The Canadian Champion, Friday, August 26, 2005 - A3 Garbage cans overflowing in the downtown core By MELANIE HENNESSEY The Champion Overflowing public garbage cans in the downtown have some who work and Iivé there calling for the Region to make more frequent waste pick-ups on Main Street. The receptacles have been filling up ,quickly in certain spots between garbage collection days and spiHing over onto the sidewalk, creating an unpleasant odour and leading some people like downtown resi- dent Don Robertson to put out a can of bis own to accommodate the extra waste. "The black (Town) containers are far too small, s0 1 brought a container out and it usually gets filled up too," he said. Photos by GRAHAM PAINE Trash overflows tramt a can near the corner of Main and James streeta Manday - a sight that's become the source of frustration for same downlown business people and residents. Th, probiem, which lhe Region is monitoring and working ta get under contrai, corne from a cambinatian of cana fiiiing up rap- idiy between pick-upa and collection staff having difficuities lift- ing the averfiawing bina. Some peaple are aisa caiing for the Regian ta lncrease the number of timea it collecte; trash clown- tawn fram twa ta three times a week. A pi obleui liia lie and se ci ail dos ilIoýnNI business owners pomnted out is the exira garbage that's created when the downtown hosts the Milton Farîners' Market eacb Saturday. Cypress co-owner Betty Scriver- said there've been many times when the garbage can located in front of ber store is overflowing, particularly after the market. "I tbink it (garbage pick-up) sbould be tbree times a week," she said. Halton Supervisor of Waste Management Operations David Miles said garbage is picked Up downtown on Saturday wben there's a statutory boliday. He said for staff to look into it further, [11C Replli ss OUid piel tic st ailt Ns tl ail officiai request from Milton counicil. since the Town detennines tbe level of service it wants and pays the Region for waste col- lection out of its budget. After tbat, be said staff would investigate tbe price of the extra collection day and go back to Town counicil witb its findings. Besides the garbage cans filling up quickly between tbe Tuesday and Friday collection days, Mr-. Miles explained col- lection staff bas been experiencing difficul- ties grasping the containers properly to empty tbemn wben tbey're overflowing. "We don't expect anybody to put their - ee, RESIDENTIAL an page A17 __3 TOYOTA 2005 CLEAROUT EVERYTHING MUSI GO. (THIS OFFER WON'T BE REPEATED. WE REPEAT, THIS OFFER WON'T BE REPEATED.) 2005 Echo Hatchback 2005 Camry 2005 Matrix 2005 Sienna 2005 RAV4 139% FINANCING VEHICLES (e TOYOTA 005 2005 Avalon 2005 Highlander 400 Steeles Avenue 905 875-1700 Pln n1, F S11a )A PoAl M ,ý!ý 12W NN,hINNN Co-y RAVN NNMffr ,,, N.'l $4 41 80I4506 , -l,N P, 364848 t e, C h B $5 , 28s MNN3 1 oi M i o $20NNN1 NSA NNS2i 4,$2 N331I1N % on ,praeln c, o ptol lva'i .101 effl N MiN, NN W SodNN ui.2 4Rnoer Sopo 2 9., 1, -1" oc""NN"' n o o n4 mol valbeoi 05Rh o 3.9% FNii£~5 NNs i ,,N,2,laefnan,.rglflIo8 opi- ou, eH ,gNS i,11L ,ssfeP $niée N2t2gPtIF 'e ey 5. *1 - - 1 > TC :MI LTO N ý &*4v- TOYOIA