E~mI eI~jThe Canadian Champion, Tuesday May 10, 2005 - 27 __in jvnsEeit nMmram Z fIHora W asfo aeepelp mI elp 8 lHerlin Yfor MICHEFLLE ANYZEW IIOFMANN Ut. tMay 14,1005 ~hopso. Araia DooRS OPENs PMPRIZES, FOOD,D~~ TICKETS L$10.00 AT DOOR FEIvILY FUR DAY Corneand ioin the (M.C.A. on our family fan day. GOr May l4ffr. 2005 f ront 8:OOam f0 1 :OOpm. Yoa cen't miss as on the front iawn tuf E.C. Drury High Schoot. *Gianf Garage Safe* *Barbaque* *Silenf Aucfion* *Games for the whof e famiiy* PFrogremt infonmation* *Sammer Camp fInformation* *Craffs* *Sfory Timer *Bake Sae* Pn'rzes fol be won* So help support the SM of LGiyIgftn by spending fine st your family Keepmng Up With my cotmunity in qbt e(bampo ssified section Phone 905-878-2341 a email via Cedl f iloncanadian champion.o DetsDah BENEST, Marlon Rachel Inee Duncan) Peacefuly, os Friday May 6th, 2005 at the Georgetown Hospital. Masios, 76 years of aea iovisg mother of Anse (Bob), Jasa (Glenn), M'- cheile (Norman) and Barfos f Patf. Loved grand- mother of Derek fAilisont, Kavis, Andrea, Aman- de, Marcas, Nathan, Tara, Krisha, Rachat anrd Mark and greaf gradmother of Robert, Michaeia and Trinify. Oer sisfer of Keif h f Mofiof. Prede- ceased by her son Clf hon (1980), grasddaugbter Jennifer Sidebottom t1a9ot and brother Edwin Duncan f(1992). Friands wifl i h receivedaie tha J. Jones & Sos Fanerai Home, 11582 Trafal- gar Road, sorfh of MapI a Avasae, Gaorgafown, 905-877-3631 os Safuraay May 14f1h fromt 1:00 pm ustil the fime of Mamnosal Sarvice hstd sn tha chapef af 2:00 pmn. Recaptios f0 foliow in fhe Trafaigar Room. Crematios han fahes pfaca. sn lieu of ffowams confributios t tha William Osier Heait h Castre, Georgefown Campas or Commu- sity Cars Accesa Oestre waaid ha appreciafad. To sasd eopressioss of sympaf hy vi01f www. -sionesasdsonfussralhoma nom IneMeriam IneMoema WARREN TODD Good Bye my famits My ltf is past i lovsd you all f0 the vsry iasr Weep sot for me Bat courage tekse Love each other, for my naka For thos you love 00sft go away They walk baside you Everyday. Missing you very mach everyday '(ou mers a wosderfai hasband, fathar, son, brother & triesd Love Victoria, Miller, Jessi ca, The Tadd and Lyons Famill es tn Memary of BEVERLY WOLF BOUSFIELD Afways Remembered Afways Loeed by Mrs. E. Wott. Nigef. Kerri. Brandon, Ryae & David Lovîngly remembered by Tom & Ruth Bousfietd and famity BROOKVILLE area, as- A King Piliowfop Mat- fabiahed homa dapcars frass Set. New sn plas- han opesîsg, counfry tic. Cont $f600. nself Ion evironmnant lunches, 50 905-567-9459. snacks îsciuded, isfanss wecome, refarescen availabia. 905-854- BED, Amazîsg bargais, 3079. qaaas orthopadic pîlfow- f op val, f5w in plastic, RAINBOW VILLG warrasfy $150 905-567- DAYCARE ns accaPfîsg 4042 wîii deiiver. registration for chilires 18 mosfhs f0r 5 pears. French cians asd sonly BEDROOM Cherry- iearsing programmes. wood, Bed, chant, 905-878-7552 dresser, 2 sîgbtsfasds. Dovefal Construction. Neyer opansd Cost Bbstne $8.000. Sacrifice Sf1900. 955744 WANTED. Great for sfudent or retîred. CA ETIhosera Part-lime a 0iris CRE 1 000 e yr sera and eekends f or 1,0 yads of new 5-yrs and 8 montb Steismanter & 100% ny- otd. Katrina 905-875- toncarpet. Witt do living- 2382. room & hat for $389. sIndes cerpef,' pad & installation (30 yards) Arils Steve, 905-633-8192 KAYAK POOLS 12' x 20' Poots Starting et $5,995 - 1.800.668.7564 905.764.0164 wuw.ikayakpools.ca - $$$$$ WANTED- Att ELECTRIC hospital bed Chine, Siteer, Cryntel, mil h maffres. Very Tee Capa. Royal 000f- good condition. $400 or ton, Swaroaski, Giss, bent offer. 416-907- Jewetery, otd toys, col- 9385. tectiblen enfefes. Cati Jobs/ Tracey 905-331 - HOT Tub fSpa) Coosrs 2477 Bent Pâce, Beaf Quai ity. Ail Shapen & Cotours 21 ht. round above Avaîlabie. Cai 1-866- groasd pool, ail eqaip- 585-0056. ment, sew usner sn bon, ready f0 go, excellent HOT Tub/ Spa; 2005 shape. Ooaghf sn modei, ail options, Cov- groand $750/000 905- er. Neyer ussd sfillins 878-0999. wreppar. Cont $8.900. ________________ Sali $3.800. 