The Canadian Champion, Frîday, May 20, 2005 -i ,-Fl*rst Run4Rett a resounding success Above, Undsy Larocque, 10, runs with 1w reso-. year-old cousin Kylie Hamelin nt the first Run4Rett tundraiser Sunday afternoon at the E.C. Drury cam- pus. The event drew about 450 participants and raised approximeteiy $53000 for the stlili wideiy unknown disease that roba young girls of many thlngs inciuding the abiIity to speek. Centre, event- goers enjoy the day. Far right, Alicia Home pushes six-year-oid Abby Congram, whose aunt Judy Boivin organized the fundraiser. WANTBII HOMES THAT NEED ROOFING BIL-DEN is tooking for a select number of homeowners in the Mitton area ta participate in our marketing campaign for "METALWORKS STEEL SHINGLES" If we cou[d use your home in aur campaign to showcase the look of aur "Quarry Sate" or 'Cedar Shingte" roof, we wiLL definitety make it worth your white. Meta(Works shingLes are guaranteed for a tifetime and are avaitable in a choice of coLours ta compliment any home. As a disptay home participant you witt receive attractive savings and will have access ta aur special o.a.c. low interest unsecured bank financing, if iequired. CALL TODAY TO SEE IF YOUR HOME QUALIFIES! 1-866-875-5125 email: brush@bi dencoin I% ltkA* Tus Wl- e, orai * penin ee -- uaonce'.e, an ho e s- Dr Sien Bacchus Cer licd Oihodtoiiiinl(ie wcwh Smiles that last a Lifetime Now accepting ncw patients! Braces for Children & Aduits " flexible .îyniîciîplans -* frec consultatioins " no icieri il iece"saly -* l in hut vnUi Conîsultatiîon " doctio n diiiy un Saturdays &Neîlv " offic open Moin., Wed.. Fr . Saîi. 311 C;ommer-cial Streci Stîlte 'mq9Milton Tl l905 875-2995