,There's 9-year wait lote social nousing By BERNADETTE WARD Special ta The Champion From suggestions of shared houusing 10 observations about pubtic attitudes, about 30 I-alton residenîs came to provide input on the Region's future Housing Strategy at a public information meeting June 14. "We need to change people's perception about housing and apariments if we are 10 meet the needs of the community," said Milton Ward 4 Councillor Wendy Schau. î Ms Schau made reference t0 the fact that more than 9,000 single-family units have been created in Milton and that there's 110w some resisîance to other types of housing. According 10 the presentation provided by the Region's H-ousing Director Rob Cressman, it's housmng that's desperately needed. Mr. Cressman pointed out that some 1,200 people are homeless in t-alion each year, but he added that emergency housmng isn't the only area where housing is unavailable. The Region currently bas a vacancy rate at a low of two per cent (a healthy one should be at approximately four per cent, accordmng tel Mr. Cressman) and a nine- year wait list for social housing for a single person. That makes for a difficuit: situation for a range of residents includmng young people just starting oui on their own, single people looking for modest housing, seniors looking 10 downsize, people in transition situations and those in need of accessible or supportive bousing. "I feel we can't marginalize this group," said illian Manchester, wbo raised the idea of integrating affordabte bousing mbt existing communities. Recognizing UsaI affordable bousing is tied 10 a number of factors Usat create a bealUsy and inclusive community as well as economnie prosperity, Use Region bas tackled Use problem usmng Use concept of Use bousmng continuum or a range of bous- ing needs for residents as tbey move Usrough different life stages and incomes. "You have 10 have a range of options 50 Usat people can remain in Useir communi- ty," Mr. Cressman noted. "Its 1101 5( much about bricks and mor- tar as building the kind of community we want," be said. Those in the audience, both stakebolders and residents, were able 10 relate to the series of anecdotes used by Mr. Cressman to create a portrait of those affecîed by the housing shortage. From those living on disability incomes 10 single parents. divorcees and seniors wbo need t0 be close 10 family, each stoty demonstrated the difficulîy of finding affordable housing in Halton. Miltonian Bob Beyette saw Use situation from the perspective of changing Use rules that govemn property use. Bis daugbter currently resides with him and be expressed conceru about the amount of money il would coul bim 10 build 10 accommodate bis family. "We have 10 look after our own, too," be said. Even Regional Chairman Joyce Savoline noted with some wry humour that ber own daughîer couldn't afford 10 reside in Halton after fmisbing sebool. Barb Kennedy from, the organization Cbanging Gears Ine., Compassionate Transitions for Seniors, wbo spoke about Use need for seniors bousing, questioned if Use Region bas considered Use concept of sbared bousing. "It's 1101 sometbing we're used 10 doing but 1 tlsink we'll sec more of il," she said. Milton Ward 3 Councilor ian Mowbray agreed Usat Usere is a need for housing for seniors. She spoke with passion on behalf of an elderly couple wbo've lived on a property for over 40 years and now bave few oUser options but to Oive in a trailer on Useir cbildren's property. She wondered if Use Region was truly serious about affordable bousing consider- ing Usat il will cost Use family some $7,000 in charges in order 10 make Use living arrangements a reality. "I tbink il's unconscionable,"' she said. OUser participants questioned govemn- ment involvement, boUs in terms of co- ordination of Use différent levets and even wbeUser or 1101 Use municipality should be involved. The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 21, 2005 - A5 IT9'S A NEW DAY AT *MDbW b MWMJMEflnaW*Mgftà Jfld CHEVR0LET t UP ta 36 montbs on vlrlually all 2005 modela. OAC. Up ta 72 montha on 2005 cavalier. OAC. 2005 Aveo 5-yr/100,Ottl km GM Puwurtrain Watranty with $0 doduetibu, 1.6L DOHC angine, 5-spoud masual transmissio, 60/40 split fliy & fld rear seat, tog lîghts, tilt adîxotabo steurtot csomn utivsu seat ho ght t50t0SMART LEASE $138 ** Per mts/4u mts $1,630 Duon Paymur PUR 1960 Freight, $0 eurity lupusit PU IL i $1,389 $3,64U IRA O0 $0 $173 I$2,000 $131 :Mi-sra PURCHASE MIS lo i CASH PRICE 11/o 112923O* $4,0 $88 $5892au~ Up to 60 monîhs Plus Taxes. 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