The Canadian Champion, Tueaday, Ociober 1 2005 -A13 Grant to support outdoor education programs cideudr1 Iiaikoý te a (,ant I'rei flic Oiiii [I'il liatii Periian. svhch hlends arl and naturai histry iii cie- ry-bsed tirce pianting initiative caiied riacose J -uidatîîîîî G reen Futures vil include seserai inaiotr atc inurols usinir hand-pauited svtuden 'Fi-es I«or Watershed Heath. arum.e Ftuet , w îco1nt cioiia tre i pro stiderrs aind, 'aîrrities fia tîrritis irise eLtuica- tlinrî(i an o tr lrite lie riens.e m 1r.1cie (Il' cowiiirs rtioI1 t r-> sýtersied cili/eii5 in a minrrer rirîr sIiiis oui cliii iiiiireirri il ri ft os it li tltiî corin- y cii. siict as the latinci ofi tie I Iitiiin (tritreur s Woiier Festiva, svtiietî ssitt bc tretit ini pariershit \% ith 1 latitir Regitiri (i's it a,t tiii ficn Scienee Mvetrs and Iiiisttr tîîiuriiin wh ich rlocat Li ide 1 Iuidei' s iii oir iiife Iia i rlri strdceiice coctiirrir \s\fiti lotical rit andtrr, it ittii 5ere O rier riiitiies itii,, flic,,riiiitt Steady performance that is worth celebrating. We want you to have Completely Satisf iled utoSerice "ýWl SELL SATISFACTION" 905-878-8877 * 1-800-303-3257 81 ONTARIO ST. N., MILTON Visit us at &iITON ~in Milton Fire Department OPEN HOSE Station 2 Reid Sideroad, Campbellville Date: Saturday, October 15, 2005 Tirne: 10:00 arn to 2:00 pm (tof ExîrathMion : 1el,,tr, tCnrlIieSain(f SCles Comba h llen geai t n ati i) I, tto 2 o e Tdrad.Çnpcller "i ui ild a ýl TD Motl Inoe F 1 yea I 20./ TD Monthly Income Fund is the Canadian Balanced Fund of the Year. Il stu'i te ttkitte l'oii tirnd iiai ii, iî htttsii lir ti CriSe. stetots Set liii ý 100ttc k rî0 utihet1C î1irl rire itl) %Itrllllvi% Iiriii tltundi It.iset tron ius ractk recordi. i S o ritriet re OiiCiiiiiairn tItio,,etid I -utd tI toc acti t he Catîittt mtriseirietr .\as . The TI) MnItittt trîcr 1tutti ,iis Iot ,chiese stiong, conistentii perfttrmanie. oMiune sirikiou a hbaance thirioli tliset su tetii rit equrîrres. lixed treetrîe and caîsh. The i aid ltioks to puoi te ctrssî ionstt ithINis eetîve and Aisît. TD Motion Ftinds* sos sarded the Aiîatysas' Chice Fund Cipoanv toi' the Yeorr . This assourd is oranied io the rîurrurî tund cîttrai than deiîttrares excellence je a ratage iii catories, îrociadiîg tmg rterian perftorrmance, sersice rto the r rîdusstarot rriiiaeiiieiii aned hîeadrh tif cure tlfer irngs. Tii lind (ur more aout otur s,, de raoue tri rasesinerî tipitions. siiiipiy contaîct or repiesenotise oif TD Canadoa Trust', TD Woiierhtiuse toi- xtr linancioti odidsr anrd discoser hioso os ear tou tei y 00 recirh y itr irisesiieni gîons. Cali us today at 1-866-411-3337 or visit unds lmMutual Funds 1. Inception dote is lune 29, 1998ý 2. Category Winner, 2004 Conadian Investment Awords. 3. ID Mutent Fonds ore monoged by ID Asset Management Inc., a wheily-owned subsidiory of The Toronto-Dominion Bank. Avoinhie throegh ID inuestment Services mnc. (principal distrihetori, 1D Woterhouse Conodo nc. (Member CIPFI and aetharized deniers. Commissions, traing commissions, monogement fees ond eepenses ail moy be associated wrth mutuol fond investmeots. Please rend the prospectas, which cantains detaîied ineestnt information ord es ovailohie frea our deniler, before ineesting. The indicoted rotes of reternorne the histarîcol anneai cempoonded total reterns ns of September 30, 2005 rncioding chantes ie unit veine ond reinvestment of nil distribetions ond de net take rno acceent soies, redfemptions, distrihbtins or.eptionol charges or inccome taxes payable by any secerrty hoider that waeid have redeced returns. Meteai fonds are net georonteed or rnsured, their vaines change freqeenty und post performance may net be repeated. 4. Meteni Fends Representatrees with ID Inuestment Services dîstrîhute muteni fonds ai ID Canada Trust. 5. TD Wnterhoese Canada lac. ru o sehsidiory of The Toront-Dominion Bonk. ID Wnterheiîse Canada lInc - Memher CIPF. 'Irade-mark ai The Tororrta-Domrnren Bnnk. ID Assel Management lac, is a licensed user. 4'l r q 771,777 Il , Il il . 117 INVESTMENTN A IAN 1 1 . wi « 1 il