4f 6-746- 9-PC white bedroom set 0995 wîfh iacqusrad tops in- dadaes double bedîrame MAYTAG stoee, white, ce- wîfh hb/fb, corser dank remic top, 3-yoars oid, wîth chair, sîghf table, seif-cisasîsg. Valua dresser wîth mirror & $1600. Ssii $480 060. dresser wîfh bookcass 905 203-4081/Cel 416- $300. Aise junior L.H. 876-7283 golf set iscludan bag & MVNOAL Prfm giova $35. Phone:95 OIGSL Prfm 878-5654. 725TL Foidaa siacfrîc A dining rvom, cherry- wood, doubla pedestel fable, 8 chairs, buffet, hatch, dovefail construc- tion. New ntil ini boxes. Cosf $11000. Sacrifice $2600. 905-567-9459. freadmili hardiy used masy Ceafures cont 61200/nel $450. Kifch- enAîd 6qrC professiosa miner hiack usd talcs cosf $650/sii $450 Sfone Patio sft cosf $1000 ssli/$400, 905- 878-6350 QJýocns JMAunsjj J. ,1ý A 11i A 1ýV Satu rd ay, May 14t' at 11: 00 arn for Randy Adkins (905-875-6964) Locatod: f0429 Staele o Ave, 1 mile vaut of James Snow Parkway, Milton. Jim McCaflney Auction Service Ltd. 905-689-8778 Weterdown www.aacttensfted.cent/mccartney AUCTION SALE On tha farm of the Late D. H. Arn ai 2336 Steoles Avenue West. Brampton os Saturday, May l4th, 2005 at 10:00 am of Farm Machinory; Fursituro, Antiques; etc. For a complota sit, rermo & condi- tions, pisasa ave or wsbsifa or col Auctronoor: Donald W. Reishart 905-846-1071 ý".reionnarta4,ctions.conr Nissan, oea silow tires, neeas 1icevua, s2000. 905-693-9019 1998 Pontiac Sustîre GT, iouded, "15,OOOkms. Cal Kevîs af 905-873-9545. 1999 Acura Istagra, sii- ver 2 door, air, nfarao, good condifios, f 42,000/kms, a stad and cerfifisd. $9.000- 000. 905-870-6519 W Tuk or Sale 1988 Ford F-150 V-8, aato. Masy nsw parts. $1400 AS IS. 905-875- f464, 1998 Dodgs Dakota Sport 4x4 V6 5 spd, stick, dark grees w/matchîng tonneau, bard cooer, rsnning brds. 155,000. kms, car- tîfied & reedy f0 go $12.000. Cai 519-853- 3472. ,,orge Space WANTED garage/stor. age ares for 2-3 cars. Private mature party. Storege osiy. Leae message 416-760-6550. Ti u estarF F ()R W 0 7fE 'N Nutrition & Finness Centers MANAGEMENT TRAINEES required for a cutfing-edge nutrition & fitness center for women open in the Mihton erea. Background in fitness or nutrition an asset. Salary + bonus wvith lots of growth opportunity. This position is sales oriented and requires a confident individuel. Forward resumne to: centerlobs@trueatarhepth.com. rneiz rnmez rgerz Our faam members fhrîve vn a busy service asmosphere and are skiiied as vharîng shaîr love of gardenîng with our customers. Wa need energesîc and ambOîous peopleat fiii fhis pear round career position Assistant Store Manager This posifiorn cails Cor someone misS a passion for ratail customer service. Candidates shouid hoa demovsfrafedi leadership ability, vuperior people vkilis, ha resuios drives, and ba raady to weicomv ahl the challenges oC a busy refaîl garden centre with a smilei Please send your rasume je MS WORD formas to: HR@TerraGreenhouses.c6m or mail ta: Humnan Rasources, Terra Greenhouses Head Office, 88 Concession Est, RR#I1, Wat.rdown, ON LOR 2H1 Fax: 905-689-1770 We hn f appfIat oee ony hose seinanô foa Pontiac - Buivk -CaSWac Business Office Manager Outstanding opportunity, for an indîvîdual who cas combine a professional management perspective with his/hea vn strvng sellisg Skills. Established track record in the automotîve Sales field wvuld be a requirement. Soccessful candidate wîll be jelnlng ove of Ontario's most succestul GM deaierships, You muet bo oetgving, well organized, hîghlp focued on youî professional objectives yod a great team ployer This position provîdes a unique opporlufnîiy for high income and includes atoull range of company benefits. Cal for your personaý interview te: Mr. Jamie Lalande John Bear Pontiac Buick Cadillac Ltd. 1200 Upper James Street