmation, cal) Allait Lahue ai (9(05) 877-3441. Help for Parents, a Haliou parent support group. meets in the evenîng in the baseinent oft ihe church ai 5720) New St. iii Bstrlîngioîi. This non-denoirninationa self-support group helps parents of children svbo are in trouble ai borne. il school or svîîb the lass or svho are abusive or iaking drugs. The grottp is a inm ber o) Associaiion of Parent Support Groups in Ontario. For more informaion,. cal) 1 -8(X)-488-5666 or visit www.apsgo.ca. The Wonmen's Centre, suite 2))) iii Hopedale Mal) aii RebLcca Street and Third Litue. iii Oakviîle holds uts free Peer Counselling - tram DATELINE on page Al14 Monday Oct. 31 The Wornen's Centre, suite 210 in Hopedale Mali ai Rebecca Street and Third Lîne. iii Oakville holds its frece Peer Counselling by volunteers in person or over the phone froni 10 ans. iii 3 pi. for wornen facing abuse, grief/loss and relaiionship issues. For more information or io register, cal) (9105) 847-5520. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 5(X) Childs Dr., holds ils CyberCafé frorn 1 io 4 p.i. The costi s $2 for memrbers and $4 for non-miembers. It holds bid euchre ai 1:30) p.in. The cost is $2 for members; and $4 for non-mnembers. For more information, cal) (9015) 875-1681. Tuesday Nov. 1 VON Alzheimer Services holds a support group for caregivers of people sviih Alzheirner*s dîsease and related disorders from 7 io 9 p.m. ai Mountainview Resîdence iii Georgetowni. For more information, cal (905) 847-9559. The Ontario Ear)y Years Centre holds its free Aduit and Child Drop-In ai Milton MaIli near the fooKd court froin 10:30) arn. to noon wîth an infonna) playîîmc for adulis and chîldrcn up to six years old. For more information. cal) (9015) 876-1244, ext. 22. Calling New Parents, a free prograrn for parents and babies aged 6 rnonîhs and younger. meets sviih a public healîh nurse to dîscuss parenting aiîd infati care. The group mneets ai the Ot.nario Ear)y Years Centre. 917 Nipîssîng Rd.. from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. For more information, cal (905) 825-6(XX). cxi. 7299. Milton District Hospital holds a breastfeeding clinic with a cer- tîfied lactation consultant (rom 9:31) to 11:30 arn. For more infor- mation or to make an appoiniment. cal Jean Gallen ai (905) 878- 2383. ext. 7030. The Khi Cornruniîy Cburch o)' the Salvaion Army ho)ds uts free Busy Hands, Creative Minds prograin for pre-schoolers and iheir caregivers frorn 9:30) to Il arn. ai 100 Nipissing Rd.. unit 3, svith garnes, crafts and songs. hi also ho)ds its free scrapbooking group from 7.30 to 9.31) p.m. ai the sanie location. Brîng your photos and album. Basic supplies are provîded ai no cîlsi. For more information, cal) (905> 875-1022 or vîsît www.khtcommu- «l n O* rn .5 ,, - s. by solunteers in person or over the phone frorn 10 a.m. to 3 p.rn. for wornen laeing abuse, grief/loss and re)aîionship issues. ht also ho)ds its Womnen's Employment Network frorn 9:30 to 11:30 arn. for îhose wanîîng to leamt resurné wriîing. job seareh skil)s and more. For more information or to regîsier, cal) (9015) 847- 552). The Milton Fibromnyalgia Group meets ai 2 p.m. at St. Paul's United Chureh. 123 Main Si. E. lor more information, cal) Jo Anie ai (9015) 878-437 1. The Milton Seniors' Acîîviiy Centre. 50)) Chîlds Dr., holds ils Evening Euchre Party ai 7:30 p.rn. The costi s $2.50. Its Downsizers Weight Loss Club is hcld at 10 arn. The cost is $2 loiiiîîeîbcîs anîd $4 for iior-ieinbers. For muore inftormiationi, iall «X)15) 875-168)1. 9503 Dublin Line, Milton Reception & Silent Auction starts at 6:00 pm Dinner at 7:30 pm Live Auction follows Dinner 16Oiperson Enjoy a fun-filled evening of gourmet dining and bidding/buying while at the same time helping your community! ÀIMÀ5_0__ý Be a part of the community - help us aIl be good neighbours WORLD'S LARGEST% fi LA-Z-BOY Furniture Galleriesý Look Up Ontotain Iere We Giow gAqun! We.euM see.d î5ý Wod' LS~geet L.5 i4Y F-iý *.., W Gs f ODurIi ai tWit,. C5,cidI) and at, ieati555 M Ainatii5 Sait .51 Al Mai h trst, lu M~,-id. 10 -4 ~ iii 4p.. id. ii-i~ i. United Way of Milton Get your tickets today! Cali 905-875-2550 United Way of Milton thanks ail of the generous donors who make this possible. Special Thanks to Woodbine Entertainment Group as Patron Sponsor, Genivar as Table Sponsor and Donaldson Financial Group as Wine Sponsor. Some of the Exciting auction items include: " Shopping experience ai Sobeys Express. Milton donated by Sobeys, Memory Lane Limousine, Kelsey's " Gourmet Dinner for 6 in your own home donated by R. Chef " A Ride in the Exotie Car of your choice and lunch with Toronto Star Wheels Joumnalist Jim Kenzie " Framed Ai Casson print and Grandfather Clock donated by Don Joyce ~ , " Reproduction Antique Bird Cage donated by Cyril Steven Interiors " Passes for Paramount Canada's Wonder)and, Ontario Place, Canadian National Exhibition, Wild Water Kingdom, Royal Ontario Museum, Ontario Science Centre - Helicopter Ride donated by Great Lakes Helicopter ... and much more Carry out uy Ivinon ri irters 15ý-1h/1 1/nn/ev/ & CYIU/CtI/o/l/ ýý40A