Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Sep 2005, p. 16

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A16 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Seplember 27, 2005 .fawt a trabîftron prar in aîb ptav out i,2ilti tiuiuuaIJa/lJesîi val packs 'em in tofairgrounds By MELANIE HENNESSEY The Champion Keeping faniily tradition alive was what il \vas ail about at the 15 2nd annual Milton Fail Fair this past sveekendi. parents nîmany ishose been attending the crent since lhey ssre just tloddlcrs -milled tbrougb (lie busîling cro\vds svith their cbildren in to0v, anxious 10 pass the fair esperience on to the youilgzrgeneration1. Such .vas the case for Miltoian Mark Armstrong and his tour- vear old son, Ben. The pair slood aloîîgside the track výatching the tractor pull, young Ben sitiing on Mr. Annstrong's shoulders donning a bal- boKn hat. -Look ai il go!" Ben said exciiedly io bis faîber, waicbing the traclor go by. Mr. Armnstrong has been autending the fair silice be was just a small boy in the 4-H Club, entening caille ini ftic competitions. "'I stil have nmv 4-H nibbons," bc said. "Nov, miy kids are wîîî ning iheir ovn ribbons"- Whîle c beArnîslrings attendl the fair cscrvy >car. Ibis t'aIt held speciat signîtîcaiice for the local faily since il \v as tbe first in11e Mr. Arirstrong's ssNîle aîîd childreîî enlcrcd ibeir creations tii be judged ini sarlous compelitioîs. "We eîîîered l6 lbîins anid ,ol eiulbî rîbbons.' Mr. Armstrong s,îid prîîudl'i. -Adsýe g el nîîney:' Ben chimed in. Across the fairgrounds, Mliltonî nativec Datiiela Mollaît anîd her fis.e-year-old daUgbîcr Sanianîha vere satcbhing a sbecep be sbeared -Just one of Samiîastasourile atînials aI tbe l'air. "We tîke bo sec the aîîimits:' noîed Ms Moffail. 's bos bten aîîendîng the local fair for about 30 years. t So sbati s il tbaî keeps ber coîng back year aller ycar' "is,. just thal small bomeîoss n feled she csplained. 'You gel to sec people you don't sec serv otien." Fair Ambassador crowned Anoîber fair tradition ihat ssas alive and ssell Ibis year wvas the annual Milton Fair Ambassador compelilion, held F'riday evenîneg. Miltonian Launie Cameron. 18, vas crowned Ibis year's ambas- sador. laking oser the position from Mîllon's tîrsi maIe aînbassa- dor Vîncenzo Carito. "I ssas actually surprised 1 s.on. 1tlhoughl a couple oîher girls ývere goîng to ssîn:' she told The Champion, her lace radiating the excîlemenl she bas for ber ness position. Ms Camneron beal oui four oîber coîntestants -îbree femnale, one mate -for tbe tille, fulf-itting a dream sbe's hetd tor a couple oif years noss. During the competition, sbe bad 10 gîve a short speech and answer an impromptu question, svhen she saîd sbe was asked whaî sbe would do 10 ensure others would wanl 10 vie tor the ambassa- dor position next year. Her answer 10 thai was simple: "I'm just going lii gel oui ibere and gel peopte as excited about il as 1 was on stage.- The Milton FaIt Fair bas been a long-standing tradition in the ambassador's famnity, wiib Ms Cameron reminiscîng about ber days as a youngster coming te, see the petting zoo. Noss, she's sers'ing as a rote modelt b thai younger gencratimn sometbing sbe's enjoyed doîng so far. "I love bow the kids keep coming up lii me to say 'hi,"' she saîd. Wbether il was the young or young aI beari, people of att ages took the lime 10 stop by thîs year's fair. At the homnecraft building, 71-year-old Milton resident Jean jFutter sat quietty, observing those mittîng around checking oui local residents' entries. "I've been com-ing here sînce t was a child. It used to be pretty rustic," she said. "We came for the counury part of the fair. 1 tbink things bave gol a tite modem nosv." One l.hing that hasn't changcd though for Ms Futler svwho's also wiîh the Halton Agriculturat Society homecrafi division -is the famîty atmosphere. Sbe noted she used bo bring ber chîldren 10 the annuat eveni wvhen they werc young. and now she brings ber grandkids 10 take part in the fun. "Itîs a real famîly affair, I tink,- she saîd sviîb a smîtc. Nancy ('omber --secrclary/lrcasuler oif the Haltîn Agrîcullurat Society. sshicb puIs on tbe fair cacb year -saîd thai despîle sooic momîng sbiisers Sunday, allendance foîr Ibis year 's esclil ssas lusi uîîder lasI flIts reciîrd-seîîîng mark ot 25,1)0. "t w,s a greail lime and participaioin lor a loti o) ibe ,ictis ies was up:' she siid. ti4îlaiiii Hî'iiiiî'i can <ou rea' ie'ud ailh'iistii'îî/ i îiiiidiii/îciiîjio.i oMi. Clackwise tram above: Five-year-oid Talla Johnstone whispers some wards of encouragement ta her kitten Spike before the children's pet show. Kirsten Pitkanen performs an stage. Lindsey McMuIIen, 16, gives her caif Vaileycrest O'Lulu a hug in the barn between 4-H youth dairy competitions. David Moore, 14, gels his cow ready for competitian as his grandfather Bert Stewart hoids anto the iead prior ta their second- place finish In the 4-H junior shawman- ship ciass for dairy cattie. Ben Caunter runs alangside his pony, ieading it out of the ring atter taking first in the hack- ney junior showmanship campetitian. Laurie Cameran beams with excitement atter being crowned Miss Fali Fair Ambassador. Photos by GRAHAM PAINE

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