B4 - The Canadien Champion, Friday, June 03, 2005 N Photos by ASHLEA WESSEL ,One goes up, one goes down AbvBuddy Dewilde looks a littie chilly affer being dunkeci during the Chris Hadfield Public School Funfair Saturday. At rlght, Aillison Durdin braves the rock climbing waIl. Other activities at the event included a bouncy castie and airbrush tattooing. FOR ALL VOUR CHILDREN'S FURNITURE NEEDS ""ROM ~F~ ïi TO ADUIT, Fine Children's Furniture, We pay the taxes on Linen and Decor fumniture during June! Si iiiliCisDUTAIIERQ L m' *Smg 2111 Dunwin Dr., M*issis;sauga facing Dundas Street West (2 blocks west of Erin Mills Pkwy) (905) 828-2525 www.aroomofmyown.net *Carafe mloy li wine making an~ www.corife.caexpelencel If yaa drop hy ta visit, yau wauld quickly learn why Carafe is Sa papular. Prapriefor Sharon Liverpoal has purchaed the former Hogshead Brew Club loca- tian. She lu already attracting a grawing clientele of satisfied customers with great tasting mine at sub- stantial savings. Ail products are uncanditionaiy Discover the ce at,,Qur fully guaranteed ta please. Carafe aff ers the largent sefectian af mine ta make automated ing workshop. including Vina del Vida, Ce far Ciassic, En Primeur, It s qr atiiaé e.S II MinI wines and tht award-winning ClaCat It's rea adeeasy 1>Beginners are moat weicamef It anly takes 10 minutes ta get started. Carafe takes care af your wine's fermentation, racking and fil- tering. You came back in a few weeks ta fi11 and cark your botties. Cleaning yaur botties has neyer beeni easier asing Carafe's futiy aatomated equipment. No more hand washing botties! Carafes prafessiona standards and indastry ieading techniques ensare that each hatch is as perfect as the next. Every winemaker recuives the Carafe Wine Book - filIed with interesting information inciuding wine descriptions, starage tips and recipes. And, yau cao stili make heer ut the renovated facility. Don't forget ta - check ast the unique gifts, wine accessariea and sup- plies for home vnoffers as weii. Carafe is Miltons ultimate wine-making exper- encel Monday-Friday llam-8pm -Saturday i Oam-4pm Closed Sunday & Holidays -J mua