A2 The Canadian Champion, Friday, JuIy 22, 2005 2002 %o1a Sumfire SE 2 Dr. p A R w ) IOUO Mercwry G~rand 2004JeqQWafl d LaidSpe 4U Oniy 50,0 km! 6 cyi auto, air pw pl dual poeeats 'Ž4 19ý St# 1119634 On>y 70,0 km! Leathe & power monoof. Stk#288409. '16,995, 2M0 ChevAvul.idie Z71 4x4 Oniy i14,00 ni Leather. power moonroo & On-Star. 2695 Sîk#2'3890 1990HanidâAcord DX CAMERA SHY v On> i138,M0iknm Auo. au & nuch i SSii #1794 110,995 2003 Ford Focus SE Waàgme Only71.000km! Zete engien auto. air 786lkeyie s1 OQ Oui> 47,000 km! Powrer moonmoof. mach radio & adjustabie pedais Sik 11209406 115 .9951 V we Guarantee our Quallty A 1 10-point mechanical and detail inspection resuits in vehicles of highest quality. We Guarantee our Value We'll refund the difference if you find a comparable car (after factoring in quality, warranties and guarantees) for a lower price within 7 days We Guarantee no major accidents 20o4lboa Cm"wyLE Oly 42,000km! Auto, air pw, pi. are ntilt Stk#878688 - Only i28,0 km! V6 (3.8) auto air p.sp Pl ruie tilt 1 , iSk #109151i M112 Nissa Nwài SE Oily 93,000kn i Lathe & powr ionrott 91309730 $17,9951 30-Day or 2e500km203gnbG5Peor Exchange PoIIcy If you don't like a vehicle that you've purchased, simply retumn it for another Ol 2M nllcle oe Gorrud's vehicle - no hassie whatsoever ino,ro,, Si. #02-47i8 $25,95 Powertrain Warranty A 6-month/ 10,000 km warranty included with the sale of every vehicle covering the engine and transmission. 30-Day Mechanical Warranty Covers 100% of necessary mechanical 2M02tiyMRAV4 AWD repaîrs trom back bumper to Lm - à;qhood oament Oui> 75.00 km' Auto, air, pw. pil.ipi ff- 4rj crie& tilt. Sik 1057581 2,9 Oui> 36.000 km! Auto, air, CD, tilt & more. Sik #419706 We're one of Southern Ontario's largest useci car deaerships! GORRUD'S AUTO 2M0 Ome Ex<prmr 3/4lbn CargVai Oui> 34,0(X)km' VS (5 3) auto. air ..ondîitoning. Sik Si 16959 23,9501 2001 Nissa Pad*doe XE 4x4 Ouiy 89,000 km! Auto. air pw, pi, lSik #573_792 189 Oi> 26,000km' Auto, air pl CD, keyies & more. 1 3751 Stk#84215i raIJ 2003 Oiev Slvorado LS X-Cab 4x4 Ir, pw Pi, Ont> 68,000 km' V8 (5.3) Auto. air, '81995 St-#5Pli 25,950 410 STEELES AVENUE, IN MILTON 905u875m2277 gorrudsautogroup.oom -Mental agencies get big funding boost More than $1 million in Provincial fund- ing bas been announced for local mental health service agencies. This news came forward last Friday, when a total of $1 .5 million for agencies throughouî Halton was declared. Locally, the Halton branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association is slated to receive $820.074 and Hope Place Women's Treatment Centre, $10,340. The North Halton Mental Health Clinic is also eligible to receive more than $250000 in Provincial dollars. Since the clinic is a program of the Halton Region Healih Departmenî, region- ai council will have to review the funding. That's expecied 10 take place in Sepîernbeî. which will then allow the clinic to access the mnoncy. Regional Chairmnan Joyce Savolîne said she svas pleased svîîh the announicerneni, given that îlîere*ve been numerous discus- sions and correspondence issued over the years f'or increased funding 10 maximize the effectiveness ol ihe clinic. -I amn plcascd the ininisici hias recog- niLed tie growing need in Halton 10 pro- vide these critical services,- she said. 1I look forward to continued dialogue with the Province. As per the direction ot regional council. we advocaie for fuli Provincial support lii addrcss the long standing shorifaîl in funding the clinic's base budget." Funding will reduce wait times for service The funding would assist the clinîc in increasing ils clinical and case manage- ment services and reduce service wait limes for people living with mental illness in north Halton. For 28 years. the North Halton Mental Healîh Clinic bas been the key provider of specialiied psychiatric assessmenî, treat- ment and consultation services for people 16 years of age and older living in north Halton. There are no fees for the services, which are offered from three offices located in the downtown areas of' Milton, Acton and Georgetown. According to Flealth Canada, an estimaI- ed one in Oive people wîll suflèr from some type of mental illness in their lîfetime. "Addiîional Provincial funding for local adult mental health services will increase residenîs' access 10 services in Halton," said Joyce See. director of communiîy healtb services for the healîh department. In total, more than $58 million in new funding for comimunity mental health. sup- portive housing and addiction trealment services was announced for agencies throughout Ontafio. For more information about the North Halton Mental Health Clinic, contact the Halton Region Health Department aI (905) 825-6000 or visit the Web site at www.region.halton.on.ca/health. 'I