A6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 25, 2005 *,Comment Honour thy youth tta ofteri xxere tiutxtLiteat xxiti siot tes abatut ti oabtestite vaaxîths. xx ti te e at lN, aiaad kiats iii fit eaaiiitiitit> I ia bot their buîsiness xx uth lttle i eeîagîtiai h 's impottanit tIo i eiteitîberI that tai a'coîîi it t le ex crs aith t on îe aicross 0)îarîo tbais ils tfair Sttaî coai e\irao dîinai s atitt peoapte -ttasa xxlut taroxicît a x airîi att initiativ es tiec etitî ntaitext t ilakintg itona a betici ptae ti axhica tai lixe. Wiuh ihat ti in tind. lThe ('hatapitî is proud to onîce agaiti support the Ontatrio Juior Citizen ai the Year Axx ards. Co-ordinated throughl the Onitarioi Coamauîîity Nexaspaîpers Assoîciationt îOCNA) aond sporisored by the lcmibec Paîper Groxîp, thc annuxat axxairds sOute a spoitight aipai saote ait thc proxvince*., trtasi exeepti iati,î s îaaîî peoapte lia tjitt 1ctit xx iti I )(NM itetahet nexx ,spapeis, aeittss fic proinitce. axere latikije iii recaxci îe tc c efttrts aiad acetmnapl istintts ait itese itut.stýllitai iag y aitse-tatsaaxas tteti andia CICitea,,axe thers t tîtttat t thcir i eood exaittîtte. PteaSC e lt aIS Oîxt Os tillatîttti ta a ltxn ipet sati. axaca (a 17. xx tas tttxittxeat ini catitttiîiîty scet s e.las pratteani atat ait hici îst, t s cottiiibtîtin ta' ittc ctaiti tiitt xx tille lix im xx iti tinitattiis oit s a cita)d Lia) axtt showsa a'atiîttitiettt lai iitziktit i tte httet tai titis. The ateaat ic tait noinattiaatins tu, W'eatitsdas Nia\. 301, xx11I hiati I stîtaîat at vde pteita oit ii te tai adate ley tlIais- tiate 0Wsihaa a lital baty air gît- lis xx irîtt ofalidstîtîcitit. Noinîationi tiris aiîd fth inafotttrma- lio tiiaan bia otibaîitea Os catîtn ta he OCNA ait îa905î) 6-720 air tas gtatîta t the ctainuaaiiy itexx'spaîpei assataai taits Vi/c site aitxvxxactîi \VW Lîaa kio\ iltait liais IIaata îaxîîac' t)eo jate atcserx îîîg oftt his tii atuî lit recit seaurs sexe!at havex c eeti tutin tttaied andta a tex% havxe becit recoiacîtîeal atitata I )îiariai's top uitîttî aittes. VVita the lielti ot theti paitets. teaa laci andta taers. tacriaps ý axai a l eaa ,î etatia itex s aibouat tteir acatitpl isiiits. *Our Readeà.»àrsz Write Instaling parking metres an unwîse move Fîre department open houses success fui Dear Editor: Reading lThe Chanmpion a while ago about lte thought of installing parking metres in downtown Milton bringn to mimd the many times in the past when this issue rose to lte surface. It would seem that now would be the most illogical time to do so, with te need to encourage people to, nhop dlown- town. There'n a lot more competition out there now. I recail year ago when we had an attendant who kept track of te cara parked on Main Street by marking the tires, thus advising fxîlks otf their lengthy stay. He*d also remind staff otf the busi- nesses not to take up valuable parking spots of their custaîmers. l'Im not sure this methaid can apply in tItis day and age. but a retired persmn might like to take on such a challenge. We've got to keep downtown Milton alive and welI. lt's been a positive exana- pie for many smal towns in the paat. Bruce Hood, former downtown business owner and OBIA chair *The Canadian Champion Bo 2 48, 875 Main St. E. Ian Oliver Publier Milton, Ont 1.9T 3/i Nuil liver (905) 878-2341 %Nendy %lcNah i ýt Edîtortal Fax: 915-676 4943 Kairen Sniith ilatlaglm: ' /a, ÂAlxertismgo Fax: 90)5-876-2364 Trni (oes /tiiita Classitied: 90)5-875-33(X) ('harlene Hall( </'i,, m /tta Circulation: 90)5-878-5947 'Feri (Casas fi/ta M,,naa', Thte CaiaianCiamion ato Ont ieaaa î.aa/aM [91 ai,Bo1248/ a atlieM a!! mM'! for a trie appabl ra ati e Max puhlCe reaa!.e ex a'!ga!i!Mt M) aalegoll ofi!atM!a!t CCAB Audited RECOGNIZED FOR EXCELLENCE BY THE CANADIAN CHAMPION IS A PROUD MEDIA SPONSOR FOR: /~ /~aTV AUCTION UNITED WAY 0F MITON lt YYMCA qewarM o' at"5~ Fl 10 rT Mta aaOa Cxaîiia, ,t5. RyM1ab1t Po,ada&a « 3' Ikar Editor: l0ii Ocaiahcî N. Mitiattas Catraîl tite statuin faef(] us atial aopea baouse tri coiitlaijonction \x ih National lire Pîiexeîtiti Wcek. Atia tai Oaiaabel t5 ait attect tiaiiseaxi tala)] ai Siatat 2 [Il (aiitaetîx le. Agartîtiis year. Ittese exctîs axere a ireîîaeîdîîus sîiccess, Once ateati a barbeaue \aas tiela t i saupport taxis culai dy sirapi. aisi vears total ait $681x axais surpassea tis year xx uta moatre iban 5)3)1111 raîseat. l'a) tike tia taîke tItis ippîarixiity iii i)îaîk A5ir i .qîuide toa Sieetcs Avenue tfor lis doanaion ofi heltuna for the aIds' bl Iatîts anda Kextin s to\ taa îg. \\ tataîtsutppie the caars tai aur a'Sit t it tat! ata'aatitatraIt talais .tta bic littik-o saa oitsttt ta 'SaataIer'sý Sntack Sers tees tata-xxiii thanî,îîî tisai tai (it attati l'aillec tai tc ort aiphtotî uta The Chaion,îît l'a) t îe Ioi persaity taîk file iacîtbers otaihe lire depatintac a na itacît taîîîities x tatao tiade tae aopent haxaîses sxîch successint exets l'i ver> gri tai i tte tttcers ainad t3iretïihiers tiar itacîr aesire iii cdxi caîe the publia ot Cire saler>. lit ctîasing. la) îLe iii ithak tte atittiint ti fosaitaptiig otai oipeti tatuses. We trait> tape itht a ai cuija>ext tielitt saixr loal tire- itlies ta)d xxitii retaiettaber xxtat ao laIaîrîea liai a tlong fittae. Jaisi as a retaîiaxter it s that tiae ait s car tai Itaxe y tur etaînaneys eteaiteat ald retamaber thai ton Suitlday îaîartîîng i 's fiie tai l back aîîd chantge yîaar ulocs. sca yaau staautd ebarage yaaur sr-noke aitarîn batteries ai that lime as axe)). Fire safety begitis at haome. Doug Short, chief prevention officer Milton Fire Department Parking tickets over Thanksgivîng not appreciated Dear Editor: My taînaîy îîîxîed haut aur iteax hame taxer ihe iTiautksgivuag )ay axeekeax aînd bais aIready receixeat aut otiiat xxe)cîîîe giti Irntia ihe itiaxi. IThe Ttîx totf Militait tbxîagbti t besi tai setialo)îtg iheir besi xx sItes ii lac aîrît ait a $311 parkinîg ticket. 'Flac pairkittg aîtt'cer itaxîtsext sxepi tîtriugb tte maad- dle ta)itte îîîgbî. aalkitig tce tires tif lits piey. aîîîy iii retaill laier xxitb bis llaîîksgîvîng axishes. Yes. axe gadi îîekeicd tot l'hanîksIîx îîîg axliea peaople haîx ,s itors frrnt oui ta) tîaxn aîid parking cari be bard to tînd. 1 hear the iaeighbaiurbattia xxil) bc busy again at Christias. 'ta dio cotie baiek t vîsît us. Perhaps axtale jaîn aait f'or tItis festixe ibista, yaaa iaight caînsider taurgetiîag ihiase axha paîrk ii laaniidcapped spaces but ascii reatty baindicappeal.o ait aaybe ihaîse axtac paîrk uit fîre riantes baut diaut axîrk foar ithe fire atepartuteut. Juxi i suggestioan. Sc yo tailtent hattida>. L. d'Entremont Sherwood Road Pud by Steve Nease