The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Oclober 25, 2005 - A3 Region plan aims to divert waste from landfihl 8v' MFI (INIF H1iNf7F -11 A plani tsai ss ii guide Hialt(ii s 5isediversions îîîîtî,îtîs es toi- tlise îsext five years sbould ssssuî gis out toc public cuunsultationi. Caled the 200)6-2010 Solid Waste Mansagemsent Stistegy, tise draft document coiiatits 10 key cttttponeisis that caige itomn îînpleîsseuîîsg a Regîsîn sside cucbside comipost pick-up pcîsgîas ts enbaîscîng svasie diversiton rates iii apartmeîsts, contdomsiis aîsd tosvnbîsîses. "Tbe strategy taes Lis itis tise tiexi Ove >,cars antd beyumndl" Halton Dicector of WaFte Mantagemsenst Rob Rîsers told the plaît tsing and public svorks eoîssîîsîtee Wedtiesdaty. "Its a cuuad issap that leads us into the future.* Tise strategy amiss to help itaxiris5iL the hife ti ltuits lait-ill - whicb us curreuily expected tus ceach capacity b> 21)22 --by îîscreasitsg the svaste diversioni rate froîss 41.6 per cenît tus abuout 601 per censt. lu addition to the above-mentioned initiatives, thc strategy includes plans to: - Explore pariner-ships with ueighbouring municipaliiies. This could lead to torming agreemnsets with nearby areas that have existing tacilties to sort Blue Box material, etc... - Luhance promotion and education of waste diversion pro- grains, wich would promote the ihree Rs -rcduce, reuse sud recycle. - Advocaie to tise provincial gîsvcnment on the pruomotion tof 55 asie reductisn and product stewardship insitiatives. - Hartîittnie wsaste imanagement service levels acrîîss Halion. Tise sirategy also detaîls what's urîder consideration foîr 2010E and beyîîîd. such as limitisg the suinber ol garbage bags a bouse- ltold cîsuld put oui l'or collection,. implemeitting a 'user psy' sys- M. Ris crs îllustîated ltos a taxpayer svould be ,îilecied if tic Region switched from ris ecrent waste management progrsm which cosîs the average bousehold about $97 per year -tus a user psy systemn. User psy for aIl svaste services would cuust the average taxpayer approxinsately $199 a year. For gachage collectioun only, and dis- posaI ai the landfill and recycling being covered by taxes, it would add up to acouud $123 each yea. And for garbage collection and disposaI to be coveced by a user psy system and recycliug funded by taxes, the average housebold would spend a hatle over $l47 per year. The commtittee supported holding open bouses in eacb of Hialton's municipalities so ibat residents eau review sud comment osn the strategy. Dates bave yet te, be set. It also endorsed having staff report back to counicil in the spriug on tbe results of thse pub- lic consultation sud briug forwacd a final strategy foc approval. The malter will go befoce regional counicil tomorrow. Tbe new plan provides an update to the 1999 Solid Wasîe Management Strategy. Mélanite Hennessey con be reusched ai mhetinesse-v@milfon- canaictnc'haenson.copn. Book ontine at and earn vatuabte AIR MILES' reward mites. Or simpty cati. 1800 538 5696. CeIhse Avo.n.i Jý~~~~~~~~ A6 AIMWOpSANqV J c ' - , c IMPACTING YOUR HEALTH tram PAIN ta FREEDOM No Relerral Necessary. Appoiniments Within 24 Hrs. Chiropractic -Acupuincture - Massage Therapy C ustorn Orthotîcs *Orthopaedic Braces Chiroractiand~917 Nipissing Road, ~Ç ) Milton, Ontario (Corner ai Thompson & Nipissing) Rehabllitation Centre 90 -693-0003 ".Wl SELL SATISFACTDONff 905-878-8877 le 1-800-303-3257 81 ONTARIO ST. N., MILTON Visit us at ~tY~'. ~ OCTOBER 29TH, 2005 ~.10:00 AM 2:00 PM Events Free Heaith Talks " Tour the Clinic * Spinal Health -Deep Breathing & * Meet our Teamn * Baby Massage Relaxing * Discuss Health Issues * Nutrition Techniques OUR DIVERSIFIED PHYSICAL THERAPY TÈAM DR. VINAY GABO REBECCA MORLEY KIM HASTINGS OR. NAV DHIRLI S. Sc., DC, CCMA Registered Office M.D. Cttirepractor/Accuputseure Massage Ttterapist Administrater Medical Consultant W. Con HoUp You WIth: " Lew Back Pain - Foot/Knee Pain " Neck Pain - Wrist/Shoulder " Headaches Pain We Speaulze In: " Moter Vehicle Injuries -Ergonemic Ceunselling " WSIB Injuries -Chronic Pain " Sports Injuries -Wellness Counselling I d We want you to have Completely Satisf ied ,.Auto Service