Th1e Canadiali Châffiponý FrictaV, August 26, 2005 -A9 vNeighbouring residents contract W est Nule CadinRoss],. i~~~~~LI lcitysrreît. pit lciglbrruîrîg municipalttes, Halton's top doctor i reminding local reuidents to guard theru selves from mosquito bites. The Halton Region Health Departruent reports that front now until mid to late September je the higheut risk period for West Nile virus, meaning reuidents -par- ticularly older aduits and the elderly should take extra carte to avoid mouquito contact, which reduces the riuk of becom- ing infected. "Humain intfections have been reported ins Miusiusauga and Toronto. Infections can happen here in Halton au well.'* said Dr. Bob Nouai, Halton's medical officer of health. "Therefore, 1 svould like tu further emphasize the importance of protecting youruelf against mosquito bites." West Nule viruu bas noue been detected in ail four municipalities of Halton. It foust uhowed up in Milton about two weeks ago when a dead crow found in the area of Ontario Street and Derry Road on a private property tested posittve for the disease. Most recently. a blue jay found in Georgetown tested positive for the virus. This is the foust positive bird found in Halton Hillu, Resuits from mosquito trappring show rthere's more West Nule activity in Halton this year compared tu the laut two yearu. The health departirient suggestu residents proteet themuelves fromt mosquito bites by: -Avoiding areas with high mosqutto populations eTaking extra precautions from dusk tu, dawn when mosquitoles are more active tr Making sure ail windows and doors in homes have screens that are in good condi- tion -Wearing light-coloured, loose-fitting, tightly-woven clothing, including long uleeves, pantus, sueks antd a hat tu cuver exposed skin when outdolors from early evening to momning, or any time when in wooded areas -Using a mouquito repellent approved by Health Canadas Peut Management Regulatory Agency The Region also suggests reuidents reduce mouquito breeding grounds around their homes by draining standing water, removing old tires, tumning over items that may colleet water, changing birdbath water weekly and keeping eavestroughs clear So far this year, 975 dead birds have been rreported to the health departiment -469 in Burlington, 325 in Oakville, 97 in Halton HuIs and 84 in Milton. 0f those, ftve crows and rsso blue jays fund in Burlington teuted positive for West Nule, two crowu and two blue jsys in Oakville, une crow in Milton and une blue jay in Halton HuIs. Also, six mouquito pools in Burlington and nine in Oakville have teuted positive for the virus. West Nule virus hou been detected in Halton for tie last four yearu in the bird and mouquito population. While there've been nu hutnan cases of the disease in Halton for the paut two years, 60 residents were diag- nosed in 2002. cetnt rit people sehr i ad becouse tntected Syntdroerc svhtch cas tuclude etteephalitis vtctde bas been applicd, are as ailable n with the vtrus had nu symptorus. Howsveer, (swelling oîf the brain), paralysts and dttfft the health departruetts Wcb site att roughly 20 per cent of peuple infected culty with speech. The infection con be developed a fever, headache, muscle aches fatal in rare situations. at To report a dead bird or standing-water or id rash. Maps showing the locations of where for more information about the virus, cail And, une per cent of those infected positive birdu uvere found, as uvell as stand- the health departruent at (905) 825-6000.. i jrl^itaining reduce Mîheir personall ~njuresI ~by up o [30.0 'rhrr.uir. NOTICE 0F THE SETTLEMENT 0F THE TRILLIUM BANQUET HALL CLASS ACTION Thtis notice may affect your rights. Please read carefully. A\iti1 Il r aierIrr e ;ir-r ilrrrrr litrr r u I l rur lr.ritrIlihrci ercu irre 15 "r lIL( uie2I '500rrrand.alilperrurrrr h irc rrrerrrrrilc Tu lî'.e c \,rift1 ol asir.rr rn