The Canadian Chamnpion, Friday, October 21, 2005 - A21 L ~Li,%, LVLy 4ISb ' %W05 DURANGO Fuliy Ioaded with leather. ~27/900 _ * V6.aAe * de * ipo#t pico 288 i y, S7j UP 10 PwsftPURC4>SEî F afflCi4G e2W0 P4c * a -CUi 4»t C&Wu-ye= MHSC TO qM ACK O 0 U - .,, ~4J4C F. . - Cmnsaàs best sellfng mialan * Fie star safely r*ig Pour rer ""atrvns 'fttuttd ~e*W wiodew Unqu Reftc" hd Cors* mor r** rf yr -3JL V6 engmn & Oiiedra-Trac <b ful-dmn 4WIJ *5-spd si*onti trenmsof 0 Air endtaonlng eflvtar Mu y ratn Eiectrninc S ltty Pirga (EUP) * 345 hp 5.71. HEMtO V8 engine - tht MMs powerfui trucin ot clos$ * uet-In-cWu Intei mm ,or F ive «Wstreey rtn-ad T~o iwmrup *hegdmt etub 20inh PW atlpuwihum wheqi ~~3f94 ~ r r ) Toil Fise: ldl 500 BRONTE ST. S.a S~~PV!CFIP'SERVICE: Mou Fr1 -5,fu. 4, Sat 4 61750