The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 7, 2005 - A7 iviiiL(Jt b prciperry vaiues *ouR RfA DERS WRiTE Si:,!,~~~ le, % ,'u 'î~ îîî /le N.paiI 19106 blisk teit litîî \'ics l î, Street il) i0, (o MIrS tD. Sctt. (iiiîitsl t N,s,isscyit'lic pice \\ ,Is S.ll<t lto reitiii icta lias stiiibtcd ii s atlie silice a Icîs y cais so ss eul Mi. saititest sîiucsst i)ti tîîîd a buyer foir tis piiuperty ait .5() antd the Andlresws resistetce ont Milt Streeit ( 21 seas sotd fsor $1<.4W1. There is tiit att itihal itale liouse iii toisn that is uitîccepiest. There are nette te reni and fese' if aiiy, frr sale. Be selieo se îits a lieuse cati bsîîtd as clieapty as lie eau buy tf This siate oft affaire speaks ssetl fuir the pruîsperity ut tlic tusen. The Pil Huronî Eticne &: [Thrshci ('o. is prepiaring aî steainî ri uatrîittclr ss, titi \\ ilt] be senît here toîr fic tuait iîishiiers cin-t petitioti oit 3rsI MaN. tl'tic <luiis Rias Machiniers C. o e I aliîî tuu i ci IîitI.cC ih,îti ss U1tt [lii stuIIpIeleý hUi Il sîiiserstuuî that fic Cl'iiau, Co.. ol Ness Yoirk, ss il) seuil a rsck siiistci. Spectît sers uses \\ctc hec"ini fi flic directioni ot anr ,îîîct Nus(utuitii (il Otius Th le es,îetîîsssec gîcetest btarce siiiirceaiiîs. -ltie iiiiîeiiiîe er s seas ciîtdected by Mrs. Goirdton. She is at cloquent speaker and fier singiiig added mucli tu thle interest uit the se-rsice. Mis. Gordon also gave a temperance address at tlie towu bail in <lie afteruoon. wbîcb was well a<teuded. Her subjeet was reminiscent of lier vieit <o <lie World's Convention of <lie W.C.T.U. beid in Edinburgb. In <lie evening Mr. Gordon conducted thie service. preacliing a very eamnest sermon on <lie subjeet of Chiristian rejoicing. Thie services are being conducted at <lie clirrel eacli evening at 8 p.m. with Bible readings in <lie aftermoon at 3 o'ciock. Steplien Conway wîli leave Milton witb bis younger sou. Harold <o make <beir borne at Vancouver. Mr. Cuîuway te a native of Milton. He lias lieen fereman tif <lie Chiampion office tfor about a quarter uit a century. Be lias beeti a mnember <il tlie baud foîr about 30) years and is eited tor lits Capsules andîîîîc 1111 a aqeta h I'dwardi Basiedi , ' Btltatît, N. Y died yesterday. lie se as a lirethet ut, J.M. Bastede, (it Milton, a ntative uit Falten antd a eterait ut'the ssar uift ile rebhetltitî. Maplle Syrup just arrived fronrt the vieeds. Guaranteed te lie absolutely pure. $1.20) gal., 30c quart. Basiede & Coe. 'lie Miltoni Rille Assoîciation lias been dishanded bý file niiiia irtiheitiesý, tee Iiiin oft Its uueiibeis <tasiiý ttc ailed iii put uitilicir pi actuse <ast xear. [liev ebîc te totiielur mîties, t'or cadi practice. I55e le flic and mos tss e , k i ore e îuttî î bi c isi liii fliictui C UIt ti tIesIlc and) iiiifuse(t aininiitionu te ilie (cclxi ot 'l'ie s)îiic tiîs of) i1lltoî n iutiîi ~tSfcit lieut tie's ii I lia \,is tzisuuiies'î \ts tt l'ss atle but tlic aticudace \\,Il, ,,ittatter thi il ut e i hallse hecti aî seek catticr. "lIe tairtiersý sserc huseý seitti theit seeding se hidi hat certie oti taie, si that there sva.s no tinie iii stare. The tîtmbeir ut entries ssas'net large. By direction of the town cîunicîl the spaee between the front of <lie power house and tlie roadway of Main Street has been levelied up with eartli and is being sodded. If promises to look very weil. There ie talk of re-organizing <lie Milton basebail club. Most otf the oid players are stîli here and there are some new men who are said to, be ai ieast equally good. 