24 -The Canadian Champion, Tuesday September 20, 2005 InemriaV -fce cata CareesCae z ýn Mit________ Z For Salej:- cr NEtS In i'd , o1 %o (If. .iit go j.1oi. fiou.,f ,iiv. "Ilv if C i1. îî foelLIiiii. 0Sii 1i idi, ioi..l Snr ni. in., vifi i f a, viiiii ýaI, i, ju i. .ic.i Bia'i'el, iii iipii vi-s ài, Bei' and *t,îalv. tAMNi1Y ISAKi-i Siln oiiii.i. ..i iliii i vii l5ssnteiri,,e, l>HII IP (IPlîI NIORI l-'i il I l j, I i ti i 'Il i l, i ý Ptioiie siiî i t8e6.î 9is2-5925 M k:exl:-Walnted $ $ $ S $ Weîîted- Ail China, Sîlver, Crystai, Tea Csps. Royal Dool ton, Saroski, Gfas. Jeaeiery ila nys, cul- lectîbies, estaie Laul oeTracy 905-331t 2?477 FREE ro iouing homne 4yi ofa maie isestetea white cet 905-878- Free-to-good-homne Psreflred G3ermain herard mîth paniers, t yi teirtale Must move tt6-529 98-98 Car or Sale 1v87 Yaîî riéa Hiiî 600 ii ,quif new batte aind rires' S2'000 Cati Cviri r19 1994 15.,- cJi .î fi, i i'f,- te ici"i v tuicheinî s,, wifý,u eiie,îi îîîî 12-ci tu' ii 5r0 0050i htiwii4 m C exclient cni, Suiai, Rebetta. /etiiii/eî. Bill, 64000 Ciii 905S77 j j îces PulcNoie 2001 sete 54 OOCeis 5~ c Cr h tIlc se lcexc-ln WE ail l noa l a ditIieec qeylgcr Cc aife cse macs toi oui e-rivîr,,rint N-myu reyhg Gý-i effrtos can flp supponl fie Caeaa Dil s O 0 9058- S ,I,- Ansocetion fly genratiîi 5 u ni dd a nd ing Donare your empfml r nde a rg e pflones Io Dialbetes Recycle inC For in- formation pfease ceil 1-800-505-5525.Mtrcce Dacaar au tntd e NANNY DRIVER NEEDEO Fer Georgetown Olakxîiie Area duve ln or use nut i an iooeiec toi ae energelic and triendiy wman ru secome nove,,I i y 2 cîildîeri ans 7 ans 5 so stanl iiîneoiateiy i nue-i esers is curreetiy a ivedrooi su va îIliî' fot Lise in toh- Georgetomn nons but mil be îulg cont Oaksilie ara trie rai-ny movia heye nîivate use ct a fi'ished lomer ieuei If sot ivein, parent mOLudC nena motivais odivauvij 5y 6 00 arr- Georgetomn or 6 30 an, for Oake ville Suies ,ncisde the aine off ana pik-up iro, scenoci The younest is in seesu, every oteer day ara euery 2nd Friiay The oide'.t en schooi suery day ail dav Theî mnsia ns arr average ot t hourday of cleanîng invoiued (set to ynuî own scseduini neeieg 2 3 selIte breakfast ans snhes. and 3 nînners per weeC, mite nscasloraý errasas suve vs crecxe -eof eing Theînrîng supem sien ofth5e neilaren s nhe mont ineortant asplect of teis jo Tre nvery reqairen Oms vehir e. crîmeira record chleck and rl meuld be nice te ses F rst Ai ana CeS couine as meli Dvys requtred are Mon day tfirs FrIday i meula errer a meeks pasd se cation. ardav progrensive saary elease cat vessie Lyceti ro set up an nteet aon c0577 3212 Thark vola ff Tuloring *Tutoring Tservrlcex TServices 1987 Yamîna Maxin X 7flOccý 5 values, on Cail Or9-833 OUTOOR storage available in Soots Mil- ton Boats, RVs trait c rs. 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Vie teank treu for pour lnterer ttowever oniv Triose candidtes seeecte ta, ne fntereiviee virii ee centacted MATERIALS PLANNER We lire 3 fîvîsic D f al Ieading autrrntîe component ýomJbany, whose turnovîer is S80 Ouri manbia5torlrg la,.îlities are il- both Canada and fie ý;S C5î',erîv vse caje an ùcninig r anidividual wii has a jioven 'rack record as a Material Planner Our iiai utacuong facity is îocatedI irn Mlion Ontario Seif Fusi -Scnedcsinq and cordinatior of pc.duction line activites and exlernai supples *Monitori and maintaîn oustomer inrmation s9sremn *Ensure inventory levels are in lise with Company targets *Majiltain Future 3 and vAiC inventory systens Must have SkiIIs'Traits *3-5i years experiencle working ir an automofive manutacturing ennorrrnment -SAvanced osero Microsof Ciie noftwsare *Knomiedgeaflle en Manufactsring processes sucS as MfP JIT Kanban bExpenenc e irS astemotive customer sysemrs nrcioding Dcx SMART and Ford DDL -AbIe tc woik in a tsar cnerocsmen' .Working knowiedge of TS 16949 and MMOCî *Understanding 0f capacits ana fnrecasting information Please ornait resumnes to milhrc(tarvinmeritor.com brn or eun.C areerbie Tues. Sept. 20 Thurs. Sept. 22 Friday Sept. 23 i 10 am to 7pm 10 amýto 