Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Oct 2005, p. 29

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The Canadian Champion, Priduy October 07, 2005 - 29 EýlaketIJMrke t Btasket MarketDasket Caer caer Driverso This year make ta Councry [hanksgaving ffý PckYor0w Corne toi our farn for sonie heachier living Mas usSpy NO AD)MISSION CHAR(,Il Rd&Golden /)Wednesdays Seniors 10% off \Deicious/ Weekend Wagon Rides/Candy Apples We aise liane cheese, pieu, frozres fruit, cider, maffin butter, jams, hasey, peasa. Huttonville 905-455-8202 (<ure 12isit lhe (ami i/lae We Have Mon.-Fr, 9-6: Sat. Sun. Holidays 9-5 101 r 8605 Heritage Rd. Cwp mwwmhutnile.un/alerrandsons SHORT NOTICE AUCTION SALEDRVS Wedsesday Ociober 121/r - p.m. For Tommy Lome (Omner movîngl cocaef 786 Appieby Lise (Milton) De/mughue m trc/s From 40f ta/me 25 Rmy Oouth ru Steeieu A ve USur &ihnwtuk ttien meut 2 t12 mi foi App/eby i Watch for signs) Consising of: 2002 4 star Alum S wheel 22 t horse ruiler, Ini. 444 Diesel Tractor &. Loader. 1999 Mercndurs CLK' 320 Car mit/r 2 sets or tires. Appron 3000 6 F Rouge curt t 4" e 8« red oak tomber varnus lengths, 40 hi tully insu lated van truiler computerized, Hydroponics unit usei tor grom baifey grass. 1984 34 hl Wîne- bago moforhome 160.000 kms). Ciecti horse treadmll. 5 il Woods rotary momer, 6 ii Land Prî de blade, Vama-a 4600 watt generaror, portable air comyressor, misc gates, chais saw, horse blankets. 40 gai hot mater tank. misc horse re/ated items, 30' Sony TV, There muti be a sma/l wagon /oad ot mîsc foots & tarm related items. (Be on Orne, aprox 2 hour salel Terms: Case - Chegue euenîng of sale. JmMcCartney Aucils Service Lutd 9054689-8778 Waiedwn LAO~BOY INTERIOR DESIGN I SALES AT LAZBOY We are loo/mîrg for some fulenteit peopie o loin us au 'Design/Sales Consulants'. If you are a airaduate of an acredite neror Design course who is lookîng for a unique opporturîty o0 use yout ski/llaundt talents bher fOis rap be the job tor poul We have openîngu ut aur new store ut the OakviiielMississauga Border in sur ot/rer locu- fions - Brampton, Burlinglon and North Missis- sauge. Our Pnogram teaches pou Sales Skîlls ana helps pou f0 integrate t/ruse ski/to wîth pour Design s/mil/s for succeus au a Sa/es Consultant. The dulies in- clude asoîutiîng clients wîtn projects in Our show- roms undin ouf clients homes. You îti revit ex- cellent communication oeIlls, a fleeible ochedule whîch wî/l induite evenîngu unit wee/mends, reliable transportation unit a desîre to lean We are row tamîng applications Sp phare- uîmp/y ca/I Char/re ait 905-568-2211-24 hauts a day- when pou are prompteit ta 'enter an exension'- dial f50, then dial #6-f15f ta neupanit ta seaetal questions. Midosize Chemical Company in Mîooîsoauga carrently has an openîng for a PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR Reportirg ta the Production Manager, pou w/ll manage a shift ard meet prodaction neqaînementa by enourîng propen quantîtp and qua/îty proituctu are met. Min. 3 peata experierce pneferablp in Chemical Marufac/urîng, Worming /nowledge otf 50O and Occupational Healt/r & Safetp Acf. Please fax resumne to 905-823-9290 DrieZs 114Drie Z AZ DRIVERS Oakv/iie 1 Guelph Positions Know pour ucheitule fwo weeku in adeance. Local Delîveries, Sf7.25/bourtof $22,501hour Toli Fiee' 1-800-661-6718 Fax 905-829-9664 CAREER FAIR TH3E RIGHT STAFF SHIFT LEADERS CUSTOMER SERVICE REPS Finally!i A company that understands what living and working in Burlington is ail about. Experience our work hard/play bard bonus program, flexible hours, discounts, free movies and gamnes, competitive wages, excellent benefits and a fun working environment. Join us at: 2025 Guelph Line <Upper Middle Road & Guelph [mne) on Thursday, October 13 from 4pm to 8pm. The experience starts here vie are an equal opportonîry employer No cos amynmei lul Frequent pler miles Muat have AZ lcense 1 mwOTR TT exc LooKcarn FOR fi JOB3 CLOUE TO fILso LOOK IN OUR CuqSSlFIEoS ON-LIME wM. 9-1111M Car.COM Resutts Oniented. Passionate. Innovative. îr~\ If these words describe your approaCh to (~1OO4jwork, letîs talk! As Canadaso leader iîr the tif/e insurance iodustry our mission is f0, provîde înîîovative. efficient, aird secure solutions wit/r inovatîve