Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Sep 2005, p. 24

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A24-The Canadian Champion, Tussday, September 6, 2005 Haniliton franchise would hurt Mavs' But owner says Milton will have enough p/avers one wvay or the other By STEVE LeBLANO The Championt The Jr. B Mavericks are set for another corne- T back. one th' S suire to be aiu uphili clirnb. But Mittons: returi Coulid L'el a ss hîte li if tue O)ntarioiacss .sictiitsJr. B Lciotutîi approwts a bid (romn ote (ilte tssî Steel to\tin tranchises look- iiîg ti foin the league. Hamiltont lias b-leît an drats its aiea lfoi tic MIaserîcks, and tt ithottt tîtat plaw i base. fiooriiig a citeapcti e (ait aller I bcitig iii Ia yeai cituld bc awvl iy difficuit. luit veer. test Mas ericks oitter ('ratg Ferchai saisI lie antd headi coîach fini Meaglici recels cd quite a bit tif ilîteresi t ccetitly atf botthe littidget antd itterniedi- aie pirovincitai clitpittsltips aîid (bat theV 'se ciiiretly goi a (tsi iii (-À1 pittential pia cis. 'Jitiits it a euiiii icitultioit. ands i reaîiy dint ti lîîk gettî etitugfli play crs shtiuid lic atiy kiltî ofi a, pritheiii said leicliat. itîttse Mas ciîcks stere otitI tcially is ci ctitied back ito (i' lild ai te leagite all star gainic li carly JIN *"Wc'll bc lnit(ing plascis tilt li llits ttilth andI til iii111 a iil ut itler pitisiali. ()111 Il bc lite 5cm iiie lOie Nte t i. ks ýti*ti u I lîttits liii lie' Il iiks'ls it% s' w,11 oit lits liaitilexîcs leai0i. but iliati lucre 's i lest loical itititcltiitedd ladesheic p. îii tt cral iiiaais lt ii(.tli' tt tIi. i.t (t d bilites sean it sI peiit \Iii. a '.î'.4'tî'î i i 4t l it cal \01i,11s'itsk \\tliens ( Int fols ri îs g.ii e a il iî i iîsl iuiî i ( , 'suit (ici i îtîîîîîîîî (,C 004. ut i i Is î.îîtlk tussi Si t îiiiu l.îî1iîts ('lii Llt I iI i fw t Çp fo~r 'il in those minor hockey reports Surnmer's nearly over, and tIsat means buckey's just around tIse corner. When il cornes tu on-ice action, of tIse rep variety, tbere are a lot of dedicated coaches, managers and parents wbo Iselp make rny job a littie easier via tearn reporta. Unfortuately not every tean lis repre- sented - often because sending in garne write-ups seerna taxing. or people simply don't know tIse pro- cedure. So in order to make tIse process as clear and pain- less as possible. Isere's a few quick suggestions in regard to preparing rep reports. 0f course there's many coaches who've read ail this before, but with Miltoîn expanding ail the time tîsere's goîng lu be at least a few new people on our local hockey scene for whom tis is new, su here it guet. * Details are important. writing style isn't. Offten coaches and parents spend Isours agunizing over how to crafi a report Miten they should be focusing motre attention on including ail tIse pertinent infor- nmationi sucb as when anid svhere the gai-ne was played and whîî did the scorîîîg. Reports are aimost always re-wnitten anyway. sul din't worry about style. In tact, point futrn hand-ins and perfectly acceptable. I can always work with sumething if there's enough detail. but nîît if there's big bolet in the story. - Pllease dilt irîclude every player's name in esers' report. This takes atssay from tIse boys tir girls wo liiiils stantd out aind - iii be qîtite bîutîn abotut il I. wotit inciude esery itatte each sveek. TIsais nul lto say 1 tîtitît tîentiton cveîy piayer tîver the coturse ti' ihe ycar. especuill> if sotie oif' the sîp- pîîrtîîîg casi imnîtbers aie showing sîgîts tif inîpnîîcîeîi oir ttîakiig cnttributions tber ltan scorittg. But tîiilxdy wants iii read a laundry tsit ii tantes. attd tvht cati hime (hem. * h)iin'î svirry about înciudiîîg every aspect of' eset> sîtîgle gante. T'Mai may be stîta i akes thîs tuisk seetta dauniitng ai tîtîtes, and tIsai shoiuldn*t be the case. Sure, sounie lacis like goîal scîtrers aîîd tic itil scître are s itai. but itîler titan ihat just point otut soutte ot the lîîghigits oii caci gaine. Andîî try tit nus In Th e Stands it up a littie and include stuff you'd like to read about other tearna. If your tearn is on a lengthy win- ning streak or a certain player had three hat-tricks in a certain number of games. throw that in. That's the good stuif. -If your team plays both Monday and Tuesday. please just send one report on both garnes rather than one report on Tuesday morning and one Wednesday morning. And if you haven't sent in a report for a week or two, please just write about the Iast two or three games and not half-a-dozen or more. Otherwise. things get tbu watered down and boring. - Please include a phone number where you can be reached during the day in case there are facts that need toi be clarified. Many a tirne I'se seen a 5-2 Milton Winterhawks victory yet there's oniy four goal scorers listed. If there's no way to rectify this, the report sirnpiy can't be published. - I)on't bother svith flower cotaments like the tearn played sseil or tried their best. because îtobody wants to read them. Remember. you're writing for the whole cornîunity. not just your own teain. If your teain nmade a gutsy corneback in the late stages il play or hetd is owýn agaînst an opponient much htgher in tlic standings, theit say that. - Reports can be dropped off at The Champion (875 Main St. E). faxed to (90)5) 878-4943 or c- mailed to siebianc(t lIton search. coin. That*s ail (or noss. Thanks iii advance for ail of your heip and those ss shing futiher suggestions can contact nie ansytirne at 1905) 878-2341. ext. 239, Sec you in the stands. 1, --ziw0aEy >_~fJSI Adut & Od-Timers \ j. 'RecreationaI Hockey League Average & Lower Level Players WANTED 11 for Fail / Winter Season Individual or group registration ~ A social, relaxed. fun recreational atmosphere Limiled Space IceHawks kick off new season Fniday l'slit Ii ttt i (lts it )I sn iý tasît isut ilii ll(t litj Il it s' (îc Ii is wut i (li il' l. îîttltttti ,t(i(ts'tt1 sîileili liltý t'il) lin \l ks1.11 titis t tit t i titis ss'ats .\îîîîîîu ni lic tii Its till' sttiti s li 2005 FALL SKILLS DEVELOPMVENT SESSION Skills, Strategies, Fun and Gamnes Location: Buslua Reddinq High Srtoîl Puppy SkmIIs: Tsssdays 1- 112 Hir Agit 7-10 yeaus 6,30 -800 piît Dawg Stilis: Tsesdays i 1i2 Hr Ages 11l 14 peait &00 -930 pin Fees: $110 00 for first chtld ili a fam (y $100.00 for each addiinal chl d Dates: Ssptember 20 121 .2005 Oetmbe 13 /4 .2005 Registration Foris: Plisse uiîwelîad trom oLit wsSu te ite 'Handous- o der matil cmplelsd faim and cheque (payable (o Milt Yosîi tailitbaîll Registration Nîght: Tuesday Septemliet 13 2005 7:00 800 pm Eîs;lîop Reddîîîg H S. (qytuli eitrIse httn:ll wlDISIDz& of/mItonllfadddiawul Milton Youtli Basketball 420 Main St. E., Suite #558. Milton, ON IL9T 5G3 Faf more Information cail Brian Seliroder: CoUl (905) 691-1675 itit lir' formtel Ns't tii-kit ilîtîrtitis' ('its' K(iciît'stî aî tuitîs tos'sp.s cil tii pitîsîe andttlus liputit ti( iI titittibeSi s n tîî Mlei it Reisi III Ils (t. B St. NItrt 'si utiCiisý Ioi lit le 1llltîs iv Wellandtî lr. il litskstîiiie Milton ut i l (se StlskattItît si ii it ti an aîîîll îîîîîîbî -' tIIi (tisale \01 tiit ll lttts'Ih1c RitîIusc iii l(tittil \e (itsks Ill do~ J.~ Start your Chrsitmas Wines Now and save on aur "International Selection" Series. 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