Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Aug 2005, p. 29

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.9 The Canadien Champion, Frîday Auguat 26,-2005 - 29 Da h etsmram IOI In Meoi 1Articlesees lýi- carearans Carer .înMersonar M Fr Sale. "à L HOT Tub/ Spa: 2005 BIGGAR, Isabel M.- Peacefuly on Fri- day, Auguat 19, 2005 uit Northridge Long Term Cure, Ou/rd/le in her 871/r year. Predeceased by her Ioving huaband Har- old, married for 66 years. Special mother of Barbara MoGilI (huaband Wayne), Mur- ian Miller (huaband Lloyd), Nancy Goldie- Miles (hunband Gond) and Norman (site Sandi). Predleceased by son Clair (1945). Cherished gruedmother ot Bar- bara Jean, Shatte und Kathy (McGi//), Mary Jane, Marlene and A/es (Mil/or), Morgan and Gregory (Goldie) and Sta- cey, Lianne and Natalie (Biggar>. Proud great grandmother of 5. Predeceased by her sisters Dora Hauting and Olga Lid- sien. Survieed by her niece Penny Lob- bezoo <huaband John). The family ne- ceived tniendas at the OAKVIEW FU NER- AL HOME 56 Lakeshore Rd. W., Oakville (one blockr east of Kerr St.), on Sunday, August 21, 2005 fros 2-4 and 7-9p.m. A futteraI service sas held in the Oa/rview chapel on Monday, Auguat 22, 2005 ait 1 :OOp.m. Interment /ollowed ant St. Jude's Cemetery. In lieu of tlowers, donations may be made to the Alzheimer's Founda- lion. Voallea, G/no Pouceully ut t/e Ml/tos District Hospital on T/rsrsday, Anguat 251/r 2005. Gim0 Vocitta, bel- toeed /rccband ot Roscuca. Lsviog ftt/er et Jo/rn and his site Caret. Sa//y micsed by hic grundc/ri/dron Jumie and /rer hucband C/ens Breedon, Christopher and hic site Krictie Ver- darmen, Danielle Verdurmen and Mi/re Roc/rt, Samunitha Vosilla aed Metanie Vocilla. Loeingly romombored by hic groat grandchi/dron Caista, Broklyn, Emmc-Leigh und Ma/mson. Fcmity and triends are levited le, visit cf the McKER- StE-KOCHER FUNERAL HOME 114 Main St. Ml/en 005-878-4452 trom 12:00 pmi toi3:00 pra on Saturday. The futterai service miii telles aI 3:00 ps in the tunorut home chapot. As expres- siens ot sympathy, memorîi donations te, the Miltos District Hosptlal woul/ ho apprecîated/ IneM ariam eema riam MURRAY DEAN PARROTT August 25, t948 -Augus 31, 2001 Wr gise ihanks daily lfor the loe and gearle kiaduens yen sleartd se genereusy, trreghoct yenr lil't' Yomu willalways be lated andmied by SPa4 Mat4 Kms Aggte aad -,ay e-alfiie"e. Canadian Cancer Society ln Memoriams in the form of donations to The Canadian Cancer Society are deeply appreciated. 10.yeara osperience. Dorr/T/rnmpsn. First Aid/CPR/PnIice c/roc/r, loarning ennirsemeet, mou/s prsvido/, spaces ceaitabte immo/îatey. Shelley 905-693-921 7 DAYCARE asuitchie Hawthorne Village flt time/pnrt-time, heat/y snacks, în/eor/octdoer uctivîtios, clean & tee- îeg ennîreemeent. 905- 875-0700. DAYCARE. Leving care, crafts, e ut/sot play, First Aid, CPR, police c/roc/r Part- lime/Fuit-Tise. 905- 870-0020 MOTHER et 3 girls uit uardian Anget cc/rosi is ceailabto for JK/SK aOorneon care. Cuit Caret 005-876-2510 I2UALIFIED C/rit/cure, CPR/Flrst Aid, police c/rocr, reterences. Loe- in9 stimulting environ- sent. Brou/- tact//anc/r/snack pro- nided. Ca/t Karen 905- 864-0235. VOUR ANCEL ,Sirtie peoptle coeiii it tir liv aeil quickI, g "rîî c tr uv e (ui %,îuIs ,uto dunes. t 'Ire' icuken cs iii ries cnilers.inling mitrclricpsiiymhisper ofl-rs misdoi, sinus preople niake the s/y Mirc Ineruifal iii gaze îtuî Irey rtay ici (ur livs, foramr, t acas fssîyrrirruii nr heartu an rve rirever, eve the sine. lii tuiignteintury'sisau /nrciu bli'iylboy, Nahan Jaes gin A/ways icved & always rc'nsr-rbereri Il hic pares Kylje & Travis