Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 May 2005, p. 6

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6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 10, 2005 *Commenut Outrage is justified After witnessing our so-called leaders in Ottawa being shaxned into calling a cease- tire to their political posturing in order to spend a day honouring our countryrs Second World War veterans. we wonder if any of themn is fit to lead. lt's a national embarrassmient that Prime Minister Paul Martin and the leaders of the three opposition parties orying to bring down his minority govemment waited until last Tuesday to, announce they would appear iii Holland together in recognition of the 60th anniversary of VE Day. Their gesture amounts to nothing more than damage control. It came svay too ]ate consîdering the four leaders missed the main ceremonies in the Dutch city of Apeldoorn, arriving for the last day of a week of scheduled events. Sunday's rememnbraîîce of May 8, 1945 -the day the war in Europe finally ended -should have taken precedent over the political power struggle being played out in our nation's capital. Our country's prime minister failed 10 demonstraîte leadership -or common sense - when he carlier cancelled a sched- uled trip to the Netherlands in order to defend his govemnment fromi Stephen lHarper's threat of a non-confidence vote. In a televised interview last week, Minister of Veteran Affairs Albina Guarnieri blamed Harper for potentially forcing ber home to Canada when shte shoîld have heen joining our veterans at 60th anniversary liberation celebrations in the Netherlands. The accusation came across as little more than political posturing to us. Did Martin and Guarnieri honestly believe that Harper would rîsk political sui- cide by challenging the governument while they stood shoulder-to-shoulder with veter- ans at VE Day ceremonies overseas? The selfish behaviour exhibited in Ontawa has sent a cold message that the valour of our nation's veterans ranks a dis- tant second behind the poliîical future of the Liberal govemrment. Canadian veterans and their families were justitiably outraged upon learning their leaders wouldn't be in the Netherlands to honour the mernory of our country's bravest citi.'ens. DOING ON T1IE ~fil~ * Our Readers Write Fishing Derby once algaîIn a success Thanks to ail who helped wîth rural clean-up Dear E-dftor: The Halton Sportsmnen's Association was pleased toi have been able to once again offer the Milton Children's Fishing Derby April 30. We would like toi thank the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 136 for its con- tinued financial support and the Town of Milton for ils assistance in co-ordinating the permnits and supports required. We would also like to extend our thanks to Bentley's Water Service, Bomnar Bargain Barn, Carolyn Keywortb, Carra Outdoors, Classie Coolers, D&S Signa, Flooring Works, Etalton Regional Police, Hardball Cafe, Loblaws, M&M Meat Shops, Meritor Suspension Systema, Shimano Pro Staff, Smokey and His Bandits and thse Tyee Group Imc. Special thanka aiso, go out to ail of the members of the Halton Sportstnen's Association, along with their famnilies and frienda for their bard work and effort in hosting another suc- cessful event. As the fishing chainnan of the Halton Sportsmen's Association, 1 was tbrilled te, witness, first hand, great sportsmnan- ship and camaraderie arnong so many of Milton's youngest citizens. Naim Bejjany Halton Sportsmen's Association *The Canadian Champion Dear Editor: Despite being postponed fromn the prevîous Saturday due t0 rain the April 30 Homby Clean-up Day hosted by the l4omby Association of Rate Payers IHARPI - vas a resouinding success. Some area residents actually started the dlean-up April 22. svhile others got going throughout the sveck taking advantage of the nicer weatber and sortie even braved the pouring rain April 23. Some Fifth Line residents svent so far as 10 continue dlean-up efforts after the re-scheduled event April 30. A wet stati 10 the day coLdni't daînpen the spirits of more than 80 volunteers. After the dlean-up, HIARP spont sored a barbecue. which svas the perfect ending to our miost success- luI event to dlate. Volunteers collected well over 200 bags of garbage fromn road- sîdes. Hornby Park, parking lots and creeks in the area. In addition t0 bagged garbage. roughly 1,.000 pounds of assorted debris sxere col- lected. such as mufflers. tires. signs. stands and car and truck parts. Eocus will nosv turn to osaintain- ing Hornby as a litter-frce area by asking residents, local officiais and police 10 help prevent shamnetul garbage dumiping. It's untortunate that 1 have to report that only one hour aller the fial wrap-up of the day. se nioticed on our svay bonne that somnebody had tossed a pop can mbt the ditch. HARP would like 10 sincerely ihank the Tosvn of Halton Hilîs for the use of Hornby BaIl Park for the sîaging area and barbecue. and for the donation of the garbage bags and use of the safety vests. Thanks also go out 10 Superior Gloves of' Acton for ils continuing donation of gloves. as well as Hornby Glen Golf Course. Pepsi- Cola Canada, Tint Hortons and AGRAM Meats for their indivîdual contributions. Also helpîng out were Halton HuIs Mayor Rîck Bonnette and counicillors Clark Somerville. Bryan Lewis and Joan Robsoni. Halton Regional Police's patrols on clean-up day -helping keep road- sidle traffic at a safe sîaeed --\ere appreciated as well. And thanks should be extended 10 The Champion l'or lis c<entinnuied coverage tifour esent. Erik Kowal, president HARP Box 248, 875 Main St. E., Milton, Ont. L9T 4N9 (905) 878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified: 905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 Ian Oliver Publisher Neil Oliver A.seicate PuibBlier Jili Davis Edor-n Chief Karen Smith Managint Edbsnr Wendy McNab Advroîsing Direr for Tim Coles Producetion Manager Charlene Hall Distributionn Manager Teri Casas Office Manager The Canadian Champion, pubtished curry Ouesday and Fndnay at 875 Main St E_ Milton Ont ,LiT 4N9 (Bnn 248, is one nt The Metrolarid Printing, Pubttshing & Oîstnibuting HOd gnooy ot sulbunban comp>arues sOicS inclndes, Ajaio>Pnckering News Odversen, Ottiston Henatd/Courter, Barrie Advntce, Botton Enîterprise, Brampton Guandian iuntîngton Post, Burtington Shopping News, City Panent. City ot York Guardian, CnttrngwoodWasaga Coinnection, East York Mirron. Erin Advocate/Country Routes. 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Scat- bornugO Mitron Stoutturtte/yxbridge OnSuune Sdoertisirg is accepteS on the condition tsat in the euent ut a type- graphicat ennun, tht portion ot the aOueOtising syace occupînd loy the enre- meous item, together wîth a reasorabte attusance ton signature, wtt net Se changeS ton, Sut tnt batance ot the advesOnsement wrtt Se para fot at the appti- caSte rate The pabnsthen nesenues the right no categorinm advertnsements on t e ctn ne. Editonnat aedaSduentisnng content ot The Canadiani Champion ns proteced Sy copyrght. Onaulflenîzed use ns pnoîibnted. The Milton Cannada Chnampin ns a Reeyctable Prnduant j Be sure to include your name, addres and telepDhone number when submitting a letter to the editor for publication. Pud ýb Steve Nease KINI A MUPV ypp1ý fil L5 'NA&"m WALK

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