'Me players being available and a good gruîund ready for <hem, thie team should be re- îîrganied. Thtis inaerial î.s a.ssemhlî'd on hu.'iîlf if? t/le Miltonu Hi.îtîriî ut Sol uctv bu Jni lJi/lu. folioui anîî bu' îî'î hu'l iii er!îlli i diirei i oin M ississii(ea ii WIerîti i Whty ire iTown ptaiînersý, suuicit- loris atid the iiayti su preuccupied se tl etndus anid higli densîîy devetepoient - eveti ii the absenice ot industry, infrastructure and meaîîîîgfutl empiîîymenî oppuirtunities ftor Miltonians. 'Wly dîttît sve for uînce bear <bat ceunicil lias attracted al higli-tecli cuimpanty tir ntacuurtng ptant tii Milton? Wliy basvetît sve beard <liai cîout- cil lias tlihted toîr ant institutioîn of' htytier tearittte iii tuss su teve doit <tas e tii scitd i tr kids Io iLaurier. MeNiasiet tir Rscrsîîî attis pas li ccc iiittir sitemm tdais \ile M tîtît b01it st w cou titi tist s itît titaytoli Dii Iu tati lit' îlut t bonit-,ît ti onue' Ii t11s t iittt i tlic prot <t 'sita titts tiyitshî5iui p InIentis al i)err Rtttu andît -itîtlîi tuie sîiesti't lit itîs itîtîsi bc stipct sîcîs i i, usracs. Miltoti uesetîpers kcep ietlitg cîtencît tliat iliere's a higî detîaîîd for atîtirdable lisusîng liy <tics itîcome eamers. It*s my belief <bat 91 per cent of Miltonians îîwn <beir (l\\1 hte,, iii fli s ,îîî'ii L 1t,î s pect cseti , tcittîsl alctl ,îtM importasîan sl ailt iii tte asvay tfioînt liigtîi ses aid stîtîttîs, gang svioltencse aîîd shîîîîîîîgs iii a qtuiet atît tess densce ctttmunity iii fraise ilicîr ytiung tantîlies. \Vliere svîtt the su catîrd iuîw itîctîne carniers get meatuîugful juobs in Miltoin if <bere's ne land designated fer industriai growtli7 Witt tliey bave tut drive te Toroto foîr tubs like muet ef us do"' And if sut, seliere wîtl <bey fiud <lie meuey tor a car to dît s'? i'erbermuîre, sunce svlen dîd stesettpers becuuue cîtupassitinate abubîtt tues tisuttue carners, tir titi thti î,te aîbut aluy btttl i)'settupeis stîuultlt' uusk Itîctu teat ullttutues t Tsc seii ,îil a t, e returu utî a siti <uuupcit ptuce andtt simtpte. 1ut 1sîîitts ci uts, il s catttss îuî,tsîîîî,aio otftt prit ils uts' tti)I In tlic tîtuse tutus ,is',î tut Ites itutu/c Itat paul tut Ilt'le t. l nti tut esustitue licetubuuîtîtîît MIiituIIt's platinters., fi in opinion.u tuce lo tut ct uiesýe higît ruse prît psalis piur tut senitu tbeutu tIo cuits u anid se lci" finuî tîsî'sttie debautttg tuese bouigs prtipisats. It's atnaztng tii te ibat Miltonî plauners and tîîwu etunicîl are actu- aily liuyîng miet <bese deveitîpers' prepostereus assertions otf bîgli tî,rks, ands ittet tliliytttg besuuucss teastets tut utsest ti Mitntît ilicueby spttrrung ecutetîmîs grottstl ands iîîeatingtut empltyiet tuir Mituins cuucil evasies pre- clus urne debating alitut hîgli riscs and conduis. 1 beieve Milieu ie crawlîng wutli proitesteonals capable otf deveiop- îng <bis tewu miet an economie puteerbouse, yet counicil te tumîug us itt a labour force for Miesiesauga and <lie GTA by liav- iug tittte or ne vision at ail fer attractîug învestmeuî and empiey- ment tii uur cuîmmunity. Towsn cuutcul ueeds tsi bave a grand isiontuu fuir ecunuimie devet- topinetnt ut M iltonu t ike Mayoîr flaiet Mc('atuun un Mussissutuga uuisl terî t iio tinît a reau- ivý Ms MsCattiuu stnele-taistely trauusluruîcsl Muss.issauga ttt in moitsi cruîîutte îtî,t. Ouhere use sc'l s'uutiuitsaty tise iii tic sta ofs u Mussussastea. I t s tîtutîs u conetinue,, tut be prets s upuesl antds tbsessesl se utl Iigli- ruse/hîgît stcuusuty sleveupuîcut, i seggest tut my tellutes Miltenuns iliat esle bectîme nmire preuiccupted atîd uîbsessed abotut the nexu mtunie- ipal ceetiîn. Soituebudy is geiug te have ti lunsever fer <beir preuiccupa- tutu and obsession. Khamis Doka Milton Recent edîtorial on rîsîng gas prîces misleadîng Dear Editor: l'm wnting <bis letter in responce <o The Cbampion's September 23 editorial 'Give us a (fax) break. The editoriai sugges<s <bat biglier retail prices for gasoline translates into, greater tax revenue for tlie Province, lu Ontario, <bis is flot <lie case. Indeed <lie exact oîppoisite is <rue; as gas prices rîse, Ontarto's rev- enue from gas gees down. Here's wliy: Ontaris gasoline tax is a fiat tax. The tax is a fixed charge umn eacb litre tof gausuthte suîld. Untîke uîtler sales tax, it's net a percelîtage uit the price cliargcd. Wlietlier au titre uf itasut<iue is suîtd ai 72 cents tir $1.2<0, ilie Ontarioi gasuitte tax us exasuty flie saite, t14.7 cetîts per titre. As gais prises ruse, f)îuartans conîusumeu less. Tlie recuit is lees revenue for the Province, 1 <hiuk it'c aise important <o note <bat over the uext five years our goveminent lias comniTtted <o investing more <han $1 billion otf <he provinciai gas tax lu 83 trancit sycteme serving 110 muuicipai<ies in Ontario. Municipaities began receiving one cent a litre of the gas <ax aimeet a year ago. This amount wiii grow <o one-aud-a-hlf cents later <hic year sud two cents in Octuiber 2006. We're ail concemed about the bigli ceet otf gasoline. Hligli gas prices are notl est au issue un Ontar'io, but acruise Nortli America anud areuud <lie svorld, Greg Sorbara Ontario Minister of Finance Milto - ~Ongoîng preoccupation wîth hîgh-densîty Tine r housîng is sîmply flot healthy for our town Look for Milton 's Choice 11w st Awards (( 2005 Winners Section in todays paper. Do Butterf lies Attack Your Stomach tc Whenever You're Asked to Speak Before a Group? Find out how to, improve your speaking skills! Milton Toastmasters Club invites you to an OPEN HOUSE Tuesday, October il at 7:15 pmii ai the Royal Canadian Legion 21 Chartes 'Si- lpper Hall, Milton For more information, contact Jamie Cuniningham i 905-876-2234 Refreshrnents vuuill bu served St. John Ambulance Need volunteers for the local administrative board. Our St. John group is a non-profit organization providing First Aid services and Therapy Dog visitations in the North Halton area. The board assists with operational administration public awareness, and fundraising. The board mneets once a month. Cail 905-877-7658 for more info -117 y