7pm 10am to 7pm Columbus Centre Delta Toronto Sandalwood *901 Lawrence East Suites Hotel Ave. W. I 2035 Kennedy 5050 Orbiter Dr. (West of Dufferx, (North of 401 (ait Egli.ton A"x. East 416.789-7011) 416-299-1500) o.e-o> Interautomfation frc. designs and deejps utomated test nystemu tot the major astemotîve companies te North Amerîca and Europe. Our nyetems are ued sn research and developmenit et neet genteratîn engînes, transmissiens and poertraino, Immediate eppertanîties exiot for multi-taceted team players ahe posseus otreng communicatin skills and thrîse in a techicaft chaitenging environment anrkîng ce projecto trem concept te cootemer acceptance. Test Systems Designer Linux Developer Te foie our tatented feam aithie our Oukeilfe head office, coneenently Iecafed off the QEW, please reer te our aeb site onder Career Opportunities te revee n os of quaifcatiens and uubmis0000 address ~interautomation www.aanc.com We ttrenk ai appîcante for ttseîr intereet. however on>' these onder censîderation if be cnntacted. t"- u-u j1 _VU L i' > has a position aoe,îabje for e Bayer. Reepon' sibifitieo inctude: eeamîsîng întecna requeste and requisitios placing and expediting pur- chase erdere with suppliers monitoting in- bound/eutbeund tteîght ceets, maîntaising correct învetory tevets, and liaising with soppliers and costemers te ensure conter- mîty wîth negotîated termi and conditions. Candidates must hase excellent orgasîza- tiena and communication skîtls and work witheot direct supetvision. The ideal candi- date should be proticient in Microsoft Office; ksewledge et the Marfne industry s e vi au the Great Plains ERP software are assets. This tuli-tîme opportunty es located at sur Mîssîssauga office and effets a cemprehen- sîve benefte package and a compettne sal- ary. Please email your resume by Tuesday, Sept. 27, 2005 tx: naeommcareers@yehoo.ca -I Values Yiiou Cen Take to the'ODanki Wii , i cm niii'îî' iof file coiii any, st i i.i .. i~i *,iii O ,,ver'i t o- ranreruitinq@trimac.com Fax: 905-827-5630 Trima.comExcellent carter op- ioi ; .evveYs # 5e+%eey portunity. Sttkng Cooc-s 0 iskweskeirs energetic depend- Red tehîtx-r ofler great staff henetits thet metlude able people for tht medicat/dentitl mosurdrne. maa discoîunts, Burlitigton location. flexible tîîîîrN and a frîviîiffs. teai ens norment. Day, evtning, wtek- Il>ease apps in persse il oue restaurnt tiscatedi't end shift and Man- 242.1 Fairtiew Seee Berliegton. agemnerttrainetes. Apptyin person to (~Ž~ ~Monica @ 699 " -A>wwred"leLeeca Guelph Lint, Bur. =ATURIDOE TRANSPORTATIO.N 1NC. Ontario's largeso privaoely owned school busing Company ls now hiring and training school bus drivers for IMMEDIATE EMPLOYMENT IDNAL FOU PAW-TME PERSONS *Free Training Excellent part-lime employment for -Competîtive Wages Retirees *Train onseaol or large vehlicles -Mothers/Housewives *Extra euamings availlable vit StaY alt homne fathers charter work -No baby-sitting Children ride FREE SCHOOL ROUTE OPENINGS AVAILABLE IN BURLINGION, OAKVILLE AND FLAMBOROUGH ONLY "AFETY IN MOTION' TRANSPOR Ti fiON *mM Cail - 905-333-4047 or 1-888-749-1515 Enfait reaume Io: an eto.amerato@cox.com or drop off to Angelo Ameralo or Mille, Burrows: 8277 Lawson Rd., Milton Factory Sales Building Gate 4 Production Supe- visor - afterinoon shift Meust have minimum 5 yesrs experience with retfertencex. Quatity Control for Production Lines Muet have minimum 2 yeare experience *General Workers for Production LUnes it Pays To dVerfise~ In1bhe c1assified! Lueur>' aotroîiroe deaiershp requîtes o Foif Tîme C-ustodian! Maintenance Person Heurs tei be dîscussed & saiary wiîtfdepend onthe upplîcants exp. Fax resumes ta: Pat Fletch 905-825-9887 Budds'BMW of Oakville No Tefephoee Caftes Pfease Luoking te tilt the Educatio 'nal Prograin fnr Mlo la", VJ,!Unf,ýdav ryiirriiiig5,lr Tüý-,ýfJay & Ti rromings Mc)ril,ýss(,ri Etrrichfiicnt loi 6 8 years (,Jd a i u rd, ' y or Suriçiiv 1 ý3 qr 3 "*[,I,ý,l fnr II[JIrlts vO ir) ;ir,,. iri ý,J",rd f n]ýýre il fierilai Tu? il,, j ;I],1ý ïva1]aPl1ý K Ïý For more information cait: 905-875-2738