The Canadian Champion, Fridsy July 22, 2005 - 27 ln~ Memorj~~ iam l eMoriam aaasBaar Auto Financing At iacn NESBIrr, Adam & Kim ------î * 1 iQualataed Lxhobtors NEED WomEEs? WE CAR REL6P Wate BeST361iIORcar Il ~ Yo hav on W1te REETbLS TomtD Cole Kingsley Born Thursday, fuliy 7, 2005 ai 4:19pni, weighing 711hs 4.5oz ait Oakville Trafalgar Memoriat Hospitl Cole is wetcomed b y tirai time grantipar- nta Bey Siessor, G ittian & Tony Davis, Nancy & Joe Fioritto and Jack Nesbitt. Great grandpnrents Monica & latte Ivan Stessor, Geoff & Pautine JolI, Beatrice Ferroy, Guiseppe & tuabetia Pionitio & Heten Nesbitt. Atso wetcomnd by hia Aune Christina and Uncie David. Speciai Thanks toi Dr. Sharma and ait the wonder- fut staff ait the Oakvitte Trafatgar momoriai Hospital. WILSON -Dave aud Shannan (nee Eady) ut Milton are pisased lu anuouce the birth ut their son Campbell Gregory Wilson, weîghiug 7ibs 3ozs ai Milton District Hospital ou Saturda, Juiy 918, 2005. A tirai grsndchiid for Osa El- lia, Ken sud Carole Eady sud Glenn sud Liz Wilaon. A aephew for Rob sud Liada Wilson, Shswu Eady sud Mouissa Wilson. A ltlde broth- er for 'Meriin" the wouder dog. A apecisi Ihsnk yuu lu, Dr. Rsisaiughsmn sud ait the nurses, ea- pecistin Jenuifer, Msriiyu, Deciah aud Leesa. STANLEY - Maxine aud Cralg are oaeriuyed lu snuounco the birth of their beautiiui dsughtor, Ameliî Jîi Ditisue. Our pesant outerod thia wurid sun-aide up ait 3:15 pmn on Ssturdsy June 25, weîghiug 6 Ibu. nig ainte Paige as thriiied, s sre aecond limre grsudiparonta Yensa Kay sud Csriy & Phit Stanley. Auntie Jili reiah- es anoiher suece lu spoil. Harvey, Henry sud Dudley are ssrpriaed. Specisi thanka iu Dr. Cvetic sud ail the nurses ait MDH. Cog5sn vns Cng osin s Happy 8Oth Birthday Vern Bridgman OPEN HOUSE On Sunday.July 24, 2005 3171 Steeles Ave. W 3pm - 8prn Pleasejoin us with Best Wishes Orily (Rring lure!) Dejjjs ÉM Det TAIT, June Yvonne lyse Ounesti Paused away on Movda, Juiy 101h, 2005 abter a coarageos baltle with cancer uith1e Tom Baker Centre in Calgary ut the age of150 yeats. Jane was boru in Toronto, lived her Issu yeuro in the George- town sud Milon ares toiiowiug whîch se neniured ul lu lins lu Alberta. Jane as uadiy misssd by her hsasd Glenn: dssghteru Andrea and Amanda, ca- nias tamiiy members Besr' sud Ouita'; stepdaughlera: Shavnon, Heather R.. Brenda sud Heslber T; aud 5 usp grandchildron. Deuriy looed ululer uf Aune, Michelle, Bseton, sud prsdeceaaed b h er brother Cliitou sud her parents Leovard sud mn Beveut. A Çeiebraflou ut Lite wiii be heid aI South Calgary Funerai Ceutre ou Sslsrdsy Jui1 23rd, 2005 aI 11:00 arn. Fiowera graletsiiy deciiue Memoriai tInhales may be made lu Calgary Heaith Trust, Unit 47, Terlisry Pailiative Cars, Foothiiiu Medicai Ceatre, 1403 - 29 St. NW, Calgary, AB, T2N 2T9, in mernory of Jane Tait. Expressions ut aympa- lhy may be torwarded 10 15e fanîty at ww.vioneadofunrahome.comi Audueienrse 6<10e dear face But, tbe river it,,uv berwee a. Ssmeday, shall see The face me love so weii, Sonieday we'ii ciasp ysor baud And ssever Say fareweii. FoeerIo ved and m ised by y ou rfam-iy ln loviof memory of SCOTT THORNE May lot, 1964 - JoIy 22, 2005 Tenderty we tresure the past Wtth memnortes thal wtIi alay luist. Love Mon & Dod Stephen, Stuort Jomes & Cassie l'nata otntnantCenue Oshawa Civie Auditoriuam Ap,8 105 & &N-,i 1.2 5 W. l 4 -16 2005 Rwhmand tHdt sports Ceatre Bireeki Vipond Amca M., 5-6,2MO ec 22-23.20065 J1. 