Thre Lanuoian Champuon, t-ridaY, june 17, 2005 - A29 C~~omigEets ~~CmaC vns a ÂeComunvents r o.~cmunEeuîs I:an Memoiam : In , 0 Articles SMITH - Robin and Janice (nee Luke> loyliy aunounce the arrvai of their duughter, Sierra Nicote. Bots June 8th, 2005 ut 11:15 pm ceugbîng 5 ibs 0 oz at Credil Valley Huspital. Sierra is a ceicome lrsl grandchiid fur Herb and Anna Luke, and fuurth grandchild fut Bry- sun and Debbie Smith. Greal-graudpareuîs Harold and Dorolhy Smith, sud John and Nor- ma Trethocan aiso celcome ber. Nieco lu Mi- chael Luke and Brian and Siephanie Casseil, cousin lu Danielle, Emma and Nathan. Specuai thanku tu Drs. Kanue and Egger and ail the nurses ai CVH. HOWARD.BURGER: Kein, Cindy & big broth- er Jacob uf Milton are peused tu anunce the bîrtb ni thuir son Jaydon Matius weigbiug 8ibs., huezs, ut Miltun Dstrct Huspitlion Jsne 11tt, 2005 aI 256pm. Jayduu is weicvmud by is grandparunts Mail & Kathleen Brger sud Brian & Melînda Howard. Ornai grandsvn fot Peler & Oherda Barges. Lucy Homard sud Dan- uy & Beuty Hyndmauni Scotiand, Wecumed by loIs ifauts, oncles & cousius espeeîaiiy Uncie Mark & Auni Breudu. Muny thuuks iv Dr Cvetîc sud al the couduriai staff t MDH DB murd. BOYLE - Sean and Brady (née Robnaon) are tbriited to announce the birth ufthieir daughter, Hannah Llty, 7 has 4 oza, on Priday, dune 3, 2005, ai Mount 5mnai HoapitatToronto. Proud grandiparenîs are Brian and Netty Boyle of Mi- ton and Wayne and Cynthia Robnson of Union- vile. Garfield & Hazel Collin,. -Thts mal niftyYouve tested 50!' We are pieased tu invite famiiy and hienda 1 juin us as ce ceiebrste our parental grandpareuls Golden Wedding Atniversary. June 18, 2005 fram 2:0010o4:00 pm. ut The Plainsman Restaurant. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH will lie celebreutung ts 185th Anniversary on Sundoy, June l9th0 ut Hom wilh the Rois. John MéGurrun preochung. A lught lunch will follow flhe service. Ail are uselcome. SLUONS CLUB OFMILTN ANNUAL LOBS TER INER AND DANCEf Sat. June 18,2005 @ 6:30pin Lions Hall I(above Thompson Arena) f $40.O00 per ticket Only a few artili avallable Phone: 087-18 MEDICAL SYMPOSIUM 2Oth ANNIVERSARY Neurofibromatosis Society of Ontario October 29/30, 2005 Toronto 1(866)THE-NFSO (843-636) Neuro (nerve) Fibroma (tumor). NF aïffects 1 in 3, 000 births. Ma sNeuroibromatos ~~Awareness Month~g 261 Dundas Street West (Hwy 5) St g& Pu Memories and Best Wishes oflIJf for R.oos For - acr KELLY R tWante Id MCêUIKE BACIIELORIROOM ior LtVE-IN Nantiy/light roui, eeniraiiy ioealed, bouseconts/pel cure lor pariuaiiy iumuabed, nus- cidreu 1-3 yrs, large amoker, full bath. dog, tisent sn Germun. I O R C 4 F $600/month. Juiy 4th. Wling to cutk ovor- 905-873-4423 nîgtstceekends. Non- Fri. Jue 14,. 1005 smoker. Sturt Soptem e S m LousH l ber 2006. Cuit 905-876- P 0466 Ahmpo TICKETS si10. AT IDOOR CO E 1i 5 orsu ms I,, yabi PRIZES, FOOD , Di mer Camp. Loars lu RAIN8OW VILLAGE ride. Have fun cîtb DAYCARE is aceepting borsea. Caii Noc 905- registration for cidren Va tinRbeSh o 702-1946. 