Naqvi to carry NDP The Canadian Champion, Friday, .tune 03, 2005 - Ag ~Subdivisions' re-zoning okay,.,ed Gets nod as party's Halton candidate for nextfederal election By MELANIE HENNESSEy The Champion Anwar Naqvi bas once again been cbo- sen as Haltons NDP candidate lor tbe next federal election. The local riding association beld its nom- ination meeting Tbursday wbere Mr. Naqvi emerged victonious after being contested by Kilbride resident and political science university student Cbris Marquis and longl lime local farmer Pbillip Buck. Wbile Mr. Naqvi said be doesn'itbink an election will be called any ime soon. be noied tbat bes "ready 10 go." The nortb Oakville reiensface will be familiar ta many as be ran just last June againsi current Halton MP Gary Carr for a seat in Ottawa. Prior ta that be was the NDP candidate for the provincial election in Oakville. "My previaus experience will belp me. Experienee always gives you expertise" be said. "Now. 1 also know my riding well." He said when an election does bappen, there are several issues be'd like ta address in bis campaign, sucb as vorking to get an inter-regional transit service going and more belp for imigrants in tbeir searcb for jobs. Anwar Naqvi in Halton. One of Mr. Naqvi's top priori- ies is looking imbi tbe results of a receni report froin the Federation of C a n a d i a n Municipalities that said tbe incorne gap between bigb and lots incomie bouse- bolds bas increased The document resealed tbat in 1991, tbere were fise tinies as îîîany bigber- income families than lower-incomne. before taxes, witb a ratio of four ta one aller taxes. Ten years later. Ibere ssere 7.5 times as înany wealtby families, before taxes, and 5.3 aller taxes. 'Eitber tbe ricb are becom- ing ricber or tbe poor are becorning poor- er.' be said. "(I'd like toi find oui wby il's increasing in Halton." Mr. Naqvi ssas bom in India. wbere be got bis star( in politics wben be was just 16 tbrougb working for the Socialist Party. H-e later moved to Pakistant wbere be became a lawyer and founded a successful law firm thai specialized in tax and corpo- rate law. TMe now-retired married father of tbree is also a publisbed author of fiction, poetry and political commentary. Melanie Hennesse v ton be rec/îhed or mhet,înesses@mqtpiltoncýaniadiarîc/îojrnpion.cao M. Two residential subdivisions planned for Derry -Road received necessary re-zoning approvals from Milton council last week. Counicil also supported granting draft plan approvals for the proposed subdivision plans, bath subject ta some conditions. One plan was put forsvard by Mattamy Homes for 75 acres at the southwest corner of Thompson and Derry roads. It includes a mix of 309 single and semià-detached homes, 135 townhomes, a commercial block that wiIl permit car service station use, a village square and park. The other came from Transcon Properties Ltd. of Homby for an approximate 25-acre property on Derry Road, west of Fourth Lmne. Those plans consist of 97 single-detacbcd homes, a neighbourhood centre with 135 dwelling units, a park and woodlot. Town Senior Planner Barbara Koopmoans explained that the neighbourhood centre wiIl most likely consist of townhauses designed for condo- nummownersbip. The initial proposal had 59 single-detached homes and 48 semi-detached bouses, but due ta Di)rector of' Planning and Development Met lovio stated. The report also said, "In response ta eoncemns raised at the public meeting relating ta potential eonflicts with the elementary scbool (nearby). the developer has eliminated the commercial camnpa- nient fram the neighbourbood centre ares block." New school needed i area Bath the Town's OfficiaI Plan and the Halton District Scbool Board's Capital Strategic Plan iden- tify the need for a new elemnentary achool in die vicinity of the Mattamny subdivision. The board's plan says the proposed scbool would he a 620-stu- dent building. The zoning bylaw amendments changed bath lands from future development zones ta residential mediumo density and open space. Part of the Mattarny development was also re-zoned commer- cial. Bath are located in die Bristol Survey Secondary Plan area. Melanie Hennessey can be reached at mhen- Incorrect info in front page cutline Tuesday's front page cutline accompanying dragon froro the event will go ta tbe Willow Foundaiion, boat race photos contained incorrect information. wbicb was formerly known as the Allendale The team featured was called Blind Ambition. not Foundation. The Champion regrets this errar. as well Blond Ambition. To clear up any confusion, proceeds as any inconvenience il may bave caused. FASHION FOR THE TALLER WOMAN FOOTWEAR IN SIZES 10- 13 TJIN7QMILLS qOdQCL9EJ<fE GRAND OPENING JUNE 1 ST - JUNE 12TH TjER FO 'WIN oncf ten $100.OOgift certificates! Present this ad to receive a complimentary gift with a minimum purchase of $25.00 while quantîties last! 905-569-0892