The Canadian Champion, Friday, March 25, 2005-23 sleblanc@ haltonsearch. com Gleed wins ECAC crown with Corneil Big Red advance to NCAA tourney By MURRAY TOWNSEND Special ta The Champion Milton's ion Gleed is going back to the dance - the ice dance that is. His CornelI University hockey team will compete at the NCAA tournament for the second time in three years after topping ils ECAC opposition last weekend. The Big Red clinched t he conf .erence title svith a -3-1 decision over Harvard Saturday nigbt -extending ifs unbeaten streak t0 18 gaines - e follow up on last Friday's 3-0 semnifinal whitewasb of Vermont and a best-of-three (5-0. 3-20T) quarferfinal series ssveep against Clarkson. Allowing just three goals over these last tour games is a testament to the Big Red's goalie Hobey Baker finalist David McKee altbough Gleed has to take ai leasi a litte 0f ihe credit bimself.* "Everybody is cormitted f0 strong defence." said tlhe junior defènceman, wbo helped limit Harvard f0 a inere 18 shots in t he ECAC title gamne mn Albany, Nesv York. .,Territorial dispute Halton Hurricanes forward Jake Davis (right> batties an Oakvllle opponent during Sunclay's 2-1 wln for the OMHA bronze moedaL. For full resuits, ams page 24. Photo by HERB GARBUTT - "Our goal was to be the best defensive team in the nation and so far we've accomplished that.' Gleed isnt anx- ious te pigeonhole bimself as a defen- sive defenseman, JnGed but added tbat he's JnGed cerîainîy comfiîri- able with life inside bis own blueline. -1 strive 10 take care of my own end first, and jump int tbe play after that. 1 guess 1 fit in well to whaî our coach is looking for." Wbile bis last trip t0 the NCAA tourna- ment was marked with advancement 10 the Frozen Four Gleed indicates that be's much more excited about bis return appear- ance at tbe national sbowcase -aI least f rom a personal standpoint. -l didn't bave an oppontunity 10 play in tbe Frozen Four ibat year. 1 was tbe only tresbman defenceman on tbe team. and it ssas tougb to crack that lineup." be said. "This year Vve been able 10 contrîbute a lot more to the success of the team." A seventb round draft pick of tbe Montreal Canadiens last summer, Gleed is no stranger 10 bigb-stakes competition. Before joîning Cîîrnell be aided the nearby Brampton Capitais in their 2001/02 Prosvincial Jr. A League cbampionsbîp mun. Expecîations are quite bigb for the Big Red tiis finme arusund, and Gleed believes îbey have a legitîmnate shot ai the national cbampionsbip. Tbey've won tsvo of fbem before. one in 1967 and one in 1970 witb legend-i n-tbe- maki ng Ken Dryden backstopping botb of tbose teams. The Big Red are ranked fiftb for the 16- teamn NCAA toumatnent and bave been moved west 10 Minneapolis, wbere tbey'll face off against 27-10-4 Obio State tomor- rosv afternoon. Tbe winner advances to bantle eitber Maine or Minnesota. The winners of eacb of tbe four brackets make up the Frozen Four in Columbus. Ohio April 7 and 9. Milton Minor Basebali Association Registration Milton Sports Centre Located ait the north entrance ]FINAL REGISTRATION! for the upcoming 2005 season Saturday, -March 26, 2005 from 9:3Oam - 2:OO0pm eLO Please bring a birth certificate if new register. Any questions please ealu our hotline .. --o and download an application form . We ar loloigfor individuals that are interested in umpiring gamnes, ~. ~7~ .. and have opportunities for individuals that are interested in coaching. - - Thtis is good for community service hours.