Laveyovufc rever ...ncxax Ce/cUng, Feýathertnre . Septernler ltl, 1906 -August 2Srh, 1985 Prrious semeesc ofa uend-rfidljàther & gandfather d eebw bs Daughte Caey G ascldugh Ler Lmat/cýhey February 23, 1921 -Aunant 24, 2003 Where ever se go, *What over se do, Memonies /reep ce close to yen. Jean & Famlly Auons WAucns Saturday, August 27th, 2005(indoors No pets please, aspecial neeclogs only Terma of ps/ment Case or Cheqae wt/ ID PST wll be added-Refreahmerta avut/able uwAuo inancng = ýtoFnancng B04cmlabiml Yc rm QUICK, CONFIDIENT/AL l you are emaployer, APPROVAIL we can helpl " Bankrapt (diachargeri or Yocr cîrcamstaece andiachargei) Yecr rate " te credit cocesetîeg or Ns dose paymeet proposai O.A.C. *Nos immigrueb/retcgee Rates trom *No estabtished credit 8 '~ 9%29 *9% O A.C. Ait Plsen Cali CDM eviton Mot/on Endeavoure 1-905-63-988 3416 Fairvie, /1200 Celt. 90533ê300 Burtington 9054633-9884 A /ining tees, c/rry- sso/, double pe/lesa table, 8 chairs, buffet, /rutc/r. devetait con- ntrcctîee. Nos stitlint boxes. Cost $11000. Sacrifice $200 905- 507-9459, A King Piswtop Mat- trose Set. New te plas- tic. CosI $100 sel for $450. 905-507-9459. BE0, Amazteg bargain. qceen orthope/tc put- toweop sut, ses te plas- tic, sarraety $150 905- 507-4042 sutl detioer. BEDROOM Cherry- Woodi, 00/l, c/rosI, dresser, 2 eig/rtstun/s.' Doetait Construction. Nover openee Cent $8,000. Sacrttice $1.900. 905-507-4042 015/tOP Reding Uni- ters tnt scie, rouon- ah/o, 3 sseatsrirt's, 1 vest, 2 s/rd, 1 kilt, 1 par pue/s. Cuit 905- 878-5007. CARPET t /rave senerut 1,000 yards. et nos Staunsuster & 100% ey- toncurpot. Witt do living- tees & hait tor $389. sncindes carpet. pad & installation 130 yards) Steve, 905-633-8192 GIRLS /rattery eperat- ed conveyrble car, pinr, braed sers condition, enty nsed 3x, charger icded. Perd $250., sei for $100. 905-878- 0410ý HOT Tub (Spa) Cosers BesI Prise, BesI Duat- It. Att Shapes & Cet- ours Anailabto. Cai 1 - 866-585-0056. NEED A HOME PHONE? LOWEST PRICESI Les Activa- tion/ Ment/r/y Foos, Transter Fer Free, Ne Depsita, One Stop - P/rose S/rnp 1-866-9- 925-925 Ssii /3.800ý' 900557- 4042. HOVER Mower, gas poWered, esed twice, brand sers condition. Ped $050., askîng $200. 000 Cai 9050 878-0410 masArtilsWed $ $ S $ $Wvanted- Att China, Sîlser, Crystat, Tea Cape, Royal Doci- les, Swareosk, Dicos, Jeweley, otd tops, col- tectîies, estatles. Cati John/ Tracy 905-331- 2477 Antiqes & Art ANTIQUES Wvanted: Caphoards, Gtass, Chi- na, Paîntingo, Prînts, Paper, Creck, Architec- tarai, Lîghtîng, the Usc- ai aed Uncocai. Pieuse cati 519-043-2777 ma- chine. Wi ccii bacrn a~rsfr Salej 1995 Volliswagee Doit. Great stadeet car coori tor tîve years tor Shen- due Cettege. Neser bru/roc, eehacst, bat- tory, tires. Rans groat. Be/y ekuy. Entra set et ceos. $3.000. Service -records availubie. 905- 873-0311 1998 Ford Mustang. Green witr grey mInen- or. Antomatic, 0-cyt., 3.8L, A/C, cruise con- tret, spoier, keylesn on- try, peser lncks, mir- rets and sices, CD player. t55,OOOkms. Sns tires andri ims en- claded. Certified and e- testei. As/ring $7.000. Cuil 905-877-8759. 2002 Chrysier Nese LX. Sucer, lnuded, se/y 20,000km. 1 -eseer. *Must be seen, Asking $15.000. 