16-17,25 For more informration cati 905-426-4676 ext.222 or visil Mret Basket Mrke et Basket HLTCHINQ 6202 WALKERS LINE, BURLINGTOGN 905-335-2515 Reody Picked & Pick Your Weekdciys: Weekends: 8:00 to 5:0O www.hutchinsonf m i ur fThanks Cardof anks M Fr ale SOLID osk suiertain- cbîldrca Marilyn, Maeie & Mike for soc 50tb 32" TV, ares ou sidea Weddiag. Aaoiveesay rarty anJ ru ou freeids tsrDVD'a/Vidsoas/aterso/ & aeigbboues, espcîlly Helena ludJ for rbe Knîckknscka. Bullurs carda, fteîwecs & grfts. Special thaubs ru <lue drause tur aturage. nrpbesa, Russell Nesbitre e tbe Saoiifsi cake. 71 "WuS2' Hu24' D It s amenry e wll lwas cerih,5800/080. Pia coul Irisa mrruey m miI awayscbeîsbWalter or Loia a 905- av ise HsrniU 878-4704. Maurrea and famrity of the lare Aif Simpsoen, Pets Supies sincrcly rbank friends, relativea su Eagtand, à ordn neigbbours and pariabissers, for ait rbe Humwera, CCE pn o cards, donations, masses, telephone measages" pis eeCKEy lu go, rega- Fr. aveasdMeKess Roherforrbcc crra tered, micro-chipped, compassiunarc support. tirai shota. 905 702- Gadas peace andl bt.essinga eo aU 1946. VIZSLA 10 yr oid, to- SLegal Notices matiNtie iate, apade, loviug, in ________________________________ good shape, ires to a 1, Betty Holue, am no longe reuousbl 53 e.06-8 au of Juty 1915, 2005 for any debta udhme 9588 incurred by "Richie" Cornet Richards lately af Milton, Ontario. 1 ar forSal l1l Puli tices Wh is this woman so upset? She mssd Classified Holiday l5eadtinet Civie Holiday Deadflne Friday July 291h 11AM for the Tuesdag August 2nd papier HOT Tub/ Spa, 2005 model, ail optiona, Cuv- er. Naver aaed atilline wrappsr. Goal $8.900. Ssii $3.800. 905-567- 4042. PIANO SALE us are musiug ail usu sud ued pianoa. Muai go, sarting a1 $600.00 ail wdth wsrrsuiies. For ap- poinîmeula cali 905- 873-1737. NEED TO SLL 1998 CHIEtS CRAFT STINGER 2611t Tuin 350 englues, 540 hus, Inini Is, recentin rebuîll Cobra sout drivsa. Porto notty & uînk. Great condition, hardiy oaed. $28.000. 905-88-410 PHOTO Sonppies Great toi Sto dents/Sheridan Coilege Stadenta $300 000 Il ford Repisoîs8er 16 one litre bot/es. Auto- litS Deosioper Part B 5 gai, AutolilS Deusiover Part A 5 gai. Develoe Gevalîne 40 litres, De- osioner 5 gai, Kodak 3000 Repieniaher 5 gai, Odak 3000 Repieniaher 5 gai, AGFA Dessisper 4u4 tires, AGFA Acti- salt 2.5 gai (4 boxs), Kodak Rapîd Fixer Su- lotion Part A 5 gsi. Cait 905-465-1554. PLAY Centre lwoodeni tort ares, alida, ions tsdder 2 awinga, acro- balic swing, munkey haro & aandboa. Re- toila $1299. Seling toc $650. Cali 905-257- 4390. 1990 Chevy Astru Van, white, goud condition, emiasion tealed, & car- tiied $2,500. 060. Cai 905-878-0410 1992 Honda Ciuic, 5 apeed, 103/km, white 4dr guud condition $5500. 060. Cali Chus @ 905-466-3586. 1995 Ford Contour, guud uhape. Aa lu' Beul 01fer. Cail 519-053- 0022ý 1997 I2sdge Neon 4-dir green 186.000Ykms. $1500. OBO. Cai 950 878-1327 1999 Sable Lv. Cnr- tiiied wîiv D rive Cisan All seahe, itricir suri root. 05w A/C and urahes S6.000 obe Cail 905-877-7541 2001 Ford Taurus, $7000. roovox /kikm auto, de, certiiied, 3.OL. 6 cylînder, ABS. nowai, loeyieua, cruse. 905-878-4855. FOR Sais 1983 Forma- la Fîrebîrd 3054BBL 3 seeed solo 10,k un engins New Bras. BEST OFFER. 1906 Dodge pickup OLANT 6 New Trans. BEOT 0F- FER. 905-873-2117 Patme Help PART-TIME Bais Manager, Part lime ais pemson for promu- hiouai advertiaing for Milon icohawk Jr. 