Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Jul 2005, p. 7

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luone (apsulles, aie geis ?/inîfrmini exracted front past issues of The Chamîpiont and aliter publicattionts tit oder Io provide a wvinckw itto Milton s past. Explanitorr comment is soinetimes pro- s'ided Io place the situaotion in contes!. December 1905 Tbe ncw generator for tbe Milton munic- ipal electric lîgbî plant arrivcd on Tuesday. Everyîbing nccessary for tbe new power bouse is now bere. A tlegram was sent bo Monîreal asking that an expert be sent 10 superintend the removal of the machinery now in tbe old power bouse and tbe setting up of il in tbe new power bouse. It's expected tbat the plant will be in operation in tbe new power bouse witbin a week. Four new arc ligbts will bie installed in parts of tbe town tbat are aI present insuffi- ciently ligbted. The expense would bave been $132 if tbey bad been set up by tbe old company. Ligbts wbicb bave been out of order for some limie wili be attended t0 and a momning service fromn five o'clock uantil dayligbt wîll be comnienced and con- tinued until tbe days Iengtben su tbat il will be unnecessary. 'Me managers of tbe local bockey tearu bave made satisfactory arrangements witb tbe owners of tbe rink and tbeir intermedi- aIe teamn will be a strong one. Tbere will be no age limit as tbere was last season witb tbe junior tearu. Milton will bave plenty of tbe fastest of bockey. Tom Lewis camne bome somte limie ago and will take bis old position in goal. Lister. Fleming, Campbell, Field and White of last season's team will be available as weII as a couple of new men wbo promised t0 do well. Tbos. H. Hume is pushing building Dper- ations on bis new brick residence on Mill Sreet (71 Mill St.) Tbey bave been fasoured so far witb mild weaîbcr. Tbe Sproat farmi ai tbe nortb end of Milton bias been sold to AIex Wilson of tbe Scotch Block, prtce $9.250. Tbere are 200 acres. lcss about an acre taken for tbe C.P.R. rigbî of-svay. Tbe outbuildings arc îlot in first-class condition, but tbe fari is a particularly good one. Sometbing went wrong witb tbe ligbtiîîg apparatus in the Methodist Cburcb lasI Sunday. necessitaling the svitbdrawal of tbe evening service. Tbe cause of tbe trou- Capsules OI bic hias been rcmcdied. Trafalgar council is progressive. filibas decidcd to submit a bylaw for the commu- tation of statute labour to the vote of' the ralepayers. It sbould be carried. The old statute labour plan is an old fraud. Councillor G.A. Herustrcet bias retired froru the town council after 15 years' serv- ice. Tbe counicil, however, is likely to bave tbe benefit of tbe experience and ability of ex-Mayor Dice, wbo retired sonne years ago. Mr. Dice is a candidate for councillor and it is expected tbat bie will bead tbe pol. 'be curling club beld a meeting on Tuesday nigbt and the membersbip fee was fixed at four dollars. There are few curling clubs in tbe province witb su, low a fée. Tbe cantata. Snow Wbite and tbe Seven Dwarfs, was given at tbe Town Hall on Friday cvening by tbe Young People of Knox Cburcb. Tbe weatber was unfavourable and tbe roads bad. wbicb must bave prevented many peuple from outside tbe town from attending, but yet tbere was a large audience and tbe receipts were satisfactory. Tbe young folks sang tbeir cboruses very well indeed, sbowing tbat tbey bad been well trained and ibeir costumes werc appropriate and tasteful. The opening grand marcb by 16 young girls was a feature. Miss Sbcrk. contralto, scorcd a succcss witb bier solos, as did also Miss Jardine, soprano. Tbe ibird annual rnilitary bail of' No. 4. Co. 20tb Rcgt. Lone Rifles svas beld ni tbe Towvn Hall in Brookvillc. Major Beattie was prescntcd svitb a bandsome chait and addrcss rccogntzing bis promotion trom tbe captaincy of tbe company t0 the bîgbher and more responsible positton of major of tbe battalton. Titis inalerial is assenîhled oit be/zul of the Milton l-istoricol Sociehs h 'v Jiîît Dills, ktho coît be reorhed al jdills@;Cidireîî.-omi. The Canadian Champion, Friday, JuIy 22, 2005-A7 4To wn gets new gqenerator *Oi DR RT for its efectrir fiatit nfint Dear Editor: 1 continue 10 read Tbe Cbampion's articles surrounding tbe recent resignalion of tbe Halton District Scbool Board's director of education. Dusly Papke. wilb con- tinued frustration. Now The Champion is prinîing letters about il. as well as edîlorials altacking certain trustees aI tbe board. Well, cnougb is enougb. It's limie Tbe Cbampion and tbose writing 10 or being quoled in tbe newspaper start questioning tbe trustees tbat were involved in arranging tbe termis of Mr Papke's contract. Tbey don't include current board Chair Paul Tale and Vice-Cbair Peggy Russell, wbo bave been in tbeif positions for less tban a year. Halton Hilîs Trustee Etbel Gardiner and Oakville Trustee Mary Cbapin were tbe cbair and vice-cbair respectively in 2001 wben tbe director's contract was rewriîlen -for wbaî rea.son I don't know. Tbose of us wbo are bot about tbe board baving lu dole out $600.000 bad better gel tbeir atten- tion off tbe current cbair, wbo sim- ply bad lu bonour tbe terms of tbe contract. Ils limie 10 start posing tbe tougb questions 10 Ms Gardiner and Ms Chapîn. Boîb of Ibese trustees werc deafeningly quiet wben tbe media Carr's vote