86 - The Canadian Champion Fnday Auguat 26 2005 B6 Th7hndanCapin4hLiy uu 6,20 _ _ _ _ _ et kalthd ,areers4Ontario Above, SheIla MeBryde holds a COPY Of The Champion In front of-the Sphinx In Egypi. At left, Miltonlana (fromn left) Cody South, Barb Fuller, Brooklyn Rydor, Bryanna South and Carl Ryder viait WaIt Disney World'a Magie Klngdomn In Florida. Below, Rebecca Bell (right) checks out Buckingham Palace in London, England wlth choir à member iriend Cleone Vo. eaihc reCi! n4 nt <i Sponsor -J3a&swre BOOKINO AND MATERRIL DEADLINE: Frîday, September 16, 2005 To roserve your space, Cali. f416-493-1300 ext. 276, 288, 237 N PebnaM uta, "mgan uW"o mg 1L METROLANO PRINTING PUBUSHING &OS1TlIBUTING [M10 lTEMPO AVE. *WILLOWDALE, ON* M2H 2NB BY womnen FOR women Friday, October l4th, 2005 e 6:30 p.m. Holiday Inn Burlington, Hotel & Conference Center 3063 South Service Road Gl'PU 1P E. eW o: 16 Colourful Live Entertaininent - featuring the Sweater Puppets *b Dancing wîth your gai pals (shake your boot'e) *b Shopping in our fashionable ,ihoetique and auctions *Food, fun, and toi-iiippipog raffles ail in support of Breast Cancer Support Services Tickets go on sale September 6, 2005 and will seli out fast! Hosted by CityTV's Arne Mroczkowski $60.00 905.634.2333 or 905.632.2271 LANCASTER GROUPE & tiïIo Parents of children 2 to 14 yrs old with asthma are invited to join a six week asthma researchtty 4kpproved) ~NrchO42ÇÇie Research Question: WiII SINGULAIR® help reduce the number of asthma flare-ups in children in the fait? If your chlld la flot talklng SIngulaîr CALL NOW for more information J (905) 522-1155, ext. 5091 or 5228 St. Joseph's Heaithoare, Hamilton ________________________________Toli Free: 1-888-748-4743 peuh ilium Ouars-up: In Septualier comparud lutUb une et 0he yuur