24 - Champion Country Tuesday, May 24, 2005 -/Donated property to be protected as nature reserve ,t -7 7', yj ROBINDOWNTON-PORER Members of Major Alexander Lex MacKenzie's family join John Grant and Alan Stacey 0f the Nature Conservancy of Canada at the donated property that'II be protected as the Bear Den Nature Reserve. Alexansder 'Lex M,cKcîiîc hie sbcci dooatcd IotashieNature Consersancy of Canada $NCC) to kecp i proiccted for l0Uie geri- erations 10 cnjoy. -Boib Auxît Jessie (MacKenzie Daîziel Glynti> and l are bigSLIP- porters of the NCC,- said Sandy Agnesv. a stîc'mbcr of' tbe MacKenLîe family antd ncpbcw tas Jcs.sic Glynn, the (swncel the propcrty. *"By donating the property. we know that it will be prescrvcd and enjoyed by others as we bave." Bear Den Nature Reserve is 13.54 acres of land on the Fiftb Line. just soutb of Rockwood that bas been in the MacKenzie fam- ily since the 1930s. It was once part of the Canadian National Railway Co. before it went bankrupt. It was then purcbased by Donald MacKenzie, a railway employee, and bas passed tbrough four familial generations. TMe name came from an 'outcropping of limestone' at flic back of the propcrty thats a porcupine home but not large enough for a bear, said Mr. Agnew. It simply made a good story to tell the cbildren. be added. "Bear Den bas been the site of many family outings and picnics over the geneiations." said Mr. Agnew. "Botb Jessie Glynn and 1 camne bere as youngaters with the rest of the family. We explorcd OUTUTANDINO VALUE ON EVERYTHINO on OUR SHOWROOM. 2005 FOCUS ZX4 2005 TAURUS 2005 FREESTAR omi R&R MV&cim vTPULMUOVA& cte" ~$4QQQfor 60 $70QQQ upt r months Pt on ALL 2005 Focus on ALL 2005 Taurus on MOST 2005 Freestar Or Cash Puchase Focus ZX4 SE for orily Or Cash Purchase Tauus SE for only Or Cash Purchase Freestar rm onty $14395 -$19998 -$l9998 wili be preserved and enjoyed by others as we have." UNDY MAc" and had pcnics of bot dogs and beans." The donation was origtnally niade in 1999 but the transfer proccos takes considerably longer, said Mr. Agncw. He tbought it would be appropriate that the official ceremony tic in with Ms Glynn's 1lOth birtbday in early May. -We presented my aunt sith the sign at her lOtbhirthday pariy and she was very pleased," said Mr. Agnew. 'Unfortunately, she was unable to make it to, Bear Den on May 10 to sec the sign ereci- ed due to ber health, but she's happy about ail of it." 'Me MacKenLie famàlys roots rin deep througb Ontario history and bave left pieces for residents tu enjoy- including the Daîziel family home bought by the Hlumber Valley Conservation Authority in 1954 and now adjacent to (and part of) Black Creek Pioncer Village, as well as the MacKenzie Family home that was moved to Black Creek Pioneer Village around 197 1. A roadway was then named in honour of Mr. Agnew's 'Uncle Lex', the well-used Major MacKenzie Drive, nortb of Toronto. Now Bear Den has been added to that bistory. Mr. Agnew explaincd that, sînce tbe family is quite dispersed. few had taken interesi in the land or maintenance. "Thc land was quite overgrown and our family is really spread out now. The Guelph Trail l-iking Club takes care of part of it as the trail passes througb the propcrty, but the rest nas somesvbat neglecîed,' be said. 'We bad a problem with snowinobiles and tour-wheeiers but that bas been resolved. Noss that the NCC bas it. ssc rcst assured its going to bc prcserved.- Tbe NCC. a national cbarity dcdicaîcd to prcscrving ecological- y siinticani arcas. osiliioss takc oser the property and it s il conitinue 10 growsn its naiurai state, said John Grant, the NCC's, mnidsc,ýstrrn Ontario n.icr. Hc satd the propcrty lies oithina prusincially-signîftcaiît tract called the Blue Springs Creek Valley Area of Natural and Scicntific lntcrcst. It's a sildliic corridor, a waer recbarge area for tbe Eramosa River. and is part of a wet- land. **Bear Den wîll continue to become an old growtb land and people oili bc able 10 appreciate the îîatural beauty of tbc proper- ty:- bc saîd. The NCC oill conduci a tborougb inventory of the plant antd ani- mal species on the property and may remove any invasive plant species if needed. As svcll, any general mainitenance, sucb as fene- ing. may necd to be donc in the future. Overal the NCC is excit- cd about the donation. -We are thrilled that the family oould think to donate it to us," said Mr. Grant. "This was their gift to future Canadians and the Nature Coiîscrvancy of Canada was the vehicle." ford.ca Built for life in Ontario. 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