Hamilton, Ontario 905-575-9400 jamio@johnbear.com tUeerlHetp 8 aieiH lp DUE f0 growfh in ragios, Martin Building Maintenance, an iSO-regiafered ciaaning company seeka fult and part-fime, Haavry and Lîghf duty cisanars for tha Milton Region. Ex- parîsoca an 5sft. IeerlHeIp Canada's largesi Furnîtere, Retaîler is undergoirg fi epansion program in oiu Now is yotir opportunfy t ain' "ý team and vo securîty and opperfunitia: We are currvrfiy oaaking er 10 fl fhe followingp BURLINGTO Wle offar compefitive ramer excelaent compa ifoctudiso profit osa Pieuse submit yv Leon's Fut 3167 North Sa Burllngton, ONC DRIVERS STIL Free Trai Schoo Bus Drivi Cati 905-87 c aiula es an eiîat opp Reqoîres molivaied self starter 10 loin OuI oea suies ieam. Wheo qualîfiod, foul hesefîls, salery and commission, Truo cafoef position wîlh 0111 dynamîc orgasizatios, ai ffai Office producîs, waler systeros or off ico coffae sales as asset. Muet have oas car. Submit resame te: inle@muldoons caflee.cou lU's nice whe. Yeu discover the Job is as garni as the coffte. Ouatity training e toceetîve Pragrams Benef its or Savings Pragram le Free Unîformo Full time & Part-time Positions Available (Customer Service & Production Staff) Honesty, caring & a workplace that feels like home: CAn employer yaa can count an. Apply la persan wilh reaume ai: %TE 587 Third Line (Acress from Eue) ffmeb 1515 Reheca SI. (Hopedale Mail) HELP WANTED EUREST DININC SERVICES MILTON CCFPC Has immediate openinga for: F/T Cook (Red Seal Preferredi P/T & F/T GENERAL HELP To arrange to be interviewed, Plene Fax orEmadi ynar reaume to FAX# 905-875-2437 E,,sii: 2O8O2@rn.p-a naewd.aaa NOW HIR5'dG *Onli rvainvgo IntveaPrams - enefis - Free Unifores -StaffsSunt nnrousMtieai Policy 15 LL TME & PART TIME For morsîsgs. alfervoos & ovsrsîghf shiffs. Premiam paîd for f1 pm-7am shîht. Stadasfs asicome Apply ln peraon or fox meaume to: 8501 Hwy> 25 N (lust north of the 401) MiI ton Ph: 90547878712 Fax. 90"478-1583 \ ~ ATTENDANT goîsg & cas 000 a 905-873-4797 Appliasce & Flectronic JOBS he moot aogressive AVAILABLE r ompany's hîntory Production work o hocome part of our sn the MILTON aveu. mvy the berefîts, $1-$12/hr. v [0000s hue 10 offer. Ail shifts avaîlabla. sthusiostîc indivîdualo HCR lesifvons at our Fax: 905-870-4090 or 'N location. Tel: 905-876-4661 MANAGE Ste. #205, Milton Y ORIER M/ Postion Rl-H-USI - Excellete organizatioval eratin pakage and & customor service ry erfpcks ad skills for busy office. rip evefît lodapandeof worker uresum oroa a/computai kîîualedge rurse f0Exp. an assat, sot ?rnltue R.suifable for oludenst. ervic Rd2 Eutail rosua. te : SYnîPatco.ca L NEEDED ABA qualîfîsa asargaf c ning teachar saadad for girl ors Wai wîfh aufioro. 10-15 7-4448 hoars/waak, Pivasa cati ortuvîiy crpavy 905-842-0594 -.W -p ýE ilor 4=m -Ir 'n.. s..atuelrourit TooThe ieadîvo international aviat inn Services provîder af Toronfoternational Airpont iv curranty hîring dadicafed stff for is dynamîn ainline partnar Skysarvîca Aîrlinav inn. CUSTOMER SERVICE AGENTS - sfarftng mages $9.27 ter hr Candidates miii ba reanonsibla for providing seamiass unbeafabe castomar sarvica fhrough the check-in, deparfure ana arrivai procasa. minimum raquiraments inciade fiuancy in spokan and mritten En o ish, computer and keyboard skîlis, and must be lait ber a Ca- nadian Cifizen or a ianded immigrant in Canada for a et su 5 ypars. Addîfionai tanguages such as Hebrem, Ifaiian, Spanish, P rtuusva a ch, G erman, Russia, French, CroafiajSerbia, Poivh, Korna. and Chinese and a Travai and Tourism Diptoma mould be an assai. Appiicanfs must ba avaîlabte f0 work various shiffs f24/71. Please submif your resume by: e-mail: YVZHR@GlobeGround-na.com Fax Io- 905-694-1717 Ail candidates mutl be required f0 vuccessfuly pava a criminal background check andt obtate airponi vercurife clearance. Only those that quaify miii be contactedi Equal empioymenf opportunify