represented majority of hîs constituents Dear Edilor: In bier JuIy 5 letter. Melîssa Caineron iniscbicvously shoots trom tbe bîp in crîtîcîLîng Halton MP Gary Cari's ville on the same-scx marriagc issue, stating that bie supports the rîghîs of otly somte tîf lîts con- stîtuents. Il's nty optîiion that Mr. Carr supptîricd thc vicws ofl thc majorily ol bis constituents svhct hie voted agalîlsi samc sex marriacle. Re-ardlcss. eletncntary logic sug ,iCsls that no MAP svill fulfill tlîe svishes of ail con- stitucîts oit aiîy gîvel issue. The resulîs ofi vartous national poîls preccdîng the vote on Bill C-38 showcd that a lîîgh percenlage tof« Canadians svere against saîîlc-scs marriage. That led me to cuînclude that the matter was an exccllcnt candi- date f'or a referendumn. However, that wouîd bave been a step toward eliru- inaîing what I consider lu be the 'democratic defîcit', wbicb cuîmbincd witb the Charter of Rigbîs and Freedoms is the real destructive force in Ibis country. Paul Martin bad the gaîl Io dlaim that Bill C-38 would etîtail a 'frce vote' in the Bouse of Communs. Hîîwever I bcltcve bie prcssurcd bis cabinet mninisters bo vole iti fasîîur ofit atîd thus guaranîeed ils passage. Fmsurc that Lester B. Pearson was speaking svith greal lîîrcsîght svhcn he said. "A Canadian prime min- ister wîlh a mnajcirity govcnmcnl is the nearesî îhing to a dictator ... ifl he wants tcî be one." In ruy opinion,. Ibis country lias secîî far too, many prime mînîsters rcady 10 fulfill just such a role. Ron Bezant Harrison Road ~[~E~LYIMILL b~4i~ia~e4we,~ia 9 HOURIS 0F EXERCISE IN 40 MINUTES W... ELECTRO-USCLE TONINO TREATMENTS -Wok up o 1 iff n mscle us at Impoe sengih.energyeves, ciclton & at meabolsm -Dop 12 dress ss n5 weeks -Each4Ominute ratmns is theequivln CAL FOR A oft9 suss o ecise.I eiîceers the FREE same as:jggs M&S TREATMEKT -5mlsO ogn m« i., ..Iftoy -10. i g lAfs. csokis -300 sit cps WEALSO OFFER eight Management " acusage Celluliute Trealment - o Sôe5:csl aceL u9:VM l: ru k0-U -'u M R :3 biS ~h .a~i' *~ frhto ~&0 Crîtîcîsm lover issues facîng Halton District Time , l Board should be directed elsewhere Step to the Front of the Lino! Don't just kccp knocking on employer's doors like everyone cIsc. If you bave been looking for GENERAL LABOURER, FACTORY, OFFICE or any otber work and havcn't been able 10, find a job. we cao help get your foot in tbe door. Our îemporary placements put you right toi work in local and area companies. You gel experience, a cbance 10 make valuable contacts and, best of ail, you get paîd weckly! Forward an up 10 date resumne toi Tbe boutique of tbe stafflng industry Stevens Resource Group Inc., 225 Main St E., Suite 1l, Milton, Ontario, 905-878-7789 Email: -Website: ""CELEBRATING SUCCESS SINCE 1990." was prescrnt at tbe recent budget meeting and tbe ycar-end board meetinîg wbcn details of tbe sever- ance package were muade public. Tbe Cbampion's July 8 editorial tore a strip oIt of Mr. Talc for bis 5tî callcd involvement in Mr. Papke's buy-ouI and merely quoîed Ms Gardiner and Ms Cbapin*s dis- may. lnierestingly tbese are two of tbe trustees wbo opposed tbc vote 10 cbange police governance ait tbe boards June 22 leading 10 Mr. Papke's departure. Tbey were also instrumental in tbe implementation of Ibis policy govemnance only a few years ago. As a Milton resident for Il years and parent counicil chair for tbree years aI Martin Street Public Scbool, we fougbî 10 bave our sebool kept open and won. We've becomne aIl] too familiar witb policy govemnance aI tbe board, wbicb in my opinion bas simply divided the current huard. Under ils recent form, tbe board staff was tasked 10 do most every- tbing aI the board and Iben provide data and options lu the trustees 10 vote on. 'Mat migbt be an oversim- plification of tbe situation, but il gives you an idea of tbe problem. Wc found Ibat mosî trustees wanîed the facîs prior lu making Ibese difficult decisions, but baving 10 educate tbem on tbe issues of Muiton's growtb was an excruciat- ing process. Our scbool's parents were being updatcd înonlbly by Towvn staff for free on Ibese issues, but according 10 Town officiais the scbool board wasn'l rcciving the same up 1(1- date information -allbougb trustees wcrc beiîîg told otbcrwisc at board meetings. As far as we can tell, board staff svere providing trustces witb ouI- of-date growtb projections. I believe the director of educa- lion and bis staff were keeping trustees in the dark in order lu strengtben Ibeir stand on tbe need lu close older scbools and gel min- istry funding 10 provide for new scbool construction. This I fe was a Irigger lu vote down tbe policy govemnance by certain trustees. In my opinion, il's Ibis lack of transparency between providing options 10 trustees and wanîing lu mainlain the policy of building new scbools quickcr Ibat led lu Mr. Papke taking bis leave. The huard staff's job is tu pro- vide options lu tbe elected trustees, nul 10 decîde the direction tbey wanî lu go and Iben provide data lu, suit Ibat. In tbe future, I tbink tbe residents of Haîton are enîitled lu more digging before newspapers start trasbing some of the elected trustees and calling for tbe ministry lu step in and take over. Mark Wallis, parent council chair Martin Street School

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