iTne Canaaian Champion, tueoeîay, uctober 4, 2005 -A- Savoline says no0 way lTSAeWDYA By MELANIE HENNESSEy S- C t Ili tak The Ctia ion t îtttse u l iidet ui an . Licl toa lc. ieItet andi t)iutl titi tica uItan i:ces" lie sut t teIoito tuus hat yea-9 5 87 .2 9 I/hi i tteit - s poiitteîsîtittin Io Ille po55s aît scais Ioi tit. chlie ti tlei iti ci M-te@8 lk ilsW %\i flotc t tititîtîa lnite III.ut 1iiiiikiiltîs us titse llhein s a hît.k oif Ç- , IIlIHY. 25 S. AT DERRY RD., M~IILTON lie hasu. is liat foti flteds cuul ti'i t el a ft l-Juîîutut. Yorîk,.'e n l)LIî1î11 haut sltttd Nlueluî'îuîil ,top aclt 5asie ft 1011(attada. t-il i lot kito\s il ohici latidIttîls aie listed a.' pîttettîtal sîîîîîs tfor IA \itash In tlic repoti iiiders, litse said Hlolît ciaild fie on tlic lost ,irice it s (iteitl the le\% land- tilts in Otitario 1111 ellttîtueli Io take the. es\tra -arba-ce That raised coticertîs Ittit Retutoîal Chairrnaat Joyce Sasoline. \vho called the possibility -just unacceptable- considering the tnvestment and coînmiîtneni the Region and ils taxpayers have miade in the landîjîil. -They (the Province) have to respect sshat we*ve gone through.'« she said. refer- ring to the long and artduous process the Region and residents eîîdured iii desýelop- ing the laîtdfill on Regional Road 25 lt Milton. Il encoipassed a l1 ',ýear ensirn-l mental assessnient ttat cîlsi $S tiîlliin. Hlattoti MIPPTedl Chudleteli shared sîttît- lar stttents. iîîîg mtill itis ot taspas- ers dolîlars, n ere spKnt i itri ulit tie local landti Il ai( creatc priuu tti iiake il saler and tettgthe t fsile cspi)ctativ s ail l'or file betietit oft Haltitt tesidetits. p l !a i 1 l!ttie Io îîcîte til it uyt Ir) tItItýn ( esîeti i îles eue iu ite t. irte o li 'eii t Bo latt i Nettt ie a ieit shtii filit by lias tue ( I A tasti -liteî tutO Otui lattîllll is nt îîîly ss riltit, it lean s]y as tl doesî'i iatter il' yîîî ut k tiarv atnd are pritactîs e ss it s' asietiaagiett ltîr ur gîîvenîîîîeîîî cati negate ail gaints hy foîrcing stîmeoîte else's trash til yîu.- The issue ivili gît tiefure regional cmunicîl îiimirriîs, wvhere a lengthy stait rectum itetdation will fie cîunsîdered. It reads: "'hat the Regpornai chairitan Write the premier tif Ontariou and the minis- ter of the envîronment requesîîng. in the strongesi ternis that Halton Regîun's Waste Management Site located on Regîuînal Road 25 in Milton he specifically excluded trom cîînsîdieraîîun as an interini. short and/or luîng-ierm wa.sle disposait opttin tur ter îîîunîcipalîîies gîven the sîgnîricdftu uit estnitiit [talion taspayers has e itiade antt. ciutlttite tii itiake ini tfileeItipinenit andî mtantagemientt ot ttîe Regittual lantitli sýite. the tutteititt iiteresi attî patic.ipîatitn of aitos ant titilii ire.tidts se iit. t.fei b see PRIVATE on page A7 e Milton Onine ww Milton Fire Department OPIEN HOUSE 2 Locations - Central Station 405 Steeles Ave., Milton, (905) 878-9251 Date: Saturday, October 8, 2005 Tirne: 10:00 arn to 2:00 pm & Station 2 Reid Sideroad, Campbellville Dte: Saturday, Octoher 15, 2005 Tm:10:00 arn to 2:00) pm CoteiI tht. Militon tire tiLtirs ai (entrai t-ire Stititi tii r SeIýA e ihcisseen l)titartu St.toit %1lirIiii Sit., tîst Stationi 2o RedSîderutat. (atiîîhclts le. l'lie iti tttled day ssîtt prit the toc tarîtît ss ti titi ii ec undt (It. Xou caii satîti yîîîr 1)ý or fic tlire trucks, andi learti ahot tire stiety. -Smoke Traiter i AIL V ILES WMUUJ3IU éii. Optra Factory Incentives ranging /~fWZro1i750 Mo 700 The 200HR has arrivo dl PAUt. ION OAINOY CNRIn DAy! Rons BilENt JEAN 5D.. AMIENDOLA TREVORn DIiEEO HAFICHUK RIiCHARiDSON BAit.EY RICHRDSON UMMN r jAiedC.Nu~ tlf ales Saes Sae rANe M-ary New Cr. -M G-M M-uq. tasres MAe,,. 'Seedealer t ompedetai Sonte resrcin app Plu adin tee appicbetaxe & lienefs r Doe not eoîalty eo Fîttîtoy Pi rgam