Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Oct 2005, p. 19

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Royals offer sonla sniowing against Irish The Champion Nitie Dinetttceert.tittiy titesilic iec x ais,iitt'ce 10 \,,li tol bail gailes. loit Btsiitp Retiit itiiet cd t itelitit itatd aisa )spt 1asi tittîs t u nusdltliiircd lt ist yeat 's Co1etltit tiilt itlt Ilite ixtis ci tîtîcse lis is wiili rcsuiiiid iii a 5tt)-t annihîiltionîî - lthe Rit>ais jusi tOIIii' itatittatit îîsscssil, tit ittie fiel Fiirid,> cii route lto a 35- 10 cielicarî Ninîîîs lits last s car' s pot~î dii ierenîî,i hs more thaithali ciuid eastIV bc ioitked tIpOti as a itittrai ýitiîrý ,î lttîtîiiui eiglut 1RR tirttîers, -s ,tit att ce ii split bctîx cci ittnteeptis and tutîttbies --put flite kîbîsit titi xihai ctîuid itase actitali> becit a stispenscfi i attenutittîti Gis cas asi,. flite Rît>ais tîticîct a credibie ils erail iteritlrtaice in is lat uit itcilk iepe it ias essentiaih a , baifle l'or tirsi iplacee is eks itîtîked i tke lites lrtil, hcllitt ,îîîîî iu,îiîîîîî 's i)îs isîltî on t h att LI[)," said Noire D)aine ttcad tîtatil Nittiati (aiiî \,dtietI Rus ais skî1tpc1 Jtc uLrus. ' ic little thuttes thtîî hLirt is tîdas andît1ii i, th ie auiseî fîtîtix fiaillire lit sec tit.i llu lie\, ti i sflite besi î e cel. iit,îsci ,clt Notre Dile )tcVe iLI didit' t tke aîds .îîî,îe tofîî ouiîitltile 'in int î t etrisý [il t st'tl u attttttet. ucl atîtit i sttap bi [lie tîi ti Retiti insitit flit' tý s silt àî LIliîe It lie Llitîe ihti J iii titi ,îî ii u tti Le t ,îî i re hal s ouil a Iti-i ~iaii'btk Jtîiirti sîtl 't iiii i tilt'11 ti iti 'bo ti stiti O kttle icîuîtî thi, \,ilt:,is (itls. ututîîe aî itllilt t iel bic andtti forîîî flîî' it1tt it 'tîîîît s ii ît'tk tittîx erel îî an cîîîîî tfftt titi bt stdcs i tihe îîîssîîîe chut Rs ,îî I'crniiîtc kicke'd tlit t'\îî, tîltîl. t- istit a ] 1 ,N fsild Lo lIli flic ds it titi n îîît'îîs il tîla tîîîîî'î tiui' r ien eîalîtî rta,ît il b.ik i t'ti -i, tii lttllx tîîîîîî sîtîlie tfiles lto ou rk us tilt \îi ke (.111 eîilletî(t il it stttitîc' Rotb Ruitisiti sie-peut tita ý,îî L salst'isriu ilîîlîttle t titebat.kel, Coii i iti e sîttels F îodt Speakit.îiî stîîtti ot tiias ssc1 it tl a 1Ittitibet ioi kt's iat'kie, lto liicip îîcuîtî,lie insle x %lii testutitîe gt li bilt tarrier Mike Mitttitîy; lto ait iîkie ititîLr> it tilt'ic iitîsi rnatiaged iii ier up flie tîeid. Nît\% 2-2, the Rt t>ais, are hiîitte lt 11-etus andt (',rîî btk t the li îîeîp ibis i-ridis %O ien ihev iîc,î lto Burlîigltii fi take toti M M. Rotbinston. Tuie lse ts lii lthe reculai cîîî i i iet' ek al Nelsîti. Rîti gaities s'tar ai 33 1) f il. Meaitxs hile. RR's jutîtîrs tilli to 12 ss iti a 0-0i itss lit SI Thttia.s Aquitias last Tuestci,îs i h lis it Miltton District. ,îtsît 1t Minor atoms win big- The AAino htni- cpped a Rep Hockey tîtur-days slreich li cîtinmanding tashîtîn. ihunîpîng i-'ambiirtugh Sabres 8-3 Salurday afternittn ai Militon Spots Cenire. Jacobh Quinn led the îînsiaughi wiih a bai îrîck aîîd l)rew Jonues iaiiied ussîce. Cippîng in singles ssere Beni Preisîter. Graydiii Wessinger and Adaîti Wilson. The Wînierhawks kîcked titf ibeir lîcc seek svîiî a 2-0 1vitewssah oît tutsi