ctil r, oaI îrif r i rrrrrrr %\1"aterrdrrd Irr1 ilialr Ii rrrrîuer Il ari leer Juc rrrr " (r'rhrrrdjli 19, '00r, eNritliiru rl) cofi sci r rectrrr r.r\ lI t lI rd r-e Ill (il [riIli uni fiirT q Lert litI ficr ad iiiuelrrrrrirervies lic. Arnd t rrlhl ( 5aN rMeurherirrrr lre (ER 1 111 IC'A ION AND) SF IlLEMN APPRON AlI. ORIDER A clrrrrrru acion eucrrrer.diiirrrOrta riillgr rrrt ire hssi'.i,r reufei ýc litLeolias a esul irerlir ,rrrerirrrrrre lu iril fiLIrI irrquer Oil huerrer rri te25r 20 anrdirrre 29i. 2003. seulement %vas rearrrrri] ,lrr i rrrrrr iiBanquretr1ii.rilr. andili'rrrei Foord Servirres ficr, Friliruri Banrrquret I i anrrd linruel 1 ouS Serrrre, ncýc( di rrrry rrrrgdrurr iairh r rr'iir ir pa'r l'lieserierrrerrrrur cor om irrrse. (irirsprrer Ihur.corurrkinrOntario rerrified tirerrrr action ir-r'rsprrrerirreandrirpprorrurrrliee.uleenrtr Tis rrorrceri, rruiiir:rnrrrrrly THE SI1LEE 1.5N IIti rri I ' n l -rr , l'r rrr , 1 - 1rrrr rt ,,, 1 co , r, r 7 2, ia- l"rr ri 1n k-r 'rrr 21 hrI l'nM r, ~ d' Ili.-, . r srrrrrrrr s rrrit, c Crrrrrdirr errr5rr~' 1,rrrnrrrrrrierrrrrr-rrnrdrrr.,ir sorrurru sCnr)rrrurprrrrr)rrieruirr rbTrrrrrirrdrrrderr ,rplu i i O rrrr rir rierrrr rt rieA irrrrrr iirr.NsrrinArctriionrerrqurer,rrirr rpinrdarirrrrrrrraturatr, iiiitr[i rrerruirr.rrrite urrrn Irrrrer.rrnirrratrrrrrlrreudrr uf'prrckur ruprurur, b prrrr rdrrrg rire AdrrSrrr rrrrr vitrh srrrrrurrrr ye\ decc u oorder to tte eompeusated. each (tass ýileiiiber and Farnil> (tass Nîember toust file a ctaim mittt the Administrator on r hefrrre Nrvter 3.0, 200(5. lfi l'inl r file a lli N lirire Nrirrrrnrrrrtrrrrrrrrrrrrir hirrr, Nrrr ,rrrr rîr 20ý wurr' 'rrr ll rlo burr i tc, it rerterrrrrrrr rlir wrrontan rrrierrtlrrbr'rrirrrr iiAurter brrrrrr 1.ir20rrr 1 ueI, $ I.0000et i rrr'rrrriu arr\ r.rilrbie. Il rir lurrrrrrr rrr iirererrrcii rrr ri ru[ dairrrr,re ro ire r irrnrrrr' rl shr i bc pari] pro ii \ri.rr'lasIrrrbehur irrrrrilv('Ia.,Merrbersirrdite , lrru'Ilirrprsrrrparinurhe rerieltrrrerrrrrrrrrrrprrrrrr X(ýIasrr'Nterrrerrr (i rrrrir(i n2lerrrberrrN irrrp' rrrrr IIno b elurbefrrny rruirirherrufirrrtrhe etlerrrcrrr 'rriiiilasMeriberrrrnd1 inrilyrLl,rr Mirterrrrr.rirrrir d rr rrîrrnr uturih brrburrii rire eurrrririe erierrerr unrro(topt out t ,oo lNish ti) sttare int thre hettefits ofthe setteteut. 1rrrrpr orrn, ar( rr.,rMerrbr rrr 1aiI ls irrrrrrhirrrerrrhrrrus.seuri arrin noticrrrrebrprupard i rirrord (ir'r' h rrrrr Scierh IrrI-Si15Rruerburd Dr. Kiuierrii. N2i, rur re, 373 34;7sui Rf I.fAf OF (I I AND1 THE) I FE T1 fI ON 0111EfR PROt Ff 11511. rrrrr b arrierILrirrg rrrr rrrr.rrrri i rrrrrnrr rrrrrrr i.r tribu irerirr ,rurriri rrr ii rrrrîrr anqe i alflc n rrrrrei i rrrrri 'rerrrrer fic reinrrr (irinre Li rintrrrie, rrrr rr rriiurr t-irrrirre liitherrernrrrle 25. 203iriiirri lrune 2). 'rirr .\rrr areirrr rirtrr i lacr Merrrbe rnfrrores rrrr rpr rrrrt tr irr commerr ncrre 11 rierr iiIr erieeurieiirrirrirrrrrrrsed irrrhrrr rrrrrn (IA 555 lt 5f IL ff FS arrrrairr, p.rrnrerrrrtire ('lacs Merrbrrrrrnd .rrrrsri.r'riherhr'as the balaneriiir ADI)IIIIONA SI INftRM S FIIN INIf RPRFTI 11 herrsrr.'r the pîrrcion r his oic r anrrd rire remisr r ire serrlerrrerri rhe 'retirittri This notice s approved by The lioitourabte Mr. -Justice John R. Sproat, of ther Solperior Court of Justice for Ontario. yn questions about the matters in this notice should nrrt Ire directed toi the court recause its admninistrative structure s flot designed to addrsr this tNpc ofinquiert. ! rSven Bacchus Certified Ortbodontic Specialisi Smiles (bat last a Lqetime DADS, Uk., Rkc, FWCD(C) Now accepting new patients! Braces for Children & Aduits "flexible payment plans u free consultations "nu referral necessary u eall to book your consultation doctor on duty on Fridays & Mondays office open Monday tri Friday 311 Commercial Street-Suite 209.Milton TeI.905-875.2995 rrhuirrrrrrr T)