'A' Hockey. George Ds- pont 416-578-1814. Looking to celebrate an Anniversary? A Birthday? A Graduation? A Birth? Looking to seil your car? Looking 10 buy a car? Want to, sell*any 0f those unwanted household items? Want t0 hirm someone? Wan1 10, announce your engagement or marriage f0, the world? The sky is the limita with the Champion Classifieds! Cati us today and put your ad in! Phone 878-2341 Fax 876-2364 E-mail: classified@ mittoncanadian Deadlines: Monday @ llam for Tuesday's papier Ttiursday @ llam for Friday's paper DONT ISS Ouli QUICK, CONFIDENTIAL H you are enWloyed, APPROVAL we con help! " Baukrapt (diocharged Your circamstance Pe s or undiocharged) Your rate " In credit counseing No down payrnent or proposai O.A.C. " New immigrantlrefugee Rateo trom " No establishei credit i8.9%-29.9% O.A.C. App4ybyPhooe _1 CallDaveYWsontfi Monto Sut. Today Motion Endeavours 1-90543349884l 3416 Fairview, f200 Oell 905.330-30 BurligtonPaper 905-633-9m8 PRODUCT MANAGER / PURCHASING Thnis position involves uverseeing aih purchasing aspects of the hardgoods and seasonal produci hues (including but nul limited tou garden hardilune products, patio fttrniture, Christmas and giftware) and reports direclly to the Senior Vice President Retail Operations. Responsibilities include sourcing new and unique products; booking and coordinating shipments with suppliers; price negutiations; facilitating product pricing, delivenies and quality control as well as product presentalion; pricing and selection in our garden centres and overai vendor relationship develupment. T he successful candtdate will have quality experience in the purchasiag and/or retadbng of hardgoods and seasunal products and must be able to work tu deadiues in a fasî-paced envirouiment. Strong negotialing skills, analytical skils and strung attention to detait are imperative. Must be an excellent communicator and an enthusiasîic leam leader. Advanced computier oillo are essential and POS experience is an asset. Sheridan Nurseries Alto: Chartene van Tot R.R. #4 12302 lUth Uine Georgetown, ON L7G 4S7 Fax: (905) 873 2478 E-nmait: We thank ail canididates for their interest. Only those selected for an interview sel be contacted. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT We are Iooking for a motivated, enthusiastic, responsible and efficient indîvîdual f0 proolde administrative support f0 vît company. We are Iooking for candidates who possess the tollowing skilIs and exp.; *Preojous experience in an administrative and accounting capacty *Excellent oral and wriften communication skilis: *Professionalism and maturity *EoceIlent knowledge of MS Office applications *The abiiity, to balance multiple priorities sîmuitaneousy focusing on Client/Customer Satisfaction: *Leadership skilis. showing independence and initiative plus be abte f0 work as part ot a team *Hîgh attention f0 detal and eocellent organization skiils. Successul candidates should be able ta: *Handie al incoming communication (emails, internet, reception, etc,) *Process AR.IAP; Payroll, Bank Deposits (as required). *Compose generol correspondence both eoternal and internai. *Prepare invoicing, order entry, daily occounting procedures, proceso maiVcourier packages *Provide administrative support f0 a smai team; *Work on projects, as needed MANTIS Automotive, Sport & Marine 5051 North Service Road, Budington, ON L7L 5H6 Forward resumne with cover letter and salary expectation ta: Four Way Promotions RO. Box 40503 Upper Brmnt Postal Outiet