Orangevilie Wedttcstay tîglît antd tiîiiitss'ed ihai up vxxiii a 7-3 Iîîss ti Antasier 'i iursday cvcîîîîg. AE2 bantamns ground Flyers The AI:2 haainîs ssappcd a isî guesasir îtîeîîîîîs ing sireak ss itli a 2-t shîtîut ofi the (hiatges ic Fiiyrs Wedittstiay nîîgb. Mitchael t iL t ti.'slais ess caîge \st rk xstslstippitnetl b> cias nuitn Jîke ('îita ildîît Rîticard Raîtuka. irass îîg ,îssîis -e Jorndanî D ias.T1e 'i y c ari aid aîîîî lessic Mîddîsotîî ibis toltiîxîcl X- 2 andt 3-t1ct.î lit (takviiic antd i icslpt'it teîetî i>. ititt)il Whtiig pitîtc allil itîe gîtais iniei gaines, %tlt Sic s cî Benetet otiii rîîîg tut' \î it tiiisive 41ppitl titn lgzitg,1.ill tc ie cyji,1ele> hî.,s. .- The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 18, 2005-A19 Spartans advance to ciuarterfi-nals i lll i. i C10 fîiiy sî i I eld> te l i îkeit air jpî'uî finie It deliver a jittie payhack againtis te Aidershoi Lions. The Sparlaîts did so under do-or-dic circurnstances in Burliitgtoi Thursday ailerîtoon, exacting revenge for il 2-1 sea- soit ipin.iiig ioss to the Lions wih a 1t-0 decisiot n ii fisround playot taction. Lisa Brownt ntched the loue goal rnidsvay through fic firsi haif aîîd the entire Drury contingeunt turned in stifling defense --preventing the hosts frouin getting a single shit on nelmninder Samnanth1î Morgan. As tifyesterday the senior Spartais were stili waiting iii find oui xviii thcy xl bc laeing ii ibis atlertîtion s quarierinais, silice Thursday's Lester B. Pearson-Nelson showdown was posi- porncd. Chances are L)rury wiil have the uneuîviabie task of baîtiing tr Notre Darne Irtsh, who won ail six regular season gaines aîîd outscored the opposition 31 -O. Meanwhiie, EC's junior field hockey tearn was also impres- sive defensiveiy in firsi round play against Aidershot Thursday. but eventtîaiiy tel 1 -) in a shoot-out. Bishop Reding's juniors were also eiiminated in the first round, iosing 2-010o Nelson. Reding's seniors didn't make the piaycoffs. Double whammy for senior Mustangs Mito Duit stritct',, seior-i fooitball teaiti tist inore tihant tsi lis xscek tut tl"I \si ](I ti det sittt Th ti sduy ,ttentttttt Ili tietir itrt hititîtie l Lani i ec of flic sca,stt tlie ettihattiedt Mitstatgs sui'erei titritt Lfi anttutier siess of errors. Aitti.te iit sic re ses et ai li iihes anîd t oittess hIttekise_ breikoJttiis , li.n ie of \%ix h resLliiet lit titarterhttk it ti le> siîî,t iî oitis dtiss t ix tii seitîli aet sitititidet o'-e ut foi (lie andsîl tîi ttc toitu kitiî ver ihaitiil (Io tir hîs biskeîbiii," said head coiach Richard Grant. whîîse seniors teil iii i-3 ssth l'hursday's 27-12 deteai. Thbe Mustangs seetiied iii tieasure ui)to ii ieir gucsts in termis tif sheer skiff antd put iogeiber stîmte iengîhy dives on the atternoon, buî sit îliîeîîseives in the foot witit turnovers and tundantenta ittilies. Bent Cii itrd scîîred bîîîh itucbdowns. MI) svraps up regular-season play at home against 3-i Christ lite King Thursday afiernîton. cc o 0 'n .n 1< >N M1 z 5z M a -M 21i 0 "D >0 O> . >M 0 .D (1 ti r Eu M u > Z la ni 0 10 ho M o - 0O -100N 'Uc CD Ch a - q.4 *,< 0 Z. = 0 3i 'n >1 j tk 1 iA( jl 1 il, >m (n M .N U8i~ig 0

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