905-099-7707 New Truck Delvey We deliner nosw truc/a lrom luctsry to dealer- s/ripa throug/rsut thre U.S. andi retare mnes truc/s rsmi U.S. plant .42 per mile Motel preelderi eightly Fumily Medical Prenîdd must hune AZ liceese & 1 yr. T/T OTA Eep. ACS Canada AZ Driver Local deliveries to *Construction cites. Notcrps. ~No hadhomhsg. li:05-693-963 Est, 224 Fao: 905- 693-9475 Mil/ton il] antra elp Prosperity One Credît Union is a tull-service tinanciai services erganization sersîng the communities of Milton, Georgetown, Acton and Burlington. Our current assets under administration are oser $140 million. We are dedîcated te preeîding 0cr members with a fll range of tinancial and nvaine-added" producte delinered throcgh qaality persona service. Vitt ccrrently require a strong "leader" te manage the retail bankîng area ot 0cr Milton Branch. If you hase couid eperience leadîng a teller services area, preterably in a credît union, yen dervenstrate encellent attention te detail and understand the importance et accaracy in ail areas of werk, yoc are a "people persen", who cees an 'empewening management style", nocnd jcogement and proen communication skîlis te motînate and lead your staff te be "the bent they cas be" ced yen hase a gift for meeting the needsof customers, yoc are a 'lit" 1er eut team. We t/tank a/il candidates; however, on/y those to be interviewed wlI be contactedc. P/case apply in confidence, t0: Barbara A. Duffin, SHEM Consultlng Associates, 1297 Greeniaus Road, Oakvl/e, L6J 6Y3 email, L A 10 B LO 1' YL INTERI- OR DESIGN/ SALES AT Forget IDj LAZBOY We are Ienkîng for sotte talentod peoplo e t oie ns Ls oi as 'Design/Sales conslat' I yen are a Lity u oraduate of an accredtedInterlior Design course w/rn s lnekîog fot a urique epp rtcoîty te upcomiiig cee yoer skills cnd talents then thîs muy be the job for you! We are about te, oper s tee store ut the Oskvitle/Mississacgc Bordet and se have open- ar. legs in oct other locatins -Brampton, Bur//ngton adNrhMîseseauga. Sale Ont Pregrum teaches yos Sales Skilts and helps yute, integrate these ski/es with yocr Design skîtîs iii our for ecccess ns a Sales Cottsultant The dattes in- cînde assitttg clients with prejecta en oct show- m e mooms and jr oct client's homes Yen wîtl neei ex- cellettt communication skills, a flexible schedule S which wîl inclade eneningsaund seekends, reltuble l le transportation and a desîre tn learn. We are nes tukîrg applications by phone *slmply 86080Mi caI Char//e u/ 905-568-2211t- 24 hontes aday- 3 when yen are premptei te *enter an extension- rial 150, tiren dial #16-151 te respettd te secera qs- FI"H STORE MANAGER reqa red fo F Oth Wheet Truckr Stop, Millien Munt hane excellentt communication, compt-esien and computer akîtîs. The saccessfnt canrdidate wtît snersee att aspects et Store Operatiens inctadieg scheda/ieg, pcrctrasing, receeîg irnnentsry contrat andi sapernîaîng staff. Please fax rosume ta 905-878-9236 Attention: Mr. Glen Campbell Geod People ... Goed Famdiy.. A4 Bright Future wl/h a great cempeey diinheisrcviih aiihearhiis-s WC are bas.e]inMilirn and deepiyî,sniiiied Io ysîîtîeyîngisceidiic'.er% ce iîîanvide rne o etra nt%,.îiniuir,aandicaue! Full -Finie Warsh-e itrdet Selion *Yîî ac hast vring an caii leity is ith',1b reKeeitt )Yu havnereti,,hieîraniai,î,iiisî nith goo tnd,neecr Si,t SiiedaNtihrei1,T'hcrsdaî dt'M - AM (MniliihisI Stitiday hrrnyh Ttîeî-dap 1 PM -9PM iAtteriîseeci P,îri T,,,,, Fida.12 iicnoon ishFMvard Sarday 6AM t,4 PM Tciii, 11,cr t i",t 16- S24 hor K, ceert GCnpuiP,. to eieîcit, iriciiidîig 00'itî& plt .iii,, *Iiilsritiiiii,, toi o, îrsitand deeiien GlORDON FOOD SERVICE \(In: fleue,,i Oe,ý,u,, i l , ,i90 .i 693 i 3611) ,,,,,,,,, CIassiiied Hours Monday (o Friday 9 arn (o 5 pm 1~~~iIi ~' ididycei, UeàIC uudL topsIONE needed for concrete "D RA T' forming. 4Y U IW l Oakville area Driver Position available for nights& for 2 pears. Clea reord & abstract requîred. Cali Mestin Please drap off resumnes ta: 9058496697 8473, Hwy 25 Milton

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