Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Sep 2005, p. 39

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The Canadran Champion, Tueaday, Sept 6, 20051-B7 Krantz hopes to be known for his 'common. sense File photo by GERAHAM PAINE Gord Krantz was honourary conduclor during the 50th anniversary celebrations at the Hallon Counly Radial Railway Museum. Me attends a lot community events as mayor. 1 Il ic Iltký(I[q)i(c haiiii: J I \t i ilîin lis. chaiigec since Mayor Gliird Ki antz tiiik ofitce ni 1980. By the end iii bis currerit terni as mayiiî. Mr. Kiaritz svît have seived 41 years mii the public spiiere. 26 ut thiise as iiiayiir. As lie loouks bacI, on lits career, he wiiuld like iii be rernieniered as sirrne svbi liroked at the big îiîcture, aîid as -an indiviclual suo l ised a wbiole loti ot'ciiiiiiiiii selise.' lie saut. -l îîîierstaiid thai poili lies and gîrideliries anid ati tbiise taîicy adjectives aie imipoirtanit, but 1 duri't hear tue word coiiin seilse iised tiat iiicb VMr. Ki anis ciiiî sense lias tiild hîîîî ilat Miltoni bas iii griis iii suisvive, anid tic sees iiîtbii srom-, v, tii itiat. "At tie isk (i ut intig pilîisiiplical. ssesvce lie besi kept secret lii Ontario,. iiay he eveîî tlîe couiiitrý, -u tii regards to ii lo îcationi," lie saRI. Miltonii s ini cloise piîisiiiîity t>> (i l. miajori biuil ss ays ,and îîttîeî tlransit .11 diis. Mi. Kraiiite, atsuays saiedMiltonî io lias e ilt aur share. ori mille, ot iiidistial anid iesideiitiat eroili. 'rIe' se coulle intîî ilur o>ss îî- be said "People ssîîîid ask subrsMilton?'> l'coie kîîîîss %iere Ni lii iii sov illS ispeciatlv sii tlîe buuiiicss 55 iii Id.' Controvcrsy over growth rtic s liasc suggestecl tIrai îîîder May ii Ki-aîit, Miltîii"'s illîs tIi lias sîlul oi ut'cîitriil -iiat he's atllîiss cd des elîrpers iii vii rîuiglisiod us er t6e i ssii anrd t as îuîed uirbaii des elîipiiiet user rural cliii cernts. But lues uiiaçîilîiceiic su be i contre,, t>> ls deci- sîlîrs regardittg resideiitial aiid industrial grîlstb lu MIiltonr. Il yîu diiîit deat su 1h grîistti. t il! deat ss îb yîiu. 1 su ant iii bc ii cirnirîl ot tliigs. ratber thati il cîintrîilling us.' 1-e iristed that Miltoin dictates the ternis ot aIl rîesv deselrpiient. and it's a ss ru ss situatioîn. 'eNeugrîrstti sluild pay tror iselt.- 6e said. "But \care challeriged esery nrs% arid then. but as far as iiic îuicîcilic\\ goiiuis iii s ,li> i li Wehave nîrs, rtî ny opirion, a îeally gîrîd svîrkable plan withîîut the courts dictating Io us svhaI sve bave tir dlii" bc said. "'rIV did tl on irur tenis. T'he proijectionr l'or 20121 predicts Milton's prupu- tatirîr will reacb 1016,M) people. Be said the grîuwth ls "pbam.ed and staged" by the Region, arîd ret'lects reasoriable growtb uiver the cîaming decades. "l'iin svrkiug at least 210 tii 3(1 years oui," 6e sard. "There svrll 6e several challenges aloiig t6e way. lîke tlîe inftrastructure." But 6c sard he lîkes the challenges. and ît's thuise tîruili decisîlîrs that rîake bis joîb rewarding. 'cari lardly eser thîrîk rîta time Vv'e cîiiu ti ssîrk and ulît eiiJiyed lt." lie said, Beiitg, a vs ible t gure ii tbe ciiiuunity is alsci siirieitiing thar keelus bim runiliig. It's imuportant fuir rue iii 6e part cil the socral tab- rîc. lie sard. "Sîicializîigi( as a leader ii the corn rrurîîîy is imiportant. We're a tarnily.- He tries tirstay a part rîtthat family by attendîng birtliday parties. sveddings. anniversartes, Street parties anîd cîitunity everîts svlîeuever 6e can. ihere are people ri> the cîiiununity sshîr louve tIo see Mr. Kratt anioin- the crîîsd and tilsin events. but 'liers s.vouldn't îîuînd t lie left. -Nîît everyone's always been in love ssith rue. anrd 1 krîîîs that,- he sard. Ile recalled the Mohawk raceîrack was strîîrgly iipposed by iiany in the communiiy but he leels 6e svîuld rîake that saie decisuon again. -Yîîu bave tir take a stand and hope for the hest." 6e sard. "Do I have a crystal hall hidden under my bhcd tbai I take oui and poîrsh every moming and looîk at it> No. But 1 like 10 think l'm a bit of a sisiiirary and din't have nuy head in the sand. -Anyoiie svhî says they've neyer made any svronrî decîsrîîîs li their lite is scîmeone svho neyer made any real decîsions." 0, 1 X As M t;oj of ; it DIIAOTE RS VILLE *RAD SHO *flreS vBer *oir 'Starter ~ Fender, Batterie, ear End, tr.însrnr,.îxii Congratulations Mayor Gord Krantz on 25 Years as Milton's Mayor! We Buy Late Model Cars & Trucks AUTO WRECKERS & PARTS INC. Fernado Mlton 905-878-7778 Streetavilie 905-567-1567 Relaxy. It's taken care of. Visit us at RàmadaMilton.coni * \Vîrless Internet 011 Preinise (.onplirnenuarv Local CaIll & Ncx5paper COMINO THIS FALL: Sait Water Minerai Lap Pool and Fitness Centre 161 Chisholm Dr. Milton (905) 875-3818 1-800-249-1136 Milton Fax: (905) 878-9701 Take Reg anai Rd. 25 (Exit 320) soutS tront H-tghway 401 ana block. tara right an Chisholin Drive ta Ramada Inn

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