Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Apr 2005, p. 19

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The Canadiani Champion, Tuesday, Apnli 26, 2005-19 HIGH SCHOO REPORT Belînda Alzner Ashley Clerici Jua Pyper MILTON DISTRICT Hie SCHOOL "Id like 10 tll you ail a story about a week la the tife of a Milton District grade 12 girl... Monday mornings are probably one of the most painfal expert- ences of any high schooler's life, but this Moîîday was excmuciating. After an hour-long struggle, she made ber way from bed to the won- derful educational faciliîy of MDHS. ht was going to be a busy few days. that's for sure. ISU's, unit tests, projects and assîguments seem te, pile ap on ber faster than she coul d complete them. Ugh. she hated ihe week before mîdterms! However, she had to muke it count, as these are the marks ihat Universities and Colleges wîll be looking ai for tbose seniors wîsh- ing 10 attend a post-srcondury institution nexi fait. A few sleeptess nigbts for University? Well, she lovrd sleep. but something bud to be sucnificed. One day. sbe wus walking unta the batftroom after school and was ulmost mun over by a number of îougb looking girls on their way oui 10, the field. Ah yrs, girls football, of course. Tbey are still praclîs- ing, in preparution for their upcomîng tournament. Trust me. tbese girls are tough; a force t0 be reckoned with. for sure! White listening 10, tbe wonderful a.m. unnouncements she heard Ibut the boys soccer teum picked up a win. 3-0? Wow! 'lit tramn sure is coming togetber. fI must be because of aIl tbeir hard work und training Ibul ihey do pretty much every day ufier scbool. They're oui munning itult truck witb the girls' ieum every day wibout falter. Speuking of tbe girls. tbey bud Ibeir first gume last Tbursday as well. Hmm, 1 wonder bow Ibut wrnt? I bot I could bear if tbe a.m. unnouincemenîs pluyed 5 minutes lter. (Again, tbe wbole lack of sleep lbiug makes it bard te, be ou lime sometîmes!) Sbe beaded out 10 sofîbaîl practise a couple duys as well. Made up of a mixture of seasoned veîerans and rookies. tbe ieam is goîng to practise bard in bopes of putting up a winntng record tbîs season. Pop flues. grounders, îufields and outitetds-tbey were stowly but surely getiing it aIl down. Tbe boys, bowever, are bardcore tbis year. Sbe îalked 10 a few of tbem and tbey îotd ber about tbe nerve-rack- îng culs, tbe practtses at Rotary Park. and tbe injuries tbai bave already begun! It sounds excîting. Fingers crossed for a rockin'sea- At luncb last Prîday. sbe saw many studenis participating in doîng ibeir part on Eartb Day! Garbage bags were beîng fitîrd witb trasb from along tbe football fietd and surrounding area. Sbe asked one of ber fellow students and comrades. Aaron Fair, wby be'd pick up garbage on bis luncb bour. He responded. "Wel. ibis wortd needs a massive remodelling. I fet if we aIt dîd our ltte part, tbe wortd woutd be a înucb cleaner place." Ab yes. it a very înspîrîng moment îudeed. Tbese Mustangs sure bave communiîy spirit as well as ibat of tbe bIne and wbite kind! Wow, wbat a wrek! Sbe was exbuusted. .. .so slrepy ibat. .. .now Ibat ber week is over. .. .sbe's down und ouI .. ai least untîl. .. .tbe nent. .. .Mustung Messenger! Ho wvil have less than a second to make a decàon. Prepare for the rond abead with Young Drivera' Coflisionfree! Approach to DrivingTM! Ix' the only driver training progrum 10 offer threuhold and ABS emergency braking, awerving techniques, reur crash and head-on collision avoidance. Cai us or visit for more dtalls. MAY 205IlE20 -BEK N O U S E K N D C U S ., Ma 7, 8,1,5Jn ,,11 The genuîne YD progrum is flot uvaitable in any bigb scboot. 