Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Sep 2005, p. 13

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The Canadiani Champion, Tuesday, Sepiember 6, 2005-A13 f rom DATELINE on page Ai 2 l'or motre informtation et te ittake aun appeintuient. cal) Jean (.itllein ,tt >9051) 878-2383, ext. '7030. -lite Fllne Arts Seitý ofe Milîen\s Evening C.roup of Artists iticeti (ri u 7 te 10 t) i.'lie inftormi ent iroitetil prtitides al11 ts \sth lt ai pptilttity te e\ert se their dramaru, skills. Fori more intttiiiiitititt call Ititis at ('X)5 854-5'75. The \Voeineils Centre. suite 210) nu tîupedale Maill at Rehecca Street antd Thîiid Liiie. iii laid lie hlliis Woînen's ('aring and Sharing Circle treiti 1 te i liii For moitre îtîinrmation ori ii le- mser. cal) ()OS) 847-5520. The Weien s Centire, suite 21 t)ii Htipedale Mail ai Rehece a Street anid Third Unte. iii O)ak\ ilie htilds iii tree Peer (.ounsellîng li persei oir et er the uphoene irtii 10 a. lii. tii3 p. in. l'or tt tnIttIc tac- îîîg abuse, grief/leis aîtd reiatîenshtp issues. Ftir mere it-nhînaîieî or te register. cal) tX)5) 847-5520. The Milieu Seniers' Actitý iîy Centre, (X) thtlds Dr. helds lis Seniors' Cinemnas ai I1:30 featuning Mati iiithe Hituse. The cesti s $2. It helds a foot care clini e wtîh a VON nurse, by appoînîment enly. tfor $24 frent 1 te 4 puti. Bid euchre aitd con- tract bridge beth take place ai 1:3(0 pin, ai a cest et $2 toîr tîtetît bers and $4 for nen-meibers. tFtr more itilermatitît oir te make an appeinîntent foîr the feot care cîtîie. cal) t90) 875-1681. Friday, Sept. 9 Wellsprink! Haliti Pet'), aî suppert net\% trk (tir cancter patiets aînd iheir lt'lies, liilds uis Relaxation and Visualization erîîtp frotîn Il a.îî. iii 12:30) pîti. aî 2543 Sixili LUne iii Oakit, Fotr moire iiitiriiaititi. caîll (i 90 i 237-188 The Miltotn Seititir' '\ttitu ('entre. S(8) ('ltî D)r. hllts euchre i L 3) prii anidt contract bridge ,îî 10 (tni 'lî'lie ct fl ecacti\tý us S1 $2 r tir eitibers andt $4 tir TheiîîtiieisFi Friday Night Miosie is field irnit 7 iii 10) p.iii 'l'lie coi s-.ý Andt) us ('ampbellitile Eening Bid-Euchre Part~ iîkcs ptlace at lie I iis Haill iii ('iîi llîea,î 7:30) p, iiIltt Si '.5,0 Fii moître infoirmiationi t l i x 55li S Saturdas Sept. 10 BiL Brîîîleî s Bi,- 'Sisti ol illiîîîî id lîîl i ,îolunleer infoîrma- lion session ,ît1 in, ui t 4(4 Moride'ii RLL iii Oak\ ilic. liirl t)))Ilx 5 ' 3t) 235ý Stiîiî, t,tni tIc Fit>et. tlîetî of file Nliliiii C'liiIis l. lîtîltîs The Language ot' Singing. aî liec iii pri n îîîkslîîî liii people \\hlio sî,îîiii tourne up iliet rtce t iikcs, plate fiouîîîl 10 aýiit ili uii the cîîîîlereîîce roittt oi Ile it \lîlîîî pii Iatt' ,îîîî -1, t ('ilts D)r. sýt ii the setond pinrtut pîlace 'Sepieiiihi 17 l'O ircre neeiter. ctll the Mliliton ')uiti ,il ;'Xisi5)i Euehre t,îkes placte ,îî '730 p iii ,îî le IH triihs Co't tperitis e Nursers Sthîîîl. E\enies, stelcîtîie. The Milton Seîniors' ('ts t entre. "t(X) ('iîlts lDi.. hlîtîltîsi Saturday Night Bridge PartN huoi 7:30) ii 10) titi lte toiti i-1 lIte Canad .ian 'Jed -eratuîn o/ 'ilniztersittl 'Miunten :3.ilttin antd Dtit Invites ail Women to a Welcome Wine and Cheese Thursday, September 8th, 7:30 p.m. ai the homte of Puhiy Wilcox CFUW Mi!on holds mon)hly meetings fea- turing dynamnir spi,,ik(-rs and opporiunîtîes for rnfninbÉ'rst bi ie nvolved in our î'oan7 intereýsi grjoups. Newe this year -if 'toc do flot hold a UiJnversity dre--' (mnd ou) ho. ou)i cnn Oîfln aos an Associate Member! For information. cail 905-876-4524 or 905-878-2421 $2.0 Fo ttr motte infotrmîationt, caîl C 905 I 875-1681t. Sunday Sept. Il Agrand opening ttkes pîlace at The h)cck ytîulh cetre. 2()) Maini St., fionut 2 tii 4 titi. s it tcake anit el resliiciits,. FLveryt tics ut eltîîîîe iii attendt. Nlonday Sept. 12 "lie Wttîîieii's ( etître, sute 210) iii I Ipedale MaIl ,ît Rebt'cca Street andît flii t)inte. li Oak\ il le littîis uls tltee t>eer ('ounselling li pet st tir î tet (lie phonte Ini I0 a),. ii. iii 3 pin. tir usîîîîîeî t at- in- abuse, ,i-iel7litýs ait) relaititnslîip issues. I 'tr mitre tiormationi tir iii rep ister, tctll)t90)5l847-5520). l'lie Ite aiiuIiI[iiibrai iotf' Te ('atiaa ieHartin Society bîtîtî Amerîcan Sign Language classes starting ibis sseck in Mississauga. Foîr mitre infoirmatioin, cal) (9)05) 6018-027 1, '17Y (9015) W18-1691 tir visit Tlis is tic ast day iii repister (tir the frc intritducitiry dînner beiîip hcld Septeiember 15 ai 6:3)) p.m. ai St. Pauls., Unuited Church, 123 Main St. E., (tir the Alpha course. ITîose whe waîut ii ctîn- tîtîte wtsîh the sîîîdy can (ben repîster tir the reînaînîng Il l'lursday evcîîîîî sessîions. Tii repister (tir the iniuxtducitiry dinner, c,îll l90(5> 878-8895. 'The Miltonî Senîtîrs' Atîvîy ('cnire, 5(X) 'hilds Dr., hîîlds ils ('yberCafé t'rom I iii 4 p.nt svîth expericnced vîîlunteers avaîl- able (tir assistance. The tîîî is $2 (tir îîîeînbers and $4 ('tr non- itîctîhers. Bid euchre takes place ai 1:30) p.m. ai a cî'st ofl $2 [tir iîîtbers and $4 tir tuttimeinhers. Cali (9051 875-1681.

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