The Canadian Champion, Frîday, August 26, 2005 - A5 Conservative MPs stop in core as part of tour 1he Chamnpion Downtown business people had "We want to 'put a chance to voice their coîîcernis money into the hands and talk polities witb Conservative MPs and Haiton MP hopefuil Garth of parents so they cmn Turner Wednesday. make a choice."1 Opposition House Leader John ................. Reynoolds. who's also an MP in OPPOSITION MS11E LEAIJi west Vancouver, and Leeds- J9i lm ~ JJ Grenville MP Gord Brown stopped by Milton as part of a cross-coun- * try tour te support Conservative Wewant to put money into the canddate lie Mr Turer. hands of parents so tbey can make * The trio ventured down Main a eboiee," he said, meaning the Street, stopping to chat with people eredit could be spent on the kînd of likelawyr Lme Geenwod, day care they prefer, whether it be who expressed his tboughts on wjth an individual or a eompany. everything frorn what he sees as Mr. Turner said for exanspie, this the need to amend immigration eodbnetloarsinswo policies to taxes. 1I think we're being overtaxed," do shift work ait the Ford plant in be said. Oakville wbo most likely don't use And Mr. Greeîowood wasn't the traditional day-eare eentre alune with that sentiment. The MPs tbat's only open during the day. said taxes xvas one of the main 'he MPs also touehed on the issues raised by the dosvntown upeoming federal election that's business people, along with ebild- expeeted te, be ealled sometime this care. winter. In an interview ai The Champion Turner already campaigning offiee, Mr. Reynolds agreed ibat Canadians are too bigbly taxed, While that's stîll several months while Mr-. Brown detailed hosv tbe down the road. Mr. Turner said Conservatives svould address taxa- bes ready and bas already been tion and cbild care issues together caînpaigîîing. gotng door-to-door tbrougb a tax eredit. to speak with local residenîs. Only 50 tickets left [Fi foir mayor 's gala Almoot 300 tickets bave already been sold for the celebration of Gord Krantz's 25tb year as Milton mayor. The event bas a 350 capacity, and orgatuzers expect tickets to selI out in the next fewv weeks. The celebraflon, bosted by the Milton Chamber of Commerce, will take place ait Rattîconake Point Golf Club September 24 at 6 p.m. Tickets for the black-tie event cost $125 per person and inelude a full five-course meal, seafood bar and cocktail reception. Jim, Paulson of AM 740 and Father Mark Curtis will act as masters of ceremony, and several guest speakers will pay tribute toi Mayor Krantz. AIl proceedo from the event will be donated to, the Milton Chamber of Commerce Legacy Fund in the noumre of Gord Krantz to improve and maintain eommunity landmnarks. Allison Mang, co-ordinator of the cellebration, bopes the event will raise close to, $60,000. For more information or to purchase tickets, calI Sandy Martin or Allison Mang at (905) 878-0581 or e-mail (ive." he said. notimg the Hialtos Conservative riding association membersbip bas more than doti- bled on the last few rnonîhs. Mr. Turner svett oit to voice bis conemi vv it the curret gos ern- ment's ovrpedng ibch lie said in tomn drives mortgage interest rates up -and boxv t will impact local residents. -Wben these rates start to niove up, its goîng îo burt families, he said. noting thai many people wbo live in Milton's Hawvtborne Village are financing 95 per cent of the cost of tbeir home, s0 even a quarter or balf per cent interest rate inerease would be a burden. "There will be consequenees for people bere in Halton." be said. Those wbo didn't bave a chance to speak witb Mr. Turner Wednesday can take their tbougbîs and eoneems to town baIl meetings be's holding September 27 ai Hugb Foster Hall and October 5 at the Nassagasveya Community Centre on Guelph Line in Brookvile. Bots meetings stafl ait 7 p.m. Me-htîte Heuiese v cati he t'i'ts'/ed or ieiietesse%',-tioli ((týitt(ttot>l.t'oin. MP John Reynolds (Ieft) and 2MP bopoful (rlght> talk wlth lawyer Laom ne Greenwood downtown Wednesday as part of the tour. 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