905-875-0480 &YOUNG DRIVERSOof Canada Your licence to survive. ISO 9001:2000 Regîsîered MTO APPROVED BEGINNER DRIVER EDUCATION COURSE PROVIDER Kim Hester Kotie Bonguy Proshant Neikwadi E.C. DRURT Biron SiCHGGL "Hi Kim, I'm herel" Katie saicl as she slepped in the door ofthe computer lab. "Oh bey Katie, how was your day?" Kimu exciairurd cheer- ily as she began 10 type Ibis sveek's article on the computer. "Weil Kim, I speul the wbole day practicing for Sears! Last Friday wr traveled to Bradford 10 compete in the regional competiion. Resulîs are pending, but I know we did an awe- some job, the adjudicator seerurd exîremely impressrd wilh our performance of "Angelique" Katie said. Just then, Prashani walked in witb a spriug in bis slep. "What did you do today Prashant?" Kim asked him. "I jusî came back fromt walching intramurul soccer in the gym. Belore thut, 1 got my pledge formu for 'Cul for the Cure', whicb is happening May I1 th. About twenty brave staff and studenîs sigoed up 10 bave their beads shaved in order to raise money for cancer research. Eartier in the day, I attended a meet- ing for the 30-bour Famine and learord aIl about the amazing evenîs which will include a sîrepover, video games, movies and other fun activities." Prashant said excitedly, gasping for breath. "Wow, you've had quite the busy day Prashant! What did you do today Kim?" Katie asked, "Today I practiced for tonigbî's Jazz concert ut Milton District! AIl Ibrer Milton higb schools will collaborate in Ibis nighî of supreme talent and awesome lunes! 1 also leaimed that on Monday, May 2nd, the concert band and choir will be partic- ipaling in "Music Monday". This is an event in which schools froru across the country will ail] play the same song ai the saine lime (1:00 pr.>." said Kimu. "Weil enough of caîching up, IrI's gel startrd on Ibis week's article!" Prashant said as tbey put their heads togrîber and began typing the next Dateline Drury. Now, for this week's "WHERE ARE THEY NOW?", Our guesti s Heather Merk. Vears ut Drury: 1995-2000 Following Drury: U of T, 20)00-2004, BSc. Forensir Sciences Currently: Single, rnaking career choices beîween a) law school aI Western or b) PhDf at Penn Staîr Favorit e Drury Memorien: School reach, Mrs. Kerr Wilson's Gr. 9 Geography class' How Did Drury Prepare You: Taughî me 10 embrace change and 001 be afraîd of il, and 10 lake advanîage of opportunities of which there were many available. Kafîs Nadalin Siobhan Dearoches DISHOP REDINO HIGI SCIG016 Welcome everyone 10 anoîher greal edîtton of tbe Royal Report! Spring bas movcd in this paul week, wiîb sunny days and warm weatbf r. Wf hope that everyone bas bfen fnjoying the change in lemperalure and bas bfeen able 10 lake advanîage of tbf sun by spending lime oulside. We know that our Royals sports tfamb bave been laking advan- luge of the ouldoors. By now, boys and girls soccer is in full force and botb le ams are shaping up 10 ha the hf ut team out Ibere! Also, the tennis tearu is gelîing organized and il won'î be long until you can see îbem practicing on the courts, Sign up was lasî Wednesday but if you are stili interesîrd please visit Mr.Mazer in roomn 204 as soon as possible. Remember new play- ers are always welcome and grade nines are encouraged 10 tî'y ouI for Ibis fun leam! Go Royals! Also in sports, the Royal Report along wilb ail of Bisbop Reding would like to exîend sincere, congratulations 10 Ms, Marsalek's Dance Team. Lait weekend tbey participaîed in the Kinetie Cobesion Dance Team Sbowcase in Kitchener, wbicb is a very flan event wbere dance teams from many sebools acrosu Ontario galber. The dancers spend a lot of lime in worksbops wiîb dancers fromn other îeams, working on routines and pet'forming logelber. At the end there is one big sbowcase wbere the dancers are able to show off Ibeir moyeu 10 everyone. Our leamu did a spectacular job and defînitely represenîed our sebool well! Good job girls and special tbanks 10 Ms.Marsalek for aIl of ber bard work!! Greased Lighlenin'! Go Greased Ligbtenin'! Thaî's righî, iî's lime for the long-awaiîed Grease production bere ai Bishop Reding! The lovely Elizabeth Hughes and zany Eric Lasorda will be slarring as Sandy and Danny, which is sure te, make the show terrifie. This year's play bas an amazing set design, fantas- lic music. and of course a greal cast, wbich ts sure tnake il one of our best play's evcr! The performances are Friday, April 29îb and' Saîurday, April 301h aI 7:00 pin. Admission prices are $10.00 for adulîs and $8.00 for sîudenîs/cbildren. Howcver ail tickets are $10.00 ai the door. So corne on 0u1 for a nighî of enlertainmenî and support the dramatie and musical talent we have here aI Bisbop Reding! Sce you there! Weil Royals, Ibat is ail Ibat we bave 10 report 10 you for this week, Keep enjoying the beautiful spring weatber, but remember 10 do your bomework 100! This is the Royal Report uigning off!

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