18 monlbs to 5 yeara. Va tinBbeSh o Ptease rus under French ctass and eurty Children agea 5 - 12t campa for Tues/Fni. learnîng programmes. Joly Il - tsth - 930 - 55u50am 905-878-7552 Mften GospeI Hall, 306 Ontario St. N' SUMMER daycaro for (one block soeth ef Stretes Ave.) scbool ugo ciidren. Corne en a Safari Adventore wlth us te Lot&Fud Day tip/uctiviies. Rtail Jeans, The King ef Knga. - Moals provîded. Pieuse VIes. pre-reglater b3s dmonladlng FOUND. May 31 esotie cati Julie 905-876- registatioln forme et 0h0l bird. Ca ti lu iden lufy. 2474. to at rm Oakviile Huma Soci-t ety. 905-845-1551 a ff APIck op registration forme at For Sale maton G pel Hall . BED, Amazing bargain, For mone information contact FOUNO, Memory curd queen orttopedic pil- Kath3u Grahaso0 905-8J7-5019 for digital camera. La- ociop set, nec in pas- unies parts. Cuilto1 ciaim tic, carmanty $150 905-1 905-876-3659 567-4042 ciii delîver. 0 Haton Famnity Services I tI51ST ANNUAL MEETING LWednesday, June 22, 2005 uuii7:3pm -Hugh Foster Hall 43 Brown S t., Mlton Guest Speaker: Carol Bertuzzi Luciani "Get Yousself Moodivated" Mottait, John (Jack) Il is mth greut saduess ibut au auvuancu the passîug oi var basbaud, lather, graudialber sud groat graudiaihor ou Tuesday, dune 14th 2005 ai bue Mlton District Hospital. Jack mas hum in Weiwyu, SK. un Match 15th 1923. Ho louves lu mvaru, is iusîug aile ot 58 yuars, Ruse. Sadiy misued by is bidreni, Jack and hîs wie Lnda, Mac sud hîs ile Connie and Carol and ber basband Dun MueDonald. Luvingiy renom- bered hy hîs grandeidren Tammy and ber busband Steve Cure, Tyer sud is wfe Jeune, Mathec and Bradley aiso is great grandci- dren Tanner, Brayden and Jordyn. Dear hrutb- et 0f Patnicia and Shîeia. Predeceased by is parents Malcolm sud Rita, brothers Mac, Lloyd, Bev, Lome and sisters Bonnie and Fem. Jack ciii be remembered by bs namerous niecos and nepbecs and is besi fiend "Muffin. Jack was a WW I Veteran, a member of the Mimico Legion Branch 217 sud a 35 year emptoyee or CNR in Mimîco. Pamiiy and friends are invited lu visit ut the McKERSIE-KOCHER FUNERAL HOME 114 Main St. Mihon 905-878-4452 from 3-6 pm ou Friday. A private famiiy service ciii fotiow. As expressions of sympatby, in lieu ot flocera, memorial donations t0 the Lung Associ- ation coutd be apprecîated. Pynkoskt, Rachel At the University Huspitli n London un Mou- duy, dune 131h 2005. Rachel Pynkoaki, be- oued cite outhIe lste Waler Pynbusbu, Lovîng mothet ut Viori sud ber husbaud Ed Sweet, Sylvia and ber busband Viclunsil Polua and Dan- ny and is cite Laura Pynkuski. Sadiy missed by ber 7 grandcbiidren and 4 great grandcbiidren chu iovingiy knec ber as "Po- shie'. Pamiiy sud fniends vsiled aI the McKER- SIE-KOCHER FUNERAL HOME 114 Main SI. Milton 905-878-4452 un Wednesday. The lu- natai service cas heid in the funerul hume chapel ou Tbursday, June l6tb 2005. Inter- ment foiiuced ut the Mitoun Euergreen Ceme- tory. As eupressions ot sympathy, memorîi donatiuns lu the Nec Lite Msson Fund cuuld bu upprecîuled. Wllmhliakj, Bruce In louing memory four Mon, Blanche Coulaon lu ters wr au, youuinking Wr watcedyoufaele away Our eas wee trsly broken Wena cure wai no tabe Su we closed 0Teseoaround vos Andîids oeredeome ruome our golden b ari oopped beaing Yor geneband;avreoi God Isokeouer bervo eo prove trusii He unly takrete bet Bute we s aw yousîLeepingpeacefiully ant'fle ofpain Wr cou/l nue wio/tyou bac/ ta ru ffir tbat again. Foreurer loeed andI always reunembered Don Cousoin antI/amily S!'l t-v'-. i e . )8" RAINBOW TROUT %vil wàý t1ýC1 loni ils ii i ls. 1 ," i -, one year aIo îoday. Not a day goes by when wie dont think about you or miss you and your bright blue eyes, your in- credi ble sense of humour and most of At yoo neyer ending love. We have crîed, we have needed yoo & We have wanted you here with us. We love you so much Brian. Wr treasure our memories. Forever loved, forever