Tha~ rlunnminun rlhamninn TiiaQHAvoi Moi 10 2005;-g Love at first sight * al sari)srtuiiy. 'ise firs unirroe 1 set cyrs (rn her, I thought, That's someone for me."' He was persistent in his wooing, and saw her every time he could get a few days' leave. "I told you the second night 1 was going to marry you," Mr. Jones reminded his wife from his easy chair, a twinle in his eye. Their courtship unfolded mootly through correspondence, and in one of those letters a year-aod-a-half after meeting, Mn. Jones -who was trerving in the military police -proposed. Both had to endure quite a process to get married, in efforts to prove they were moral people who weren't bringing any unwelcome diseases with themi. Mr. Jones was stationed in Holland at the time and was given a seven-day leave - just barely enough rime to go to England. get married and have a short honeymoon. They svere married April 7, 1945. The food shortage and strict rations in England made a wedding celehration diffi- cuit and a cake was made possihle only through the fmugality of a haker who smug- gled away a hit of sugar whenever possi- hie, Ms Jones said. A white dreso was a luxury not possihle, she said. A new dress took up SO many of the allotted coupons that to, purchase a dreso that could he womn one day onîy was unthinkahle. Instead, Ms Jones chose a more practical hlue dress. "Dad gave me his coupons to huy shoes to walk down the aisle." she added. Saying goodhye after their three-day honeynsoon was excruciating. "I went with him to the train station and * tiscugit o rumoyseit. . 1 didaso krows il' I would ever see him again and if I'd he a young widow." Ms Jones said. Looking hack, Ms Jones said she won- ders where the strengrh to endure came from. "It seems impossible now that those things happened. I wonder how we got through it, but we did.' "We were junt the Iucky unes," Mr. Jones interjected. Ms Jones explained people's attitudes were different hack then, mayhe hecause there was nu choice. "Even though it was a terrile war and we were homhed out of our minds, I neyer saw anyone feel sony for themselves. And there were some good times," she said. The day the war ended, Mr. Jones could frnally rejoice over the fact he was alive and would see hus wife again. "It was a good feeling to know it was over with and 1 was still living to come home again," he said. 'Me end of the war meant more to Mr. Jones than a cease to the horrors with which he'd hecomne all-too-familiar. It meant he could retumn to the woman he loved - a womao he feels he was destined to he with forever. Ir meant he could raise two fine children with her. And il meant one day he'd cele- hrate lois 6Oth anniversary with her, know- ing they'd triumphed together over the heartaches life had dealt. T'he year the war ended was the year his new life hegan. Stephurrie Thiesseir coco be reached ut sthiessern nriilton.oorradiaereheecnpion.c-oe. May 28th,9 2005 lOam ta 3 pm BeUly Casting Pbotograp ber Foot/handprints Scrap Booking Demonst rations Fou can also speak witb: Doulas Doctors Nurses Massage Therapists Chiropractors And more.. K On May l9th, we're going to party like itfs 1855. Corne celebrate with us at your local TD Canada Trust or TD Waterhouse Investor Centre. Since we opened our doors 150 years ago, many things have changed. But one thing has stayed tIhe trame our commitment ru our customers, our employees and the community. To celehrate, we're throwing a party for you and our employees. So stop hy on May 19th, 2005, to juin in the festivities and for a chance ru win a portahle DVD player. After ail, it's an anniversary that woutdn't he possible without you. MStop by for your chance ta w'in a portable DVD player. STh ere's une tu win at each TD Canada Trust & TD Waterhuuse Investor Centre. EWaterh.use lu Canada Trust Tirere os one portobie 000 Ployer aoojioble to ire wron (opproximote retori voloe of $300.00). No porchose reyoired. Seieoted entrent muot orower o okiiitesrng qoestion. Chances of wAinnirg deperd on tir number of eligibie entrieo reeied. Cootest eodIs on Mey 1 9tbi, 2005. Ful conteot oiles ore avilobie ot tire rooal/irvetor centre. wuUe Milton Sports Centre Banquet Rooni melissa Cassells 905-870-3283 jodie lýleiiiii-liiig 905-878-34'23 birthcolillections %