The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 10, 2005-23 O'Meara goes third overali in CFL draft Amik - Offensive tackle picked up by Saskatchewan By STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Matt O'Meara's i m m e it future on the gridiron is uncertain, and he's mighty intrigued about that. The 2? year-old Mîltonian has the opportunity of' retumning for a fi1th and deciding year ai McMaster University, but may flot exercise that option depending on how tbings unfold later this month in Saskatchewan. Picked up third overaîl by the Roughriders ni the recent CFL hniy Draft. O'Meara begins train- ing camp May 24 and could see pre-season play agaiitst eitber Calgary or B.C. in early June. "Saskatchewan bas one of the best o-fines ni the league. ltiii be great for me to learn fromn these pýuys.- said the offiensive tackle Sunday momning ai Milton District High School. "I'm really excited about camp. I-opefully they'll keep nie aiound as a back-up or somne tbing, but if tbey don't poing back 10 McMaster xviii be great 100. It's a win-wjn situation." O'Meara certainiy didn't expect to be selected so bigb, even aliter getting a caîl from the Rougbriders the nigbt before the draft. -Tbey said they were interested in getting me and 1 said, 'Sounds good'," be recalled. 1I guess they. like my size and agility but 1 thoughi maybe tbey were tbinking of me for the second round or so. 1 was pretty shocked wben 1 saw my nainse on the Internet that day.- The top offensive player picked in ibis year's draft, O'Meara brîîîgs a svealîh of physical assets and suc- cess to Saskatcbewan. At six-foot-lfive-inches and 3(10 pounds. be ceriaini> doesîît Iack anyîbing in the stature departmnent. And with tbree provincial Yates Cups under his belt. tbe Rougbriders gel someone svbo knows wbaî il takes to svîn under bîgb-stakes pressure. -That (Mac's sîrong track record) mighî be part of it, 1 don't really knosv." remarked O'Meara, an OUA First Team Ail Star lasi season, during whicb bis Marauders fe11 just sbort of' secur- ing an unprecedetsted fiftb straight provincial cbampionsbip. Whiie McMaster loses a number of key veterans -including recent Seattle Seabawks acquisition Jesse Lumsden and fellow Mîltonian Sean Postma -O'Meara feels enougb core players are back t0 put togebher a successful 2005 drive. "I tbink a lot of people are count- ing us oui. ansd tbey sbouidn't." Now, finisbed bis universîîy tenure. Posîma -a 23-year old tiglit end -îecenîly attetsded tbe l-larniltmn Tîgercaîs' frec agent camp. O'Meara is quick t0 praise bis feilosv Miltonian. callîng bîrs 1an awesome player'. and feels be's capable of catcbing on in the CFL. "Hopefuliy some tears svill take bini. maybe even tbe Rouphoiders. How great would ibat be. two Miltonians playing witb Saskatchewan?" -Raiders drop RBC opener The Georgetown Raiders' fîrst taste of national competîîîon was rather tougb 10 swallow. The Dudley Hewitî Cup cbamps - who include Miltonian Dan Rgrssan weeiple Ro3by b Rgrssand r anipevi4-3 b h hosi Weybumn Red Wings Sunday nigbt in round one of tbe Royal Bank Dan Cup. An 0-for-5 powerplay cam- Rogers paign and some undisciplined play of their own were the key stumbling blocks for the Centrai Canadian representatives. who drew within a goal on a lasi second deposit by Mike Guriler. Also ligbting tbe lamp were captain John Wheaton and defenceman Frank DeAngelis. John Barrow stopped 32 shots to keep things tight. Rogers and Sgarhossa were held pointless, but 4 did reach the scoresheet with a com- j ~ ~ bined six minutes in penalties. The Raiders continued preliminary L f *À play last night againsi the Atlantic Rob champions, Nova Scoîia's Est Sabos Hawkesbury Hawks. They take on g osa the Western champion Portage Terriers tomorrow and close oui the round robin Thursday against the Pacifie champion Camrose Kodiaks. The Royal Bank Cup semnifinais and finals are slated for Saturday and Sunday.