missed, forever rememhered. "You il neyer walk aioe Anne, Matehew andAndrea THOMSON, Greta In loring memouy uf a dear Wifr, Mueher and Graa'm , ole/i us 2 years ago. Notbing can ever cake away The love a berve olds dear Fond memories linger everyday Remembrance kreps ber near You gave ust nîany ebngs In Il Giis boeb great and ona/I But muse of a/Iyou gave us love Your grearest gii o/al Yur lovingfamily h~tT anks M CrofThanks We wol lie1 hank everyoue for their prayers, cards and moral ýsupport during our son Rogers 66 days in the hospital having huart surgery. Roger is home now and doîng excellent. Best wshes to ait and a speciai recognition 10 Harry Mil ne for ll i hu transportation to and trom the hospital Lloyd. Betty Lou, Debble and the reat PubiNotices 0 ublcN otces ANNUl GENERAL MEETING 0F GIRLS INCORPORATED 0F HALTON HeId on: Tuesday June 21lst, 2005 7:30 pm Upstairs at Loblaws RSVP 905-854-9953 Gt pripcos. Oterbire lountaius, Wiudmiiis, Tru Bise, Bactapur. (519)833-2559. More snf0 & prices wwwatf A King Piiloctop Mai- tress Soi. New sn plus- lie. Cost $1600. soul for $450. 905-567-9459. BEDROOM Cherry- cood, Bed, chesi, dresser, 2 nightstauds. Dovetuil Construction. Nover opened Coul $8,000. Sacrifice $1.900. 905-567-4042 CARPET i have semeai 1,000 yards. of uOw Staiumaster & 100% uy- loncarpet. Wil do liuing- room & hall for $389. Inciades carpet, pad & installation (30 yards) Stevu, 905-633-8192 FORD LOT 52" Muor Dock $350. Biade $200. 905-690-7597 ai- ter Spm. FREE Estimates. Ont WObhiy chairs, lîred ivokug wmoud iishes? Fields Custom Wood Rulîuîshîug and Furni- tare Repaîrs. 9-9 905- 632-9090. HOT Tab/ Spa, 2005 model, ail options, Cuv- er. Nouer used stili n crapper. Cost $8.900. Soul $3,800. 905-567- 4042. KITCHEN Aid Washer & Dryer, used 1 yesr, iuke new paid $1800. cii sacrifice $700/pair FIRM 519-853-9283. MOVING Sale - 95 Grand Pris, Good con- dition, $500 080, Up- -rigbt Piano -Morris, Good-sosnd, $200. Pt ding Lacn Tractor - -MTD 141/2HP, runs ceii, $500. 905-875- 3383. SOFA, recliner chair, oak cofiee table, end tables, oak ktchen ta- bie/4 chaums, Tutu snoc blocer, iamps. 905- 854-5698 SPRING Super Sale! Custom sphoistenîng. Diningroom seats from $19-95, chairs frum $249.; sofas from $788, Fantastic savinga un decoralor fabnics. Sen- utr discount, Fields Fur- ~ 9 am pm. 05-32- Pets, Supplies IIPPY a &Boarding BEAUTIFUL, Choco- laie Labrador Puppies, CKC regsteed'se checked & micro- flAVchîpped. Hips & oves r guarauleed. 519-794- 0515. Da Ilie Mak akt M arke B~asket Homne-based Mon- " T A B R IS tessori Progralm. "T A B R IS Educalioual Fun. Ages 3-5. Enlended RHUBARB, ROMAINE SALAD hourusuailable. READY FOR PICKING Lunches sud snacks Saturday, June 18th providod. "H A M ePoi Euperieuced Mon- HEF M"D Pal tessori teacher. ikyuOw Spaceu available for Ready Pi ked (plusse exil) sammer programn or 905-873-2050 905-877-7976 2005-2006 school yeuî. 905-875-273e. Mon-Frn 8-8, Set 8-5 and Sun-Mol. 8-12 111 M,ýAtic 1.esTrasagar Road, to 15th Sidesuad (Steamtwu) FrSale 1kmWest, 1 stParu n oruth Sido A duuing room, cherry- cod double pedestai *Arlticleal table, 8 chairs, buffet, For Sal hstch, dovetal "co struction. New stili iu HOT Tub <Spa) Cosers 1993 Chevou t B boues. Cost $11000 BestiPe, Beat'Osa- Offert' 295 Mapie Aue- Sacrifice $2600. 905- ly Ail Shapes & Col- ue, Georgetown. 567-9459. ours Auaîlabie. Cali 1- Pleasoe au 905-877- 866-585-005& 0704. 41 - - -- -- M - -- la A VY ta h s bý s 5ý Th. 1-- 4 ý nýAý 1