producto and services tsar focus on eoceedîng customero eopecfafîorîo The success me have realîzed wou/d rot have been possible mîthcîut then commîtmert and dedîcation of our employees -t/ny are crîtîcal fo, our succeass Recognîzed as one of Canada s Top f00 Emp/oyero for 2005 and convenîeotly /ocated minutes Prom Ctarkson GO Station (20 minutes Prom panion Station), First Canadien Tiffe provides a work nnvîronment t/rai ofvra chrallenge, parpose, and opporturnities for growtr witmn a team based culture, Due 60 our coeatinued growth, vie have the following positions available ait our Oakville head office... Senior Law Clerks *Persona[ Property Secunity n thîs mIle, pou mîlI liaise mît/r clients unit counsel to dru/r insuance commîtments Sp coorinatîng corporute/secarity seurches unit registrations. Famîliar wiuh internet applications, po wIl conduct vouus standard corporate/PPSA seurches as/na onlîne service provîders unit ussînt mith edacatron unit marketing presentutrars.Yoar ten peurs' eaperience mît/r PPSA, knom/edge of commercial transactions înolong persoral prnperfy secanîty /am, familiurity wît/r commercial fînancul security documents ard PPSA searches/registrations are iiteally comp/ementet Sp pour pruficîencp mîth MS Office. e Commercial Real Estate In f/ris ru/e, pou mî//l iaise wîth lampers andt lue clerks f0 dru/r fit/e insarance cummîtorents by reoîewîng searches unit/un legal upinions, Vaut attention ta itetaîl unit strergth in ma/tî-taskîng wrIf facîlîtate pour itelîoery out commercial title insarance unit re/uteit information to, customers.Vaur cul/ege-leoel lue clerk itesignation andt fîve peurs' expenience mît/r commercîal/resîitertul real estute gaînein a lue fîrm ervîrasment are supparfeit Sp strang computer ski//s unit the abîlity to mo/m îndependertly as welI us mîthîn a team. itinguaism lEnglîsr unit French) is un usset. To apply ondine, pIeuse vîsît our mebsîte or psu muf apply on mnîtîrg to First CanadianTile Humas Resources, 2235 Sheridan Gardes Drive Oakeiiie. ON L6J 7YS Fax: 905.287.1008 oui/y ttiose uniuir cousdî'ration mii iî, ciîuiac/i'î 4 CANA IAN THE PERFECT JOB FOR ADOITIONAL INCOME 3 Positions available for DELIVERY DRIVERS (wit/r Ows car) You wîIl enjoy an /roxrly mage p/us generous tips. Easy way to earn extra cash, pay of pour car or t/rose extra bil/s r or 2 eveologo per week. Appfy in person toi WingaUp 228 Main Si. E. Milton Full Time TANDEM SANDER PLOW DRIVERS *Needetfor upcoming 2005.206Wnter Seasonl ~DZîcense puso1.year eaperence requred I2lliJi. 5877130J CwnrOperators Rgoa upCarrier AZ Drivers * ood Home Time r 715/iiepion Fuel andt Benetît Package Ceii Phone ai 989-737-1299 à L"111HeIa op El l eiH a elp Hopward Pool Producto Cooada tnc a-/e-adinig manufacturer of swimming pool equipment has an openîing for a Material Handier. Responsbilîtîes mutl include Supplying production lires and material /randlîng of pool proitucto in Ouf wareltouxe opera- lion, exposure to computer software, MRP unit bar coding would De a defînîte asset, A certfîet forkliff lîcense a must wit/ ut leaot 2 yeurs experience. A commîtment to quulîty, relîubîlîty unit good commu- nication skills should ail De demonstratet Remu- nerution based on eperience. Day shrift orly. Inierested applicants please appy sn person: fil" MM1M"MImmme'oeemu'U <EWPWinston Churchill) ROGERS VI DEO %R G S * ~ Z Z STP O ntrd i sonenr oefe t/e toi esînaaic /mnwleiter af Spta mlîcpe- amufîca /dtpo hvOmpetpur nwAca-dvson, fea n a lateit fie/t, aafc turing eoxpenence a ang sstin We feare oortn/p f oa or /dc/usoi a te iumi wi hae af pa tieo focaerag anecemedn Wil o/rer a cape/r/ctin mand antooellent aee/t pc itae Wcot ribu tio f0 the/ciisomng ta he fe d 32 Cohve reloant Dnc9 rie kn r, ntsa c 9G n 4V- C/Oduls Houm Rourcl aeE-mal:e PMHRstacoigexpm ce For motrno rmation p leas de veias c ur s ebei e f ww.s a cpne u- /ruws I e verur t/ouha e oe/te ftur înopterniw it/n anatet il. Mnfc I/po woul e a ot/mi foo a ocls leade n h wei h îni tu t/ri oppuntunîty mu be orhe fig/rt une fornpo We o er a compettve mpeao ni bex el pack ag e n e s pparckagte feok futur cIoeen gomlg Ao rIa/he ehîles e qaret Wîl/în f0 l acum oae lemleceduln e ve i ecnaid